Anyone up for reading my food diary?



  • phildanf
    phildanf Posts: 36 Member

    I don't mind looking at anyones diary - like to be nosey anyway!

    My diary is also open so feel free to comment on mine

    Cheers :wink:
  • cdol86
    cdol86 Posts: 1
    Lol feedback on mine too plz haha
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Though I do agree on what the others are saying. You need to hold your self accountable not have others do it. Now Im not being nasty or anything its the gods honest truth. Just like coming off of drugs or alcohol you hold your self accountable to doing so. If you decide to eat some cookies late night but dont record it because you know you got so much praise thru out the day for how well you eat. Wouldnt that be letting your self down and your friends down? Not saying you will do this but even if its a few bites of something would you still record it?
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Honest Truth.. You need to make yourself accountable or else your going to fail.. Someone over the Internet isn't going to keep you losing weight...

    I agree. Who the ^&%^ cares what someone else thinks? My diary is public, but I'm doing this for ME - not for someone else. If I muck up, words on a screen aren't going to motivate me anymore. My bloated belly, or feeling icky, or weight gain sure will. Then I have the diary to look back on to see what can be improved. As for yelling because I had a brownie? Probably being sarcastic, but I feel thinking like that won't get you anywhere. If I want a brownie I'll work it into my day and enjoy the heck out every bite.

    Food isn't your enemy. Too much of it is.

    A public diary can help 'shame' you, but only you can control what goes in the mouth. Use the diary as a tool to improve yourself.

    Totally agree with this, my diary is open to friends. I don't expect criticism for what I choose to eat, what I hope for is that if I'm complaining about, feeling hungry/stalled weight loss/ weight gain/feeling bad etc then if one of my friends believe it's down to my food intake they will give me advice on what improvements I could make.

    I just recently had a weight stall/gain and none of my friends on here said anything but you know what I know what I was doing wrong and I took it upon my self to fix it right again.....But then again I didnt ask for advice either....
  • micahsmom91011
    micahsmom91011 Posts: 26 Member
    I don't "expect" anyone to say anything if I gain or eat rubbish. But some of my friends aren't just random people I met on MFP, but my best friend from growing up, my mum, a wonderful friend from Germany, etc. Some friends know of my previous ED issues and they love me enough to call me out when I'm failing. Yes I am ultimately responsible, but in the past if it was just me looking at my food intake I could lie, or omit. I suppose I could now too, but it's a different thing to feel like I'm like to a friend verses just myself. Addicts recover better with a support group, hence AA. My ED is the same way. I will recover better with a support system. I think that is what those requesting "diary snooping" are after. A support system, that will call them out if they're making bad decisions or even just give recommendations. A friend of mine on here had dropped her net calorie intake under 1,000 so I mentioned something. We don't always see what is right in front of us.