How do you tea?



  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    What teas should a novice try first?

    If you're talking tea, rather than herbal infusions then there are a wide range of options. Those I enjoy are:

    Early Grey - A black tea scented with oil of Bergamot, so quite aromatic. There are a couple of variants, known as Lady Grey which is slightly more delicate with orange and lemon oils as well. Best taken without any milk or sweetening
    Lapsang Souchon - Another black tea, Chinese, with quite a smokey flavour. I prefer it without milk or sweetening
    Assam - An Indian black tea that benefits from the addition of a dash of milk, quite a robust flavour.

    For best results, boiling water onto the leaf in a tea pot. That becomes a real faff though and finding loose tea is more of a challenge in the US. Bags are reasonable, but if you can get pyramid bags they're better then envelopes. The leaf tends to be intact, rather than ground up and the space in the pyramid allows more surface area of the leaf to come into contact with the water.

    Give it between 3 and 6 minutes, to personal preference, steeping time to draw out the most flavour.