Can you really eat "clean" your whole life?



  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    If you can do it, good for you, but I would lose my mind.
    Watch this.
    I want to lose weight the right way this time, but can I actually achieve the body I want eating everything I want in moderation, or do I have to eat "clean"?
    Check out Dr. Doug Graham to see what somebody who has eaten clean for many, many years looks like.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    You don't have to eat clean. I couldn't do it, personally. I love food too much.

    You can love food and still eat clean, it`s not ``one against the other``. You mean that you love junk too much I guess. Not judging, as I try to keep it clean but I allow the occasionnal treat because I love ``food`` (junk) too. :-)
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member

    I speak from experience, you cant deprive yourself of the foods you love to eat, you will just end up gaining the weight back.

    Your telling me you don't have a plate of Pasta, or go out to Mcdonalds and have a burger once and awhile.

    Or a great example, this has been a tradition for me and my boyfriend since we got together is every Saturday we go out for dinner and have a starters together, eat a big meal and then we go home, share a big bag of chips and watch a movie.

    It makes us happy, and I refuse to stop doing that just because "eating clean is healthier for my body..."

    Why are you so arrogant ? Just because something is part of your experience and just because you can't imagine anything else, does not mean that things that are a certain way for you are also like that for the rest of the world.
    I have not had a fast food burger in maybe 25-30 years. I don't like them and I probably never will. I have never in all my 66 years bought a take-out pizza. I don't care for them. I eat the food I like ( as do millions of other people ).....I just don't like the same foods you think everybody should .
    Please, ( you and many of the other posters ) don't keep assuming that we all automatically enjoy the same foods you do and that for those who eat more natural or healthier it is automatically a sacrifice. Many of us don't get off on burgers , bacon and big bags of chips like you might assume we all should. You need to eat the food you enjoy , while I/we do the same....what we need to accept is that the food we both enjoy is different.....:o).

  • stefaniemazz
    stefaniemazz Posts: 179 Member

    I speak from experience, you cant deprive yourself of the foods you love to eat, you will just end up gaining the weight back.

    Your telling me you don't have a plate of Pasta, or go out to Mcdonalds and have a burger once and awhile.

    Or a great example, this has been a tradition for me and my boyfriend since we got together is every Saturday we go out for dinner and have a starters together, eat a big meal and then we go home, share a big bag of chips and watch a movie.

    It makes us happy, and I refuse to stop doing that just because "eating clean is healthier for my body..."

    Why are you so arrogant ? Just because something is part of your experience and just because you can't imagine anything else, does not mean that things that are a certain way for you are also like that for the rest of the world.
    I have not had a fast food burger in maybe 25-30 years. I don't like them and I probably never will. I have never in all my 66 years bought a take-out pizza. I don't care for them. I eat the food I like ( as do millions of other people ).....I just don't like the same foods you think everybody should .
    Please, ( you and many of the other posters ) don't keep assuming that we all automatically enjoy the same foods you do and that for those who eat more natural or healthier it is automatically a sacrifice. Many of us don't get off on burgers , bacon and big bags of chips like you might assume we all should. You need to eat the food you enjoy , while I/we do the same....what we need to accept is that the food we both enjoy is different.....:o).

    Your calling my arrogant? is that a joke?

    You don't even know me.

    Don't tell me you eat completely clean. No one does.
  • psh, eating 'clean'. for me, moderation is where it's at otherwise I relapse into my binge eating disorder.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,138 Member

    I speak from experience, you cant deprive yourself of the foods you love to eat, you will just end up gaining the weight back.

    Your telling me you don't have a plate of Pasta, or go out to Mcdonalds and have a burger once and awhile.

    Or a great example, this has been a tradition for me and my boyfriend since we got together is every Saturday we go out for dinner and have a starters together, eat a big meal and then we go home, share a big bag of chips and watch a movie.

    It makes us happy, and I refuse to stop doing that just because "eating clean is healthier for my body..."

