Reasonable lifting goals for women

I am working with a personal trainer my lifting goals are:

Back squat: 60kg (currently 40 1RM and about 30kg for sets 6x5 etc)
Front Squat: 40kg ( Currently 25kg 6x5)
Deadlift: 60kg (currently 40kg)
Shoulder Press: 30kg ( currently 25kg 1rm)
Bench Press: 30kg (currently 20kg for sets, like 6x5)

Perfect the power clean and the snatch because they both currently suck, I am using a 15kg bar.
I also do crossfit 2x a week

I weigh 151 llb, I am trying to get to about 133-140llb

Is it realistic to once I have hit the above goals to aim for say 1.5x my body weight for the back squat? I don't even know how to get to that level!


  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    I'm 5'3, 147 pounds, I've been lifting for about 10 weeks and already had a lot of strength in my legs from running over the summer. My goal weight is 140.
    I'm currently
    back squatting 205x1 for my max
    deadlifting 245x1 for for max
    Shoulder pressing 60 pounds x3
    Bench pressing 115x1 for max

    I think your goals are awesome and you'll probably end up surprising yourself with how much you can do!!!
  • Absolutely reasonable - but it may take a very long time, and a lot of dedication! I like using EXRX's performance standards to gauge where I am and where I want to be - 1.5x BW for a squat would be advanced, bordering on elite. It's ambitious, but if you can stick with it, you can do it.
  • amastre
    amastre Posts: 176 Member
    Definitely a good long range goal to have.
  • loricshields47
    loricshields47 Posts: 134 Member
    Your goals made me laugh, not because they are funny (they are amazing) but because they seem so unobtainable to me. I was just praying you were have my age! And thank goodness you are. You go for it, I am sure you will reach them in no time. A liitle heavier each week and bam! you'll have a pb to brag about
  • Thanks for your replys. I think once I start lifting without the aid of a PT I will know how dedicated I am!

    I am doing well though and I am starting to pull my diet in line as well which is good :)