How come models never lift heavy ?



  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Lifting weights won't make you bulky.

    VS models obviously don't lift weights because they aren't bulky.

    Two phrases people like to contradict themselves with.
    Bulk is high body fat. It has nothing to do with lifting weights one way or the other.

    My point is that on the internet (here and other places) people go on and on about how lifting weights won't make a person bulky. Which I completely agree with. But, then they also rant about how people with certain body types can't lift weights because they are small. And that is wrong also.
  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    I don't know if anyone posted this OP, and I wish I had gotten here sooner with this link, but check this out:

    I think that may have more of the info you are looking for. good luck!

    Yeah, I shared that also.

    I didn't get through all the posts, but I'm happy to hear that it was shared! it's a great article. :smile:

    It is, well done and from a great source! And people are more likely to read it when more than one person shares it. I actually only shared it towards the end of the thread also.

    completely agreed! while that particular body type is not what I am personally working towards, I thought it was a fantastic write up and I really appreciated that he did that. I wish more people would recognize that not all women want to look the same.

    great article! I do not want this body shape nor do I think I could get there, but it explains it well!

  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    You can build strength with Yoga and Pilates or you can build with heavy weights. The reality is what will you stick with. What can you do. I was totally fit doing mostly Yoga and Pilates. Some of the moves take major strength when done right.

    I think its more about what you like, what you will stick with, etc.

    FYI, I do both
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    They are models, so they also get any plastic surgery they think will help their career. I think the lack of saddlebags, etc, could easily be liposuction. Granted, they already started out a certain body type, but never underestimate the surgeon's knife in fields that rely on looks!

    As far as using small weights to tone, I believe it. I was around for fitness back in the late 80's, and you can get muscles to look firmer (to a certain extent) with lots of reps of low weight. You can get that same firmness in much less time going heavy, though. And going heavy allows you to progress farther if you like. If you don't want to, just keep your program the same when you do hit the look you are going for.

    The only reason I could see for wanting to use light weights for gazillions of reps is if you want it to be very cardio and plan on spending at least an hour doing it because you want an hour of cardio. Does that make sense? I could see that for a model, because they have to be so thin that they probably do do a lot of cardio. A good fast-paced, no-rest heavy lifting regimen will still be quicker than those workouts (and approaching cardio). You could do all the cardio you like at the end, too.

    I will say that I think they focus more on certain muscles than others and don't try to work them all to the same level. Their quads usually don't seem developed much around the knees like you'd get on a program for bad knees, for instance. Their inner thighs usually don't have that nice curve that comes from heavy lifting. I don't know; I do think they do very specialized stuff and don't just compound lift heavy, no.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I don't know if anyone posted this OP, and I wish I had gotten here sooner with this link, but check this out:

    I think that may have more of the info you are looking for. good luck!

    That was a great article!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    Approved shapes are subjective.
    I've met many models and in "real" life the majority of them are very thin and lack any type of muscle. That's why they HAVE TO stick to light workouts because they can't seem to lift anything else. Some who have had kids, struggled just to lift them up when they were babies.
    Don't buy into how Hollywood celebrities and models train because of some air brushed pics and just what you see on covers and magazines. Lots of other stuff goes on behind the scenes too: bad diet habits, drugs, plastic surgery, and even starvation help lots of models achieve the look that yearned by many young women.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    We all have that one friend who eats whatever her or she wants as well as double the calories of everyone else but somehow manages to stay thin even with minimal, half-assed exercise. Genetics. :mad:

    I am quite certain she is eating far less than you think. There was a great thread on here about a study done with doubly labeled water between two friends. One was thin and both thought she ate at a ton, and the other was heavy, and both thought she didn't eat much. They logged and their caloric intake was also followed using the doubly labelled water. Guess what? The heavier one ate 50% more calories every day than her thin friend. They were both totally surprised by the result.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    We all have that one friend who eats whatever her or she wants as well as double the calories of everyone else but somehow manages to stay thin even with minimal, half-assed exercise. Genetics. :mad:

    I am quite certain she is eating far less than you think. There was a great thread on here about a study done with doubly labeled water between two friends. One was thin and both thought she ate at a ton, and the other was heavy, and both thought she didn't eat much. They logged and their caloric intake was also followed using the doubly labelled water. Guess what? The heavier one ate 50% more calories every day than her thin friend. They were both totally surprised by the result.

    This and she may be underestimating her activity level. I can eat a lot more than many people my size, and perhaps I have a bit more muscle to fat ratio, but also I am very energetic and have a high activity level, plus I do dance and lift weights. And clearly I am also aware of what I eat (since I log my calories on here).
  • MstngSammy
    MstngSammy Posts: 436 Member
    bump for later reading............this is sure to call for popcorn :smile:
  • lajax5000
    lajax5000 Posts: 1 Member
    In regard to saddlebags, I'm pretty sure I used to have them (even weighing less than I do now). But looking in the mirror I don't see them any more and I'm still about 25 pounds overweight. The only thing I can think of that I'm doing differently is taking a Pilates class three times a week. We do quite a bit of side leg lift stuff so maybe that helps?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Yes the Victoria's Secret girls are very hot but that is their job so,they have time to be in the gym for hours. Amy Willerton (British miss universe contestant) has this body shape and has professed that she is at the gym at 5am most days (for hours) a are you willing to or have the time to do this?

    Celeb mags have ridiculous diet and exercise plans that such and such a celeb is on - it's utter rubbish. E.g. Kelly Brooke ate three kale leaves and goes to raspberry ketone yogalattes when on her twitter feed, her selfie is her with a barbell :o

    Appearance = genetics + environment.