    Why are you so arrogant ? Just because something is part of your experience and just because you can't imagine anything else, does not mean that things that are a certain way for you are also like that for the rest of the world.
    I have not had a fast food burger in maybe 25-30 years. I don't like them and I probably never will. I have never in all my 66 years bought a take-out pizza. I don't care for them. I eat the food I like ( as do millions of other people ).....I just don't like the same foods you think everybody should .
    Please, ( you and many of the other posters ) don't keep assuming that we all automatically enjoy the same foods you do and that for those who eat more natural or healthier it is automatically a sacrifice. Many of us don't get off on burgers , bacon and big bags of chips like you might assume we all should. You need to eat the food you enjoy , while I/we do the same....what we need to accept is that the food we both enjoy is different.....:o).

    Your calling my arrogant? is that a joke?

    You don't even know me.

    Don't tell me you eat completely clean. No one does.
    I do.
  • stefaniemazz
    stefaniemazz Posts: 179 Member

    I speak from experience, you cant deprive yourself of the foods you love to eat, you will just end up gaining the weight back.

    Your telling me you don't have a plate of Pasta, or go out to Mcdonalds and have a burger once and awhile.

    Or a great example, this has been a tradition for me and my boyfriend since we got together is every Saturday we go out for dinner and have a starters together, eat a big meal and then we go home, share a big bag of chips and watch a movie.

    It makes us happy, and I refuse to stop doing that just because "eating clean is healthier for my body..."

    Why are you so arrogant ? Just because something is part of your experience and just because you can't imagine anything else, does not mean that things that are a certain way for you are also like that for the rest of the world.
    I have not had a fast food burger in maybe 25-30 years. I don't like them and I probably never will. I have never in all my 66 years bought a take-out pizza. I don't care for them. I eat the food I like ( as do millions of other people ).....I just don't like the same foods you think everybody should .
    Please, ( you and many of the other posters ) don't keep assuming that we all automatically enjoy the same foods you do and that for those who eat more natural or healthier it is automatically a sacrifice. Many of us don't get off on burgers , bacon and big bags of chips like you might assume we all should. You need to eat the food you enjoy , while I/we do the same....what we need to accept is that the food we both enjoy is different.....:o).

    Your calling my arrogant? is that a joke?

    You don't even know me.

    Don't tell me you eat completely clean. No one does.
    I do.

    Well good for you.
    Inless your just eating Fruits and Veggies you don't eat 100% clean.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,138 Member

    I speak from experience, you cant deprive yourself of the foods you love to eat, you will just end up gaining the weight back.

    Your telling me you don't have a plate of Pasta, or go out to Mcdonalds and have a burger once and awhile.

    Or a great example, this has been a tradition for me and my boyfriend since we got together is every Saturday we go out for dinner and have a starters together, eat a big meal and then we go home, share a big bag of chips and watch a movie.

    It makes us happy, and I refuse to stop doing that just because "eating clean is healthier for my body..."

    Why are you so arrogant ? Just because something is part of your experience and just because you can't imagine anything else, does not mean that things that are a certain way for you are also like that for the rest of the world.
    I have not had a fast food burger in maybe 25-30 years. I don't like them and I probably never will. I have never in all my 66 years bought a take-out pizza. I don't care for them. I eat the food I like ( as do millions of other people ).....I just don't like the same foods you think everybody should .
    Please, ( you and many of the other posters ) don't keep assuming that we all automatically enjoy the same foods you do and that for those who eat more natural or healthier it is automatically a sacrifice. Many of us don't get off on burgers , bacon and big bags of chips like you might assume we all should. You need to eat the food you enjoy , while I/we do the same....what we need to accept is that the food we both enjoy is different.....:o).

    Your calling my arrogant? is that a joke?

    You don't even know me.

    Don't tell me you eat completely clean. No one does.
    I do.

