
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Merry Christmas !

    :flowerforyou: Heather, so glad your electricity came back on, can't believe it was off for 19 hours, no wonder you were beginning to panic.:noway: :I've heard on the news that "down south" there's been lots of flooding and quite a few homes without electricity.

    We've been lucky "up north" York is in a vale so we sometimes miss out on the bad weather. We've had lots of rain and it's been windy, but nothing compared to what you have had to cope with.

    :flowerforyou: Well I've got the meat cooking, I'll put the Quorn roast in soon, the veggies are ready to steam, I only need to peel the potatoes and mix the Yorkshire Puddings. I'm making DD a vegetarian toad in the hole, as she's not keen on the Quorn roast, they've changed the recipe and she preferred the old version :ohwell: Hopefully, everything will be ready at the same time :laugh: :laugh:

    Well I'd better make a move, I've a couple of presents to wrap before I deliver them and then I need to do a quick tidy ready for DS and DIL and grandson arrive, but knowing them they'll be a few hours yet ,

    Hope everyone has a fabulous day :heart: :heart:

    Viv in Cold York UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Happy Holidays and a very Merry Christmas!

    Everyone arriving in 10 mins.:bigsmile:

    Still 50, 000 homes without power and many flooded. I am grateful we are fine now.

    Love to all. The turkey is cooking, I have my flashing earrings on, let the party begin!

    Heather UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Merry Christmas to all that celebrate today! May your day be filled with joy, love and peace!

    Love you all:heart:

    DeeDee in cold NC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Up early, presents all in place---just me with tree lights on, mug of tea, and birds starting to cheep outside. Hope everyone has a great day!!! Will start on a couple pies in a few minutes. Morning will be here with dinner about 1pm, visit to a neighbor, then off to a get together of the folk dance group.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    Morning my friends~and Merry Christmas to those who celebrate
    today it is just another day in our household, my DH is a non believer so its up and attem and start the day, nothing special.. a bowl of cereal and walking the dogs..
    well the DH is ticked at me and probably not going to speak to me because I got him a card and g.c., and he didn't get me anything..
    which I knew he wouldn't..
    going to relax today and skype with the DGD today, which will be fun...
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Merry Christmas to all who celebrate

    Thank you to each one of you for the support you have given me with my dear brothers passing, Christmas is quiet here but with younger Dgc we still are enjoying their spirit of the season.

    May everyone enjoy this day and all your lovely meals (just not too much)
    Hug your loved ones and tell them you love them

    Juanita in sudbury
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    jane smith - welcome. You're on your way, that's for sure

    Sylvia - so sorry to hear this

    Vicki - congrats on the great loss

    Heather - so glad you got electricity back. You've worked so hard and to have the holiday messed up. Glad it wasn't.

    Tina - you are absolutely amazing

    suekellar - welcome!

    barbie - you know something? Being accustomed to healthy eating, today when I have a day when I'm not eating real healthily, I feel "somewhat crummy". I'm walking right past the cookies that I made and I have no desire for them at all.

    drkatiebug - what a wonderful puzzle that sounds like!

    Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!

    Did 45 minutes of Leslie Sansone's walking DVD. I didn't drink that much water. Today is going to be another "one of those days". Put the ham in the crockpot so we should be able to have dinner around 5 or 6. Guess we'll have leftover mashed potatoes and corn. I have fixings for a salad, maybe I'll make that, too. Wrapped up some of the cooked pierogi for Denise to take back. Not sure how this is all going to work out, is she going to take the insulated package back with her? Penn (friend of Jess's) family sent us barbecue from Corky's. Rita - he's from TN, it's supposed to be very well known. What can you tell me about it? Jess was very excited when it got here. We'll have it for dinner tonight along with the ham. I'll probably give the rest to Jess to take home since she really likes the bbq (and I really don't need it). Got a few of the cookies for Denise to take back, I have no idea what Pete likes so I didn't give her much. Everything for her is in the freezer, so hopefully, it'll stay frozen for her trip home.

