For Daily weighers....



  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Losing 1-1.5% of body weight (fluid loss) during exercise is fairly normal. One has to keep an eye on their fluid intake before, during, and after exercise. Weighing before and after is a simple way to regulate how much water you have lost. Waking up the morning weighing less than before you went to bed usually is related to water loss during the night (sweat, urination, using the toilet). Again - it's very normal.

    Symptoms by percent body weight water loss:

    0% --- none, optimal performance, normal heat regulation
    1% --- thirst stimulated, heat regulation during exercise altered, performance declines
    2% --- further decrease in heat regulation, hinders performance, increased thirst
    3% --- more of the same (worsening performance)
    4% --- exercise performance cut by 20 - 30%
    5% --- headache, irritability, "spaced-out" feeling, fatigue
    6% --- weakness, severe loss of thermoregulation
    7% --- collapse likely unless exercise stops
    10% -- comatose
    11% -- death likely

    [Nutrition for Cyclists, Grandjean & Ruud, Clinics in Sports Med. Vol 13(1);235-246. Jan 1994]
  • nattyann2245
    nattyann2245 Posts: 10 Member
    usually 2-3lbs and up to 5 lbs if i am wearing clothes
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    I find the fluctuations fun! I can gain as much as 3 lbs. in a day. I really get a kick out of weighing myself right before and after a bowel movement. It actually keeps me sane. So I know that I am only fluctuating. I wont count a loss/gain unless it sticks throughout the day for 5 days or more.
  • So happy to see that there are a lot of compulsive weighers
    out there like me! I can swing as much as 5 lbs. the only one that "counts". On Monday am I get about 4 readings before I'm satisfied as to what number to record. Usually, despite all the weekly swings, Monday mornings are good to me.