Can you really eat "clean" your whole life?



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am working on lowering my bf% with strength training and lifting as well as cardio.

    So I am hoping to see some flat abs LOL.

    But the reason I asked this question is because this girl at my work told me I wont ever see flat abs if I continue to eat burgers, pasta and "white" flours.

    So I got worried.

    I also see people on here, and on blogs eating chicken, plain chicken for every meal, I would lose my mind.
    I personally think Chicken breast is disgusting when cooked plain.

    your friend at work is an idiot..

    Lift Heavy, hit your macros, stay in calories deficit = lose body fat..

    eating clean has zero determination on body comp...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    It can be done of course. But IMO that would entail too much attention to food and not enjoying life around you. Cultures are built on different foods, so if one is so concerned about it being "clean" they'll never get to experience some of the wonderful tastes and cusine.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I only eat if she's freshly showered
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    carrot cake is disgusting. someone gave me a recipe once, I never made it before. you put in like over a cup of pure oil!!!!!!! I was horrified. It was my mother in law's fave recipe, I made it for my husbands birthday - but I felt like a murderer, not someone doing something out of love.
    If you eat carrot cake made of "clean" foods it is still going to give you diabetes or whatever else, doesn't matter whether its cold pressed oil or not, wholemeal flour or not, its like totally revoltingly unhealthy. Have a carrot instead. now thats what my view on clean eating is.
    Damn, my husband ate a carrot cake muffin for dessert tonight. At least his glucose monitoring needles will be covered by MCP.
  • SoilFoodWeb
    SoilFoodWeb Posts: 11 Member

    Lift Heavy, hit your macros, stay in calories deficit = lose body fat..

    eating clean has zero determination on body comp...

    ^^ what-he-said.gif

    Nutrition Facts 101: Alan Aragon

    Calories in vs. Calories Out – if we’re dealing strictly with body-composition, does the type of food you eat come into play if your overall macros and calorie intake is the same? Provided they are indeed equal at the end of the day, is eating a meal consisting of a [whopper and a protein shake] going to create any difference in one’s overall fat loss or muscle gaining goals when compared against its equivalent in a meal consisting of [grilled chicken, broccoli, olive oil/almonds)?

    P.S: I am also not opening the can of worms that deals with whether it’ll be easier or harder to achieve one’s planned macro breakdown and calorie intake for the day with one method or the other, only: if the conditions outlined above are met, the end result of them.

    Alan: As for body composition, it doesn’t matter. There are subtle potential differences that can occur satiety-wise with a greater intake of fiber, as well as solid versus liquid foods, but aside from that, the differences are negligible. This is especially true in populations that have an inkling of concern about health & don’t eat like complete junk-fiends (who really wouldn’t concern themselves with this question in the first place).

    Alan Aragon: The Dirt on Clean Eating
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I suppose it would depend upon your definition of clean.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Mrs Naethe, Its understandable that you are passionate about your new way of eating as you associate it with getting you healthy and giving you a new lease on life. Also, perhaps that way of eating was easier for you to maintain a caloric deficit. You found it easier completely removing junk or treats as you were not tempted to over-eat them.

    But realise that others may be able to lose their weight still eating junk or treats as long as they had a caloric deficit. Your health was bad because you were sedentary and you just constantly over-ate and gained weight.

    I am happy that you have lost weight and are healthier now but don't become biased which is really easy to do when you find something that works for you, there is a tendency to think it works for everyone.