    Well good for you.
    Inless your just eating Fruits and Veggies you don't eat 100% clean.
    Sounds legit.:wink:
  • I usually just try to stick to non-processed food when I think of eating clean. It's hard sometimes though...
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member

    I have this friend and she actually wants to become a PASTRY CHEF! Someone call the police!!! That's premeditated murder if I've ever heard it!

    Pastry Chef? You mean Serial Killer.

    I believe in everything in moderation...but I understand how that may not work for everyone. I do try to buy organic meats and dairy and "dirty dozen" fruits and veg. I avoid GMOs when there are viable alternatives. I try to minimize the number of processed foods I feed my family.

    But there are times when I'm going to eat Cool Ranch Doritos or a Krispy Kreme donut. It's not an everyday thing. It's a treat. Even Cookie Monster (and friends) teach us "a cookie is a sometime food."
  • stefaniemazz
    stefaniemazz Posts: 179 Member

    I speak from experience, you cant deprive yourself of the foods you love to eat, you will just end up gaining the weight back.

    Your telling me you don't have a plate of Pasta, or go out to Mcdonalds and have a burger once and awhile.

    Or a great example, this has been a tradition for me and my boyfriend since we got together is every Saturday we go out for dinner and have a starters together, eat a big meal and then we go home, share a big bag of chips and watch a movie.

    It makes us happy, and I refuse to stop doing that just because "eating clean is healthier for my body..."

    Why are you so arrogant ? Just because something is part of your experience and just because you can't imagine anything else, does not mean that things that are a certain way for you are also like that for the rest of the world.
    I have not had a fast food burger in maybe 25-30 years. I don't like them and I probably never will. I have never in all my 66 years bought a take-out pizza. I don't care for them. I eat the food I like ( as do millions of other people ).....I just don't like the same foods you think everybody should .
    Please, ( you and many of the other posters ) don't keep assuming that we all automatically enjoy the same foods you do and that for those who eat more natural or healthier it is automatically a sacrifice. Many of us don't get off on burgers , bacon and big bags of chips like you might assume we all should. You need to eat the food you enjoy , while I/we do the same....what we need to accept is that the food we both enjoy is different.....:o).

    Your calling my arrogant? is that a joke?

    You don't even know me.

    Don't tell me you eat completely clean. No one does.
    I do.

    Well good for you.
    Inless your just eating Fruits and Veggies you don't eat 100% clean.
    Sounds legit.:wink:

    Most food is processed is what I'm trying to get too.
    There's no way your eating 100% clean.
  • Farms also are feeding livestock.. beef, pork, and poultry, genetically altered meal in addition to injecting them with steroids and raising sickly abnormally developed species in an effort to lower their cost, lower the birth to slaughter time, and up their production.

    We have had restaurants here get busted for BLEACHING their chicken in order to reduce spoiling. McDonalds puts their meats through an ammonia process to keep it "fresher". How are these processes not different from a local butcher who uses all natural corn/hay to sustain their animals?

    It absolutely is WHAT you eat which makes you sick and/or overweight. Your body is not equipped to deal with foods with poisons in them. They will be... our bodies will mutate and adapt.

    On that note, I don't eat especially clean, but I do try to eat things that are more raw: fruits, veggies, nuts. I also always try to find a local and build a relationship with a butcher vs shipped in store meats where the breasts of a chicken could easily cover one of my *kitten* cheeks.
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    If you can do it, good for you, but I would lose my mind.
    Watch this.
    I want to lose weight the right way this time, but can I actually achieve the body I want eating everything I want in moderation, or do I have to eat "clean"?
    Check out Dr. Doug Graham to see what somebody who has eaten clean for many, many years looks like.

