Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 1 (New Group)



  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Happy Friday Pin-ups! And it's a long weekend here in Canada and for the U.S.

    Rach - sorry to hear you are not feeling well, sending positive vibes your way. :flowerforyou: You can't be ill over the weekend!

    cathcakey - take care of that foot and best of luck on your 10 km on Sunday! Just think how good you will feel crossing that finish

    I over did it with my 5 km run on Wednesday night and my hip flexor is sore. I've iced it and didn't exercise yesterday to give it a rest. I think I increased my running too much too quickly recovering from my injury. I will take it easy for another day and see how it feels. My daughter (12) and I are doing a 5 km run/walk with my sis and her g/f in 3 weeks. I'm so excited. My b/f is doing the half marathon that day.

    What does everyone have in store for the weekend?

    We are going to a hot air balloon festival and concert this evening, providing the rain holds off. Tomorrow, my daughter and I are getting our hair done together and doing some back to school shopping.

    Weekend goal is to get in some walking and swimming.

    Have a great weekend everyone and remember to make healthy choices and get moving!

    :heart: Karen
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    I had a rough night. Didn't eat much all day and then had a migraine all evening/night. So bad I it made me sick. So, I was up all night puking and crying, just wishing my head would stop throbbing. My headache's gone now but I'm just feeling a little weak. Trying to recover today. mornincoffee.gif

    Ready to go home and burrow under my covers! 7165.gif

    Rach that sounds miserable. Try and eat some power food that will keep you going for the day if you can't leave and go home early. Sounds like rest is in order and some get some friends over to make you laugh. :flowerforyou:
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    My apologies, I wanted to welcom the new pin-ups!

  • Morning ladies. Yay, it's Friday and our bubba's 2nd b-day tomorrow, were not having a party for him though for a couple of weeks since it's labor Day weekend and lot's of people are going out of town. So in the meantime (it's given me lot's of spare time, it snuck up on me pretty fast with as busy as I've been).... I've been researching and planning out some yummy lowcarb/calorie foods and sides, I'm so excited :bigsmile:

    This weekend should be really nice!! Getting in a nice long bike ride this evening my walk this morning some treadmill time this afternoon and I will be feeling FABULOUS for our pool day this weekend. I am sad however that yesterday while trying on clothes I lost my favorite belly ring, and didn't notice till I got home:sad: I have ton's of others but I somehow lose all the balls for them in my jewelery box:ohwell: Guess I'll be belly ring free for our pool day or maybe I'll need to go buy another one...and maybe a new jewelery box while I'm at it:laugh: !! At least I scored on some new clothes.....and gave into my guilty pleasure no no, not food..... shoes:wink:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! :smile:
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Hi all! How is everyone?! Rach I hope you start feeling better. Sounds like you just need some rest! :smile:

    I think a lot of people have over done themselves this week. Pushing and pushing to get the weight off....
    A lot of my MFP pals have been posting about being sore and tired. I know I over did it this week. Wed afternoon I decided to "try" to do the "30 Day Shred" in its entirety, all 3 levels. I did it and felt accomplished. 2 levels at a time has never been a problem, so I thought whats one more 20 min session, right?! WRONG!!! Yesterday morning I woke up and could barely move! :ohwell:
    To day I feel a little better....just some stiffness....
    I wasn't able to workout yesterday at all, but I will be able to today. I had a major accomplishment lastnight.....I had to make FOUR batches of brownies for my husband's workplace. I didn't eat one brownie...not ONE! They smelled so good too.....

    So, this weekend I have Zumba (tomorrow morning) then Sunday afternoon I have a baby shower to go to. It's for a friend I have known for a LONG time, since grade school. I love her to death....but and this is a BIG BUT......she sent out the invites over facebook and I got to see the guest list for the shower....ugh! There are about 4 or 5 girls (that I know from high school) that are going to be attending. Lets just put it this way, we never got along! :grumble: Great thing though....none of them have seen me since I lost weight and I have a killer outfit to wear!! :bigsmile:

    I am so thankful for this group! Have a great Friday Pin-Up Girls!!!! :heart:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Great thing though....none of them have seen me since I lost weight and I have a killer outfit to wear!! :bigsmile:

    :laugh: That's always fun!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Great thing though....none of them have seen me since I lost weight and I have a killer outfit to wear!! :bigsmile:

    :laugh: That's always fun!

    I will let you all know how it goes......:wink:
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    I just started a new league on

    Hi all,

    Introplay question........

    I have done level 3 shred but I don't know how to log it on introplay. Any ideas?