    Jess is going back tomorrow and coming back Friday. Will just give me time to vacuum, clean up a bit, and she's back.

    Right now we have 7 cats in the house. The cats outnumber the humans!!!

    anamika - Bryan used to be so giving and helpful. I don't know what got into him. Now he's so very selfish -- thinks only of himself. Well...hopefully, this too shall pass. And if not, at least I know in my heart that I've given him a good foundation, not only in schooling but in morals. That must be why Diana's family likes him so much. Thank you so much for wishes for us, our friends, and reminding us to forgive and small memories to forget. How lovely!

    Went to mass last night. Jess commented "when did they change the mass"? It's only been changed for over a year! It was just so funny to hear her say "that's not how the prayer went"

    Sylvia - happy anniversary! To me, sounds like a perfectly good reason to have your cath done in 2013. I'd probably do the same thing

    After we got home from church last night I had a craving, do you know what for? A pear! Yup, last year I mentioned to my girlfriend who always sends us a gift that I LOVE fruit (I don't know of any veges that come in gift packages but fruit does). So I had two of these mini-pears. They are so sweet! Oh, how precious, carrying around the stepstool! Put a real big smile on my face. When my kids were little, each got one beater and the third got the bowl to lick out....lol

    Watched my "Christmas Eve on Sesame Street" DVD after we opened a gift. I do that every year. Reminds me of a time when the kids were little, sitting in front of the TV, then going to bed so santa can come (and Denise getting up at 5am saying that she hears the reindeer...lol)

    Joyce - go to a craft store and explain to them what it is you want to do. I know there is something that you put on fabric, and for the life of me I can't remember what it is, that makes the fabric stiff. Don't know if that'll work on your tubing. They would be the best people to ask. Maybe someone at AC Moore (if you have one near you)

    Heather - I forgot to put my earrings on, so you talking about your flashing earrings reminded me. Thanks

    I want to give each and every one of you a special thanks for being here for me, thru ups and down. You all mean so much to me.

    Michele in NC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Merry Christmas to all my wonderful friends.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    It's been quite awhile, but wanted to say Merry Christmas/Happy Hannukah/Fabulous Festivus/Kickin' Kwanzaa to all you lovely ladies! Next week will mark my one year on MFP - time flies!

    Brooke from Colorado
    "I do not at all understand the mystery of grace - only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us."
    (Anne Lamott)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    :heart: Merry Christmas to all who celebrate this day!:heart:

    Hope you enjoy your time with family and friends today. Prayers for all who are struggling with health and family issues.:flowerforyou:

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    :heart: Merry Christmas to all who celebrate this day!:heart:

    Hope you enjoy your time with family and friends today. Prayers for all who are struggling with health and family issues.:flowerforyou:


    Echoing these thoughts. Best wishes to all dear Vitamin F friends. :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Lin in Central Iowa
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Merrrrrrrrrry Christmas to one and all! :heart:

    Barbie, what a cute Santa and reindeer:bigsmile:

    I'm about ready to get started making stuffing for turkey dinner tonight! Love the smell of turkey roasting :love:

    My pic here is of my niece's Christmas card :laugh: too funny!

    Have a wonderful day everyone, sending love, and gratitude for my fitness pals! :drinker: Cheers!

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: Thanks for the Santa and sleigh animation. I love it.:heart::bigsmile:

    Sandy: Stay warm and watch out for the ice. It attacked me by surprise a few weeks ago, and now I have a poor paw--I fractured a bone in my wrist. I don't want it to happen to anyone else. :flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie: How wonderful to have a puzzle of your DGC. I didn’t know that was possible.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: There are at least two very good reasons to have your stent put in right away. It is needed, and the sooner the better. Putting it into this year for insurance reasons is smart financial planning but the angina episodes are the core of it. I hope all goes well and your recovery is swift.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Viv: I’m glad to hear that you’ve had a relatively easy time of things during the storm that has hit Britain so hard. I went to BBC on line and read in some detail about how bad it has been in some places. Enjoy your Christmas with your family.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Party hearty, as they say. Merry Christmas!:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: Your DH wouldn’t by chance be named Ebenezer, would he? :huh: Hugs to you and Merry Christmas. I personally think YOU are a gift.:flowerforyou:

    Juanita: Young children are such a blessing. I am happy that you’ll get to spend some time with your DGC and savor their youth and happiness.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I’ve also noticed that many things that used to tempt me are no longer appealing. I’m grateful. I loved watching Christmas Eve on Sesame Street with the kids. We bought DVD's of several Christmas Specials, but not that particular one. I share your gratitude for this group of women. You and the others have made my life better.:flowerforyou:

    Brooke from CO: I am so happy to see you here today. I’ve missed your posts, your insight, and your wonderful quotations. Happy Anniversary! (Just a bit early.):flowerforyou:

    Lin and JB, and everyone I have missed: Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year to you and all of my Women 50+ friends. You have each made my life better than it was before.:heart::love: :heart:

    I found a Christmas ornament this morning, just sitting on an antique sewing machine in my bedroom. It was issued by one of our coastal counties to celebrate the county’s centennial anniversary ten years ago. I’m guessing it has been in my clutter for most of that time. This morning it made its way to the Christmas tree for the first time. We got a call from our son this morning and had the chance to talk and plan time together when he gets back from his deployment. It was great. I’ll call DD a little bit later. I thought I’d be lonely today because we can't be with our kids this year, but I’ve been happy and content to be with DH and work on little projects.:love::heart:

    Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, and Happy Holidays to everyone else.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio until my wrist heals, then add back strength training.
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    good afternoon dear friends
    I had a pitty party for myself this morning and took a nap and felt better afterward, skyped with my younger DGD and she opened the presents we got her. she got overloaded, told tracy to put some away and bring them out in a few months and they will be brand new all over again,,,
    going to skype now with the older ones and then go to a pot luck at the rec hall here. tons of wonderful food, but will behave myself..
    hope everyone is enjoying this blessed day
    love to all:heart:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Merry Christmas to one and all. And to those who don't celebrate this day, peace and blessings to you as you enjoy a quiet day. I put in all the cooking I did between yesterday and today and it was over 2800 calories! nine hours straight yesterday...the rest today.

    Well the prime rib was cut at 13 pounds, so bigger than anticipated, but smelling delicious! Company will be arriving soon. I'm going to take a small nap. Take care all, Meg from Omaha
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Morning my friends~and Merry Christmas to those who celebrate
    today it is just another day in our household, my DH is a non believer so its up and attem and start the day, nothing special.. a bowl of cereal and walking the dogs..
    well the DH is ticked at me and probably not going to speak to me because I got him a card and g.c., and he didn't get me anything..
    which I knew he wouldn't..
    going to relax today and skype with the DGD today, which will be fun...

    good afternoon dear friends
    I had a pity party for myself this morning and took a nap and felt better afterward, skyped with my younger DGD and she opened the presents we got her. she got overloaded, told tracy to put some away and bring them out in a few months and they will be brand new all over again,,, going to skype now with the older ones and then go to a pot luck at the rec hall here. tons of wonderful food, but will behave myself..hope everyone is enjoying this blessed day
    love to all

    :flowerforyou: Alison, my DH did not get me anything either for xmas, and he is a believer :bigsmile: :bigsmile: So maybe there is more than one Ebenezer as Katla suggested? Personally, I think it's the personality. On the other hand, DH is busy building a little shelf in the kitchen to hold all my vitamins. That is his way. I am reminded of a Helen Keller quote: "Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in this world." I think taking a nap takes care of pity parties quite handily and also focusing on the positive, which is what you did. Wishing you happy times.:heart:

    Eastern Canada was hit by an ice storm and it must be a tough time for those still without power in such frigid temperatures. Stay safe!

    :drinker: Tomorrow the troops will gather here for turkey dinner, but for today, the house is quiet and I am going to dig into some more family tree dirt. :laugh: Love doing that with music playing in the background.

