How Can You Stop Evening Hunger



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • kinzieplatt
    kinzieplatt Posts: 81 Member
    drink lots of water, change your mind set (i know, easier said than done), and are you REALLY hungry, or do you just WANT to eat?

    Try eating dinner earlier, and having a snack, a few hours after, such as an apple, or strawberries with cool whip!

  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    I have a glass of red wine with dinner, and the last sips for the evening of red wine sort of set the message that the "kitchen is closed for the night". I'm satisfied because of the meal and the wine, and it sets a routine pattern that my body jives with. Works for me. I know some people who brush their teeth with minty toothpaste, which they say cancels the hunger pains. Two more ideas here for you to consider. Good luck.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    If I'm really hungry at the end of the day (stomach growling, can't settle down), I know I need to eat more. Cheerios with milk is my pre-bedtime snack if I need it. It hasn't hurt my goals.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    Deepak Chopra says that night hunger starts at 10 pm - so go to bed earlier ! I know that is hard.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    More protein, plus, if you really want to eat more take a walk or something so that you "earn" some additional calories.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    You could have an 2 egg white omelette (34 cal.) with 1/8 cup of shredded cheddar (45 cals) and a low carb yogurt (60 cal.) for 139 calories. Add a cup of spinach to the omelette for another 10.

    Hope you feel satisfied soon --

    Every time someone throws away an egg yolk...

    ...a puppy dies.

    Please don't throw away perfectly good egg yolks...

    ...for the puppies.

    I don't like egg yolks. And puppies are cute, but I am not keen for dogs, which puppies end up being. Poor puppies. Now I am wonder if I can freeze egg yolks to make a custard later...... So the puppies can live.

    I should have been more specific. Every time someone throws away an egg yolk just to save calories...

    I don't think it happens if you throw away an egg yolk because you don't like them...

    ...hypothetically speaking, of course, since everyone likes egg yolks because they are if you don't like them, you're obviously an alien. Do aliens even like puppies?

    Aliens love puppies, with salsa.
  • 88blue14
    88blue14 Posts: 2 Member
    I find protein will curb my hunger faster than any veggie. I live across the big water by the ferry to NFLD. Try keeping some Silhouette Danone 50 cal Greek yogurt, there are a few flavours. If you have a craving for ice cream put it in the freezer for a bit to make it like ice milk. Works every time for me. Follow with a glass of water.

    Many others make good points about going for a walk to get the extra calories, sometimes after a walk I don't feel like eating anything. Take some water with you as well it will help to stay hydrated and curb the hunger.

    Good luck.
  • archaichoney
    archaichoney Posts: 132 Member
    Butt tons of protein, water and whole foods. I'm stuffed today and it's definitely been the proteins.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    You could have an 2 egg white omelette (34 cal.) with 1/8 cup of shredded cheddar (45 cals) and a low carb yogurt (60 cal.) for 139 calories. Add a cup of spinach to the omelette for another 10.

    Hope you feel satisfied soon --

    Every time someone throws away an egg yolk...

    ...a puppy dies.

    Please don't throw away perfectly good egg yolks...

    ...for the puppies.

    I don't like egg yolks. And puppies are cute, but I am not keen for dogs, which puppies end up being. Poor puppies. Now I am wonder if I can freeze egg yolks to make a custard later...... So the puppies can live.

    I should have been more specific. Every time someone throws away an egg yolk just to save calories...

    I don't think it happens if you throw away an egg yolk because you don't like them...

    ...hypothetically speaking, of course, since everyone likes egg yolks because they are if you don't like them, you're obviously an alien. Do aliens even like puppies?

    Aliens LOVE puppies. But they can rarely eat a whole one.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    You could have an 2 egg white omelette (34 cal.) with 1/8 cup of shredded cheddar (45 cals) and a low carb yogurt (60 cal.) for 139 calories. Add a cup of spinach to the omelette for another 10.

    Hope you feel satisfied soon --

    Every time someone throws away an egg yolk...

    ...a puppy dies.

    Please don't throw away perfectly good egg yolks...

    ...for the puppies.

    I don't like egg yolks. And puppies are cute, but I am not keen for dogs, which puppies end up being. Poor puppies. Now I am wonder if I can freeze egg yolks to make a custard later...... So the puppies can live.

    I should have been more specific. Every time someone throws away an egg yolk just to save calories...

    I don't think it happens if you throw away an egg yolk because you don't like them...

    ...hypothetically speaking, of course, since everyone likes egg yolks because they are if you don't like them, you're obviously an alien. Do aliens even like puppies?

    Aliens LOVE puppies. But they can rarely eat a whole one.