  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Hello All,

    Today is a new day, thank goodness. Not sure what happened yesterday, but during my workout it kinda went down hill. I paused my HRM for a second then forgot to restart it until most of it was over. ARGH! Totally threw me off my game not knowing EXACTLY how many cals. I burned. I'm not sure why that is so important to me. Then my son woke up so I didn't have time to do my extra cardio so I lost those cals too! Dinner came out a little salty, went to bed late, didn't sleep well and was too tired to get up early and work out this A.M. But I WILL workout today. Jillian's BFBM, plus elliptical.

    On the plus side, I did get in all of my water, I did workout and I did track my calories. So I'm still on track with my goals.
    Small victories, right ladies?
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi all,

    Introplay question........

    I have done level 3 shred but I don't know how to log it on introplay. Any ideas?



    Aerobics? Crosstraining?
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Thanks Rach, i've logged it as aerobics :smile:
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I logged my "30 Day Shred" as strength training...I wasn't sure what else to log it in as....oh well:ohwell:
    I guess all that really matters is the cals burned! :happy:
    Gonna do some Billy Blanks today!
  • malpal0111
    malpal0111 Posts: 48 Member
    Cathcakey, my husband also bikes everywhere and I too get crazy-paranoid-hysterical imagining him flattened on the street when he doesn't answer his phone, so I can completely sympathize with your frustration! At least he felt like a jerk though, that makes it easier to kiss and make up!:tongue:

    Laughingdani, I can't believe you made four batches of brownies and didn't sneak a bite! Way. to. go. girl! I hope someday I can find that kind of self-control! inspirational!

    I have been in a total funk today. For starters, the container my lunch was in busted open inside my backpack while I was on my way to work this morning, and the ziplock bag it was inside was broken out on the bottom, so I got to work to discover that everything in my bag (including my walking outfit for walking home after work) was drenched in soup. Imagine it......soup-soaked everything. I've smelled like soup all day. ugh. Then a coworker offered me a muffin, and of course in the state of mind I was in, I couldn't bring myself to turn down such comforts.....then I couldn't walk home because my shoes were all soupy and I was just plain peeved. I arrived home totally tempted to make about a half a loaf of peanut butter toast and curl up in bed and watch movies for the rest of the night.

    BUT, I decided to check out what was going on with the pin-up girls today first and y'all got me pumped up! It's so great to find people who are going through the same struggles I am, and reading about all of your successes make me believe that I can do it, too! So, I promised myself to eat a salad before making a pound of toast, and I did.....and I feel satisfied! And at this very moment, I've got my walking shoes on and am on my way out the door! So thanks for being such a bunch of driven, good examples to follow! :smile:

    Sorry, I am way too long-winded. Done.

    Have a great weekend everyone and keep at it, lovely ladies! :heart:
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Aaaaargh, race day tomorrow! Wish me luck ladies!!
  • WOOOOO Happy Saturday ladies! What a fabulous weekend it's already been! Our monkey is 2 today, Yay! Hope you all are having a great holiday weekend too!! Won't be on for a few days were gettin outta here to go have some fun :happy: Weigh in Monday...Can't wait!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Very happy today!!!

    Sundays are my official weigh in days (cause Sunday is my cheat day too lol)

    This whole week I kept bouncing from 162 - 161 and I have a mini goal to be in the 150's before my anniversary (which is on Sept 13th). So I didn't expect to see a loss today and thought reaching my goal will be tough now

    160.6!!! I had to check like 6 times!!!! hahahahahaha

    This past week I haven't drank a lot of water like I usually do - the previous week I was drinking 12 to 14 cups.
    So yesterday I had 16 cups of water in hopes that it would help me out and it did! =)
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Afternoon ladies!

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. My 30 day shred dvd arrived on Friday so I got straight to it! Given that it's only 20 mins it is such a great workout! Popped home to see my mum today and so we walked pretty fast into the shops and wandered around before coming back home.

    So weigh in day tomorrow! Aaaggghhh - slightly nervous and hope I manage to drop some weight. Have been so inspired to do more exercise this week than I have been previously thanks to you all! Will check back in tomorrow!

    Laughingdani - how was the baby shower? What did your old friends say?!

    Cina04 good job with your loss! Looks like you're on track for the 13th!
  • Yay lost 2 pounds!
  • ♥jewelchristian♥
    ♥jewelchristian♥ Posts: 3,666 Member
    Hey lovely pin ups! Rach, I hope you're feeling better today. Migraines blow! I hope everyone is having a good weekend, I am down to 211.2 today. Good luck to everyone :flowerforyou:
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hey everyone! Hope you're all having great holiday weekends, while I'm stuck working through it til Tuesday. All I'm thinking about is the holiday pay haha! I went to a bbq today, and while I didn't completely stuff my face, the Tostitos seemed to be on a conveyor belt into my mouth.. :tongue:
    I know from weighing in earlier today that I've lost 1.5 pounds.. Gonna get in a good workout tomorrow, and much water to come back from earlier.. Enjoy the day all! :flowerforyou:
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