quick question- girls only



  • Julbella78
    Julbella78 Posts: 161 Member
    I totally gain the week before and during my period. It sucks.
  • JustBeckyV
    JustBeckyV Posts: 182
    Just have to take it into account and know it's going to happen every month. Sucks but it doesn't effect the long term :)
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Does anyway see a difference with weight gain or fluctiation during the week of your period? I was just wondering if I should even bother to weigh myself. I lost 2 lbs already, I am following my diet plan, but I am nervous the scale is going to be up.

    Weight during the period week can go up by 5lb or even more in some cases.

    Weigh yourself still, write down that it is "the big M week", take all your measurements and then carry on until the next weigh in session the next week.

    Gradually as the weeks go by, you will see a pattern emerge and know when and by how much to expect your weight to rise (or not).

    Whatever the case, do not get disheartened as any weight that does go on, invariably comes off again, once that week is over x
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