Texting in Movie Theater



  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    I am always on the side of showing compassion and love for ones fellow human race.

    It was my early experiences that showed me the beauty in people, in humanity, in art, in the universe. And it is my championing of positivity and truth that is the reason why my voice should be heard and my ideas be considered. Because I for one actually love my fellow human race.

    enough to randomly insult someone 3 pgs ago for the way he looks?
    the most anti-social sad lonely looking guy doesn't like when other people have friends and have more vested interests in their social devices than he does, hmm what a surprise. I wonder whats on his hidden agenda...

    delete yourself, brah.
  • No problem. I'm never looking to fight anyone, but if you think I'm going to back down because you demand that you have the right to do whatever you want and everyone else just has to deal with it, I will show you where you're mistaken.

    This is how it will go:

    "Could you turn off your phone? The movie's on."

    What is your response? Because it will determine my reaction.

    I wouldn't be doing that.

    But it would depend on your tone. The look in your eye. The overall braggadocio levels with which your swag is addressing me.

    So you're going to text during a movie, and if asked to stop you'll continue?

    Then I'm going to make you stop. Because you're not supposed to text during a movie. And I'm not going to have my movie experience ruined by your rudeness.

    Well what I was saying was it would depend on ones attitude whilst saying it.

    If you are human about the way you say it, like neutral beyond just wanting me to quit the disruption, i would make that oops face and stop.

    If you are saying it with a hidden agenda of unnecessary hate, I might just continue to do it to spite you and your retardation. You might end up angry, or embarrassed. If you go tell on me you will still lose because I will have rustled you endlessly and chances are that I will charm the manager into making you seem crazy and I will act all compliant and cooperative and make you look like you overreacted. And I still get to watch the movie yet you got super angry. I win.

    If you want to take it further "throw popcorn at me" you will also lose because unfortunately for you and most people who haven't had the experience i have playing paintball, you can't possibly compete with me on a level of violence. I have been playing paintball almost every weekend since I was like 15 and have taken out other players who were Navy Seals and Marines and put ropes of pellets to their head before they even know where they are or whats going on. Just a corner of their helmet peaking from above their hiding spot. And all a gun is is a more accurate paintball gun. Lets just say if I personally was in that theater watching the Dark Knight that one time when the guy came into the theater with weapons and shot everyone up -it would not have went down the way it did.

    Pew Pew.
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 728 Member
    No nutie... I'm saying that you are either obviously a troll or personality disordered. And yes, I am in a position to judge. And no, people with guns do not scare me as I am a military provider and work with people with weapons every day. People kill people. Short and long of it. Objects do not have minds of their own. And yes, "crazy" people will find way to kill people if they have a mind to do so. Look at the school knife killing in China. No guns involved. Many unfortuately dead children. Tell me, what great thing have you done for yourself and your nation that makes you so much better then everyone else and therefore not subject you to social rules of common courtesy?

    Just realized Nutie = Nutella

    I thought you were talking about Gun-Nut/Nuttie... lol I was like who is she talking to???

    What have I done for my nation? I for one have started a business which ran successfully during a recession and employed people. I also have influenced a lot of people to be healthier and start working out. I also write a lot and teach people to open their minds. I lived all over the world on multiple continents and many different cities before I was even in high school so i built a base for superior understanding of truth and the human condition, the type of knowledge you can't get from living in one city/state your whole life, and you can only derive from a lifetime of extracting data from the comparison and contrast of various forms of culture and human societies. There is much knowledge about truth to be derived from the similarities and differences and patterns from different places.

    And again, I personally would not break those rules but that doesn't mean I am on your side or the side of violence which is never the answer. I am always on the side of showing compassion and love for ones fellow human race.

    It was my early experiences that showed me the beauty in people, in humanity, in art, in the universe. And it is my championing of positivity and truth that is the reason why my voice should be heard and my ideas be considered. Because I for one actually love my fellow human race.

    I believe you have mentioned several times that it is your right to be a jerk to people whenever you want to. This doesn't seem to jive with this new presentation your trying to put out that your a world traveler with all this life experience. One of the first fundamental rules of travel and business is respect that culture of your environment even you if don't understand or agree with it. Social norms says to be courtious to your neighbor. So why are you arguing that people should not be curtious and put away their phone in the theater? Instead, it's about individual freedom? As someone that claims to be a scholar of social norms and society, developmental ethics and morality tells you "but the rules" is not a good argument. You are both arguing against the rules and the underlying implied social norm/societial benefit. SO I'm going back to assuming your a troll. Happy trolling. Expect people to think your an *kitten* when your choosing to be an *kitten* (or the "devils advocate" in a nonpolite fashion).
  • No nutie... I'm saying that you are either obviously a troll or personality disordered. And yes, I am in a position to judge. And no, people with guns do not scare me as I am a military provider and work with people with weapons every day. People kill people. Short and long of it. Objects do not have minds of their own. And yes, "crazy" people will find way to kill people if they have a mind to do so. Look at the school knife killing in China. No guns involved. Many unfortuately dead children. Tell me, what great thing have you done for yourself and your nation that makes you so much better then everyone else and therefore not subject you to social rules of common courtesy?

