Wa Going to Try for Lap-Band, But Decided Against It



  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I am sorry but MacMadame your posts dont really give much hope for my future. I am not heavy enough for WLS to be an option but for reading your posts you honestly make me feel like why should i even bother trying to lose the weight? Whats the point if I am just going to gain it all back and then some in 2-5 years.

    Now I have to go into my statistian brain. I think I need to see a little more information on the sample sizes/populations to figure out who this applies to. Stats can be twisted to suit any purpose and prove any case. Do I think I am fighting an uphill battle? YES! Do I think I am going to fight this fight for the REST of my life? YES! Do I think I can lose the weight and keep it off? YES!

    I am working my butt off to be a better me. I feel better (in general, about myself, and about my body). I am 100% sure I will have to record everything I eat everyday for the rest of my life (in order to be in control of my food and portions) but I actually feel bad that I even read any of the responses at this point.

    To the OP, You have to do whats best for you, good luck with losing weight!
  • jenniflower75
    jenniflower75 Posts: 23 Member
    well about a year and a half ago I was approved for lap band surgery, did the whole seminar pre surgery thing, and was all ready just waiting for a date. during that time i decided to give it one last try but that was it i was sick of being fat and i was at my top weight ever. I cut my calories and started loosing weight.. over about a nine month period i lost about 60 lbs I was exstatic but then i had my first real challenge.. the holidays. UGH that was awful for me.. an entire month and a half of every night mare food you could want and i was in charge of making it all including all the cookies, fudge and every other kind of desert you could want. THankfully i only gained ten pounds in that time but after that could NOT get back on track.. I couldnt cut my calories again. I was always hungry and felt like i was starving. I wasnt gaiing any more weight, maintaining the ten pound gain but i started getting very depressed and frustrated.. i went the dangerous route and started vomitting and going on four and five day fasts with nothing but water. SUre i lost weight.. alot of it, something like 20 lbs.. but of course i gained it all back. When i came here i was at my wits end. Ive been here i think like a month and a half and have lost ten pounds, but that ten pounds wasnt easy havingboth lost and gained while here.. Im still frustrated but still trying. I know now that my choice to not do lap band was the best choice i could have made but dont regret your decision if and when you hit some road blocks.. i GUARANTEE you they will come but you will also get over them anothr guarantee!!! Congrats on your decision and keep on keepin on.. it will come off quicker than you realize and a year from now you are gonna look back and say i dont believe i lost all of this.. also one thing i found very very helpful is taking before and after photos... sometimes when i look at them i cry but they are a reminder not only of how bad i was but of how good im doing.. good luck
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I am sorry but MacMadame your posts dont really give much hope for my future. I am not heavy enough for WLS to be an option but for reading your posts you honestly make me feel like why should i even bother trying to lose the weight? Whats the point if I am just going to gain it all back and then some in 2-5 years.
    Well, (a) you have less than 50 pounds to lose so all the studies about people with 50 pounds or more to lose don't necessarily apply to you and (b) statistics are not predicative to the individual.

    There are people on MFP who are in all situations. Some people want to lose a few pounds that they put on as they got older or had a baby and never really were overweight before that. Some people are essentially thin people who occasionally get sloppy and put on 10-20 pounds and need/want the discipline of logging their food to take it off. Those aren't really the people in the studies. Things like MFP and eating healthy and getting back to exercise works great for them. Sounds like that could be you too.

    One thing that gives me hope for my kids though -- and should for you too -- is that even though there seems to be a large genetic component to this -- that exercise seems to be able to overcome it. A recent study of twins where one was overweight and one was thinner found that the difference is that the thinner twin exercised. Exercise ran raise our metabolism and it seems like it can change our set point too. (It does all sorts of other cool things as well. :happy:)

    I've come to realize that exercise just isn't a way to burn more calories so we can eat more and/or get to goal faster. It's the key to life, the universe, and everything! :laugh:
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