How do you keep the weight off once you've lost it?



  • amyx593
    amyx593 Posts: 211 Member
    You can't just lose weight, then go back to what you were doing before. That's why it's a "lifestyle change"... so you'll need to maintain eating mostly healthy foods and continue to work out for your long term health! Good luck!
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    When I lost my first 20 pounds (I separated my diet into two 20 lbs diet goals) I brought my calories up to maintenance 150 calories a week and have kept the weight off for 6 months. Now I'm dropping it back down for my next 20 pound section and plan to bring it up the same way when I finish my goal!
  • amandakev88
    amandakev88 Posts: 328 Member
    There is also some research being done on people have lost weight and kept it off for a year or more. So far, the findings show that people who don't gain the weight continue to restrict their calories and watch what they eat. So while a woman who weighs 130 lbs after losing 50 lbs must eat fewer calories than a woman who weighs 130 and has never been overweight, the new caloric restriction should be easier than the calorie restriction needed to actually lose the weight.

    If you've been overweight and have lost it, that's an incredible feat. It's not impossible to maintain it, I think, but it's not as easy as being naturally thin--because you may have a body that's sort of hard-wired to store fat and motivate you to eat more. I've lost weight in the past and gained it all back. :( I stopped logging calories, thinking I could eyeball my portions and foods. I gained a little, restricted a little, then eventually let myself slide into doing things that should have been off base, like drinking sodas and having snacks and going back for seconds. It didn't happen right away, but kind of over time. I'm back here sort of getting myself ready to head into this with seriousness again.
    I believe the reason for this is you still have the excess fat storage cells. It takes the body 5 years for these to die. And not be replaced. After that you should be just like apersonwho has never been overweight.

    incredibly interesting. amazing how being overweight continues to affect you even after you lost the extra chunk.....