    Just realized Nutie = Nutella

    I thought you were talking about Gun-Nut/Nuttie... lol I was like who is she talking to???

    What have I done for my nation? I for one have started a business which ran successfully during a recession and employed people. I also have influenced a lot of people to be healthier and start working out. I also write a lot and teach people to open their minds. I lived all over the world on multiple continents and many different cities before I was even in high school so i built a base for superior understanding of truth and the human condition, the type of knowledge you can't get from living in one city/state your whole life, and you can only derive from a lifetime of extracting data from the comparison and contrast of various forms of culture and human societies. There is much knowledge about truth to be derived from the similarities and differences and patterns from different places.

    And again, I personally would not break those rules but that doesn't mean I am on your side or the side of violence which is never the answer. I am always on the side of showing compassion and love for ones fellow human race.

    It was my early experiences that showed me the beauty in people, in humanity, in art, in the universe. And it is my championing of positivity and truth that is the reason why my voice should be heard and my ideas be considered. Because I for one actually love my fellow human race.

    I believe you have mentioned several times that it is your right to be a jerk to people whenever you want to. This doesn't seem to jive with this new presentation your trying to put out that your a world traveler with all this life experience. One of the first fundamental rules of travel and business is respect that culture of your environment even you if don't understand or agree with it. Social norms says to be courtious to your neighbor. So why are you arguing that people should not be curtious and put away their phone in the theater? Instead, it's about individual freedom? As someone that claims to be a scholar of social norms and society, developmental ethics and morality tells you "but the rules" is not a good argument. You are both arguing against the rules and the underlying implied social norm/societial benefit. SO I'm going back to assuming your a troll. Happy trolling. Expect people to think your an *kitten* when your choosing to be an *kitten* (or the "devils advocate" in a nonpolite fashion).

    Unfortunately after reading that twice I can't extract the point you are trying to make.

    All I see is passive aggressive, borderline ad-hominem comments which is why I hesitated to respond to you. What is your question/argument exactly? Speak clearly and succinctly. Minus the cheap tactics.
  • Well what I was saying was it would depend on ones attitude whilst saying it.

    If you are human about the way you say it, like neutral beyond just wanting me to quit the disruption, i would make that oops face and stop.

    If you are saying it with a hidden agenda of unnecessary hate, I might just continue to do it to spite you and your retardation. You might end up angry, or embarrassed. If you go tell on me you will still lose because I will have rustled you endlessly and chances are that I will charm the manager into making you seem crazy and I will act all compliant and cooperative and make you look like you overreacted. And I still get to watch the movie yet you got super angry. I win.

    If you want to take it further "throw popcorn at me" you will also lose because unfortunately for you and most people who haven't had the experience i have playing paintball, you can't possibly compete with me on a level of violence. I have been playing paintball almost every weekend since I was like 15 and have taken out other players who were Navy Seals and Marines and put ropes of pellets to their head before they even know where they are or whats going on. Just a corner of their helmet peaking from above their hiding spot. And all a gun is is a more accurate paintball gun. Lets just say if I personally was in that theater watching the Dark Knight that one time when the guy came into the theater with weapons and shot everyone up -it would not have went down the way it did.

    Pew Pew.

    Paintball. You feel you could take me out physically because of your experience at paintball.

    I'm gonna need a minute.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: *breathes in* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Oh that was rich.

    I think first you might have to go through one of my nieces. They're highly experienced at Dance Dance Revolution, you may want to watch out.

    Like I said, don't text during a movie. Period.


    You got me good I guess.
  • I'll let you know next time someone needs a bad *kitten* at a kid's laser tag party. You can really show everyone what's up.

    Wow you must be like 7 feet tall all muscle. Are you in the WNBA or something???
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Speak clearly and succinctly. Minus the cheap tactics.

    I simply adore irony.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    Well what I was saying was it would depend on ones attitude whilst saying it.

    If you are human about the way you say it, like neutral beyond just wanting me to quit the disruption, i would make that oops face and stop.

    If you are saying it with a hidden agenda of unnecessary hate, I might just continue to do it to spite you and your retardation. You might end up angry, or embarrassed. If you go tell on me you will still lose because I will have rustled you endlessly and chances are that I will charm the manager into making you seem crazy and I will act all compliant and cooperative and make you look like you overreacted. And I still get to watch the movie yet you got super angry. I win.

    If you want to take it further "throw popcorn at me" you will also lose because unfortunately for you and most people who haven't had the experience i have playing paintball, you can't possibly compete with me on a level of violence. I have been playing paintball almost every weekend since I was like 15 and have taken out other players who were Navy Seals and Marines and put ropes of pellets to their head before they even know where they are or whats going on. Just a corner of their helmet peaking from above their hiding spot. And all a gun is is a more accurate paintball gun. Lets just say if I personally was in that theater watching the Dark Knight that one time when the guy came into the theater with weapons and shot everyone up -it would not have went down the way it did.

    Pew Pew.

    If those Navy Seals and Marines were that bad they wouldn't be around to play paintball with you because they'd have gotten shot in a war.