    I call No Fair!! Doug Graham is a vegan - and a LOW FAT vegan at that...totally different than Paleo or Clean which is based on meats (a lot of them), fish, eggs, veggies, fruit, nuts, etc...totally different diet...
  • I guess what I think of when I think of eating clean is explained well in this webmd article:

    In other words just eating the real thing when you can instead of a processed version of it...
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    And how do you measure the state of one's health? Weight, bodyfat percentage, cardiovascular fitness, blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol levels, etc? Those can all be perfectly healthy in a person who consumes what you consider to be "junk".
    Depends on how much, and for how long. It's not the occasional treat that makes or breaks you, it's the daily habits. If you get a sugary coffee drink for breakfast, burger and fries for lunch, pizza for dinner, candy for snacks, ALL of the markers of health you listed would eventually be effected. If you base your daily food around fruits and vegetables, and occasionally have some "junk", you will likely remain in good health.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,138 Member

    I speak from experience, you cant deprive yourself of the foods you love to eat, you will just end up gaining the weight back.

    Your telling me you don't have a plate of Pasta, or go out to Mcdonalds and have a burger once and awhile.

    Or a great example, this has been a tradition for me and my boyfriend since we got together is every Saturday we go out for dinner and have a starters together, eat a big meal and then we go home, share a big bag of chips and watch a movie.

    It makes us happy, and I refuse to stop doing that just because "eating clean is healthier for my body..."

    Why are you so arrogant ? Just because something is part of your experience and just because you can't imagine anything else, does not mean that things that are a certain way for you are also like that for the rest of the world.
    I have not had a fast food burger in maybe 25-30 years. I don't like them and I probably never will. I have never in all my 66 years bought a take-out pizza. I don't care for them. I eat the food I like ( as do millions of other people ).....I just don't like the same foods you think everybody should .
    Please, ( you and many of the other posters ) don't keep assuming that we all automatically enjoy the same foods you do and that for those who eat more natural or healthier it is automatically a sacrifice. Many of us don't get off on burgers , bacon and big bags of chips like you might assume we all should. You need to eat the food you enjoy , while I/we do the same....what we need to accept is that the food we both enjoy is different.....:o).

    Your calling my arrogant? is that a joke?

    You don't even know me.

    Don't tell me you eat completely clean. No one does.
    I do.

    Well good for you.
    Inless your just eating Fruits and Veggies you don't eat 100% clean.
    Sounds legit.:wink:

    Most food is processed is what I'm trying to get too.
    There's no way your eating 100% clean.
    All action regardless of the result is a process, therefore all foods that ends up on our plate is processed in some way and it appears from your statement that any food that is processed is not clean and if this is your interpretation, I'm happy for you.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    If you can do it, good for you, but I would lose my mind.
    Watch this.
    I want to lose weight the right way this time, but can I actually achieve the body I want eating everything I want in moderation, or do I have to eat "clean"?
    Check out Dr. Doug Graham to see what somebody who has eaten clean for many, many years looks like.

    I call No Fair!! Doug Graham is a vegan - and a LOW FAT vegan at that...totally different than Paleo or Clean which is based on meats (a lot of them), fish, eggs, veggies, fruit, nuts, etc...totally different diet...
    Sure is a clean diet, though. I don't know how somebody could eat meats and fish and still call that "clean".
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    short, it is not sustainable..

    it is not really practical either…

    Eat 85% healthy and fill in the rest with what you for me …
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    i hope so food borne pathogens suck
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Eating clean is important for your health, not just weight loss.

    If your diet consists of mainly processed, boxed "food" full of preservatives and additives, you will be unhealthy regardless of your weight.

    Not only will you be unhealthy, but you will be supporting one of the most corrupt companies in the world. (Monsanto)

    Do yourself a favor and eat what comes from the earth. It's not difficult to follow by any means, it's a lifestyle that was followed by our ancestors not so long ago.

    Also, the majority of chicken sold in a public market is no where NEAR clean.

    Ok. I've heard of processed foods like Kraft dinner and Oreos as noted above not being "clean" (not that I agree with labelling food clean or dirty). Supermarket chicken is not clean? Why?

    because it has not been properly pressure washed...