Maintenance - Stats



  • kcvance
    kcvance Posts: 103 Member
    -What's your calories per day?

    2000 - 2200, depending on workout

    -Height, weight, age, gender

    5'3", 105, 37, Female

    -How many times do you exercise per week?

    6 days of hard exercise (weights and/or running 9+ miles), and on Sundays I do a leisurely walk on the treadmill while I watch football (my boyfriend loathes it, so I watch it at the gym while catching up on some reading). I have an underactive thyroid and high cholesterol, so even though I'm small and on the thin side, my doctor has told me to keep up the intense exercise if I can do so without injury - I love it now that it's a habit, and I like the endorphins.

    -How many meals do you have per day?

    3 main meals plus one snack

    -Any advice for maintainers?

    For me it's been learning not to freak out about weight fluctuations due to TOM, water retention, change in workout, etc.. I also treat myself to one day a week where I eat total junk - I don't go too far over my calories, but the food has little or no nutritional value (i.e. Panda Express). For me, this feels like a reward and keeps me from feeling deprived.

    It helps to remember that one bad meal/day is not going to dump me back at my starting weight, so if you "mess up", just go right back to your plan and you'll be fine. Also recommend finding an activity you LOVE, so that you'll be less likely to stop working out.
  • bump!