    Paintball guns don't have the amount of recoil that a real gun has. They are VASTLY different than a real fire arm. However I'd like to see you try and take out a shooter with a paintball gun. My money would be on the guy with the real one.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have been playing paintball almost every weekend since I was like 15 and have taken out other players who were Navy Seals and Marines and put ropes of pellets to their head before they even know where they are or whats going on.

    You took out Navy SEALS and Marines? I mean, I knew you were trolling, but this takes the cake.

    Have you ever even met a member of the US Special Forces or a Marine in your entie life? I'm starting to think you're about 15 years old.
    If those Navy Seals and Marines were that bad they wouldn't be around to play paintball with you because they'd have gotten shot in a war.

    Acually, no, they wouldn't have. They would have been through hell and back without a single wound unless something went terribly wrong. Those are the very people who sneak into the worst enemy situations and come out unscathed. They infiltrate Taliban camps and kill everyone there. And this idiot thinks he can beat them at anything? He's tougher than the Taliban?

    I'm dying laughing over here.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I'll let you know next time someone needs a bad *kitten* at a kid's laser tag party. You can really show everyone what's up.

    Wow you must be like 7 feet tall all muscle. Are you in the WNBA or something???

    Not that big. But signifcantly bigger than you. Which is why all your "You're going to have to make me!" talk is making me laugh.

    As a guy, you're probably bigger than me too. Which is why I asked how exactly you'd make me do something. Do you get physically threatening with a girl?
  • I'll let you know next time someone needs a bad *kitten* at a kid's laser tag party. You can really show everyone what's up.

    Wow you must be like 7 feet tall all muscle. Are you in the WNBA or something???

    Not that big. But signifcantly bigger than you. Which is why all your "You're going to have to make me!" talk is making me laugh.

    Well the point of my paintball/CCW analogy/story is I don't let anyone touch me. Ever. Im not afraid of you nor any man of any size who has not forged their ability to point a weapon at a target, aim, and shoot accurately at distances for AT LEAST over a decade of experience and THOUSANDS OF HOURS spent honing that ability like its second nature to the point where if it came down to a confrontation it would be like a walk in the park for me to headshot up to 3-4 people with just the reflexes of my wrist and trigger finger in like a 2-3 second span. I have helped win local tournaments and everything. Its just like another round of PB to me. It would be like a game I have been training my whole life to play and a game most criminals can't afford to even play or practice for.

    Also I squat 350lbs ATG and am built like pure steel. Not that I would ever fight in general. Haven't been in a fight since high school (nor a shootout lol)

    But your toughness is adorable ;)
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    As a guy, you're probably bigger than me too. Which is why I asked how exactly you'd make me do something. Do you get physically threatening with a girl?

    Never. But you really should put away your phone during the movie.

    So how are you going to make me do something? Serious question. You've said over and over you'd "make" someone do something. How?
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    I'll let you know next time someone needs a bad *kitten* at a kid's laser tag party. You can really show everyone what's up.

    Wow you must be like 7 feet tall all muscle. Are you in the WNBA or something???

    Not that big. But signifcantly bigger than you. Which is why all your "You're going to have to make me!" talk is making me laugh.

    As a guy, you're probably bigger than me too. Which is why I asked how exactly you'd make me do something. Do you get physically threatening with a girl?
    You keep throwing me off on this thread....Different picture each day!
  • Merryelleh
    Merryelleh Posts: 1 Member
    exactly . before the movie fine. but during the movie, why waste all that money it costs to see it in the theatre. the bright screen and the buzzing is a distraction. turn it off and enjoy the movie. as for the text rage....shooting someone? really? comeon!
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    *kitten* it! I'm just going to get hot and heavy with my date in the back row! That way we won't get upset that we're missing the movie and we won't be bothered by the person texting. Since we are in the back row, we aren't bothering anyone, and we get the thrill of beign all pervy. Win/win!
  • As a guy, you're probably bigger than me too. Which is why I asked how exactly you'd make me do something. Do you get physically threatening with a girl?

    Never. But you really should put away your phone during the movie.

    So how are you going to make me do something? Serious question. You've said over and over you'd "make" someone do something. How?

    If I politely ask you to put your phone away during a movie and you rudely refuse?

    I could get an usher. But what I'm more likely to do is say things to you that make you leave the theater.

    You've exposed yourself. Thank you for your time.

    Stay classy ladies ;)
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    *kitten* it! I'm just going to get hot and heavy with my date in the back row! That way we won't get upset that we're missing the movie and we won't be bothered by the person texting. Since we are in the back row, we aren't bothering anyone, and we get the thrill of beign all pervy. Win/win!
    So....what are you doing Friday???;)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I really want to know how Nutella thinks he's actually beaten Marines and SEALS. I really, really, really want to know this.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    For the love of God, stop texting in the movie theater. If you have to look at your phone, get out of the room. I don't know about anyone else, but my eyes immediately go to your screen instead of the movie screen since it shines in the dark.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    my eyes immediately go to your screen instead of the movie screen since it shines in the dark.