    :heart: Best wishes to all dear Vitamin F friends.

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Hello ladies -- just popping in to say the baseball spring training tickets were a hit with DH and with my sister. (BIL and I were in cahoots!) But really wonderful news on their DS/DDIL's front -- they are expecting their first baby in August! They 'announced' it to my sister with a gift of a framed photo of his army boots, a pair of her shoes and a tiny pair of baby shoes. Very clever!!

    I've talked with all siblings except my oldest brother today, which has been fun. (And didn't say a word about the other sister's new grand baby on the way. That is her thrill to share!) The DSs are due here later tonight. The menu is seared scallops for the appetizer, then for dinner lasagna, salad and garlic bread. Bread pudding with a vanilla custard (Vitamix recipe) to go on top. Think I'll go easy on the lasagna, skip the garlic bread and then enjoy the bread pudding. Our oldest sent a text about the menu earlier in the week: How delightfully non-traditional! Turns out he really likes lasagna, which I didn't particularly recall.

    Off to the next thing .....


    Gail, metro ATL
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Just a quick post. The day went very well and everyone was well fed!
    DGS was a dream, but DGD, who is 3 months, has been crying most of the day and still wont settle at 9.15pm. Such a shame for the frazzled parents, but we did send them to bed in the afternoon and I walked and rocked the crying baby for a while. I dont think she is ill, just overtired.

    Love to all of you. I really appreciate you.

    Heather in rainy Hampshire UK
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    A merry Christmas to all who celebrate and a healthy and happy New year to one and all!!

    Michele - I make pierogi in advance and freeze them. The rest I generally make Christmas Eve. We bake the fish , so that only takes making the stuffing to put on top. The scallops take a bit of time - we make coquilles St. Jacques, and I do like to take my time on the sauce since it's key. I put the scallops and sauce in scallop shells, a little buttered crumbs and shredded cheese on top, then under the broiler for about 10 minutes. We made shrimp cocktails in lieu of soup this year. DH thought the soup would be too rich and filling as a starter. It was all good!!

    Meg - I think I might have figured out the mystery of the girls' size change. The cup size is determined by the number of inches difference between the girls at their best and the chest measurement (right under the arm pits, no girls). My guess is that you have lost inches from your back and sides more than you have from the girls themselves. So, the difference would be higher and the cup size would go up. Your drop in band size seems to go along with that. Hope that makes sense. :tongue:

    Sylvia - will be sending warm thoughts your way Friday. Hoping the heart cath goes smoothly. :flowerforyou:

    Heather - so glad your electricity came back on in time!! Especially after all your hard work to get ready for the holidays with family.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie - Men!! Would the stand your ground law in Florida help in any way??:bigsmile: Just kidding....

    Well off to heat up leftovers from our Polish Christmas Eve dinner (yum). DB, DSIL and darling niece arriving Saturday for round two of Christmas for us! Turkey dinner to fix for that!!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    This was absolutely the BEST Christmas of my life. No kidding, it was wonderful! The kids came about 11:30 and we opened presents. The tree looked so pretty with all the gifts underneath and the lights on, but my gift from my oldest granddaughter was a beautiful glass angel for the top of the tree. I wrote her name on the box, and the year. When she is all grown up with her own family, I might just give it back to her. It's very pretty, and she was so proud of herself to give it to me. I almost cried.

    I opened a drawer of the chest that the tree was on, and pulled out the framed pictures I put away almost six years ago when the kids were taken away from me, and the girls were delighted to see their baby pictures. Poor grandson wasn't in any of the pictures because he wasn't there six years ago, so grandpa took some photos of him and we told him we would get some printed and add them to the group.

    I did pretty well with dinner, but I did eat very small amounts of roast beef and corn casserole, in addition to my old reliable sweet potatoes (baked with mrs dash and no sugar or butter). I also had a piece of pumpkin pie. Good thing Christmas is just once a year.

    I hope you all had a great day too.
