Most awkward weight comment



  • LRoslin
    LRoslin Posts: 128
    When my mother in law said that obviously one of our kids (who is in the 100th percentile for weight and height for his age) was taking after my side of the family. Way to pick on a kid to make your point, lady. I am only partly working on losing the weight as a big middle finger to her. I hope to have lost a big chunk of it (pun intended) before she gets back from her winter migration to the South.
  • LRoslin
    LRoslin Posts: 128
    When I was younger my mother would always say "You're going to be as big as a house."

    LIke, how is that possible?

    Moms are the best. When I was nine years old my mom barged into the bathroom while I was in the bath and said, "Gosh, all those rolls on your tummy, you look like a cartoon Christmas tree!"

    And when I was 14 she informed me I had "Fertile Myrtle" hips.
  • SEJ721
    SEJ721 Posts: 6 Member
    I've had so many rude comments as I have battled with my weight my entire life. The most recent one being at work. Me and another co worker are about the same weight. She has PCOS and has been trying to have a child and really wants to lose weight, and I asked her if she would like to diet and exercise with me. We could go to the gym together, and hold each other accountable. We were talking about the different gyms and another co-worker who works out regularly caught us talking about the gym and said " Oh, I would wait about a week to hit the gym, It's whale week being the first of the year, but after that they'll return to the couch with their Twinkies." the whole room just kind of went quiet and he quickly realized what he said and high tailed it out of the room.
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    Unlike most people on here my mum is actually responsible for the majority of the negative and awkward weight comments. Normally along the lines of 'She's kind of a big one' or 'Your bigger than me' Which is a joke as she's two sizes bigger than me. And if people make comments about my weight she can't wait to tell me. It's like a competition for her..

    My mom has also made a lot of comments over the years about my weight gain, asking me if I was pregnant, making very embarrassing comments in front of other people. When I started dating my now-husband it really bothered him and he stopped coming with me when I would go visit her. One day she made another comment and I finally said "THAT is exactly why he never comes over here, he hates hearing you say that stuff. It's rude mom." Her response was that she didn't want me to end up fat and miserable like she was. Way to encourage your daughter mom, maybe you should be a therapist?
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    This one co-worker that I couldn't stand told me how she went to an abs class, and that I should go to so I could "lose my belly" and I told her I wasn't interested and she kept pushing. I had been riding my bike to and from work every day (besides the fact that you can't spot tone. She has a Ph.D. in some biology field). I left early and rode my bike home and cried, and I think I told my boss (this was a few years ago) or I was about to tell my boss, but one day I came to work and there was an apology card on my desk. She also tried to convert me to Christianity a few times. I just don't think she understood social cues from any angle.

    That story makes me just sick!! I am so sorry you had to feel that way. I could almost feel your pain reading about riding your bike home and crying :(

    I used to work at a nonprofit that was all about diversity and acceptance. It was a pretty good place for the most part, but they hired this RN on staff who was such a (insert horrible word). She was in her 60s and I'd say around a size 14, at least, so not a skinny woman...but she went on and on all of the time about how she "hated fat people" and they "grossed her out" and when she would do an intake with a new client who was obese she would make even worse comments. Within a few weeks of her working there, I disliked this woman more than I've really disliked just about anyone in my life.

    The management of the organization would normally have spoken to and/or written up anyone for saying things like she did, they were fiercely protective of clients and anyone with a disability etc, but she was older and very wealthy, made it clear that she was basically doing the job "for fun", and somehow she had this mind control type power over them. It was odd and disturbing.

    She started hanging out (outside of work) with my coworker-friend P who was very thin (and actually recovering from an ED) and P told me that she said some really hideous things about P's "bigger friends" which would have meant me and another coworker. P actually "broke up" with this woman friend-wise and told her she was not going to hang out with her and listen to that. But it hurt my feelings so much and really affected my confidence at work. I felt so embarrassed and ashamed all of the time. Finally that woman moved across the country. Good riddance.

    At the same job, they took CONSTANT photos of us all. That was an issue for me. I felt extra nervous & uncomfortable knowing they could photograph me at any time, from any angle, and it would be splashed all over the internet, company publications, etc. I shudder at that even now. Interestingly, I went from my "usual" weight of 260-270 to my HW of 307 while working there. I seriously think it was because of the anxiety and unnecessary attention due to weight, as much as being sedentary!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    There is this one lady I work with that kept getting on me that I shouldn't lose any more weight when I was initally losing weight and was down to 150 from 245. Everytime I saw her, after I hit about 170 she was like "you are starting to look too skinny you need to stop losing weight" I am only 5'5 and small frame so 150 is still considered overweight.
    Fast forward when I have gained 50 lbs back, she had left work for about a 1.5 years and I ran into her again. "I see you gained your weight back, you look much better now."
  • autumny70
    autumny70 Posts: 127 Member
    Some of the comments here are just terrible. And mostly from family FFS

    My recent awkward comment:
    Co-worker told me "You look great, really thin, it must be the outfit you're wearing."
    I responded "Either that, or the 23 lbs I've lost."
    "But your clothes don't look big" <digging herself further>
    "Because I have a full range of sizes in my closet and prefer to wear clothes that fit"

    Seriously. If you feel that you absolutely MUST comment on someone's appearance, for whatever reason, say "You look great today" and end it there.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Some of the comments here are just terrible. And mostly from family FFS

    My recent awkward comment:
    Co-worker told me "You look great, really thin, it must be the outfit you're wearing."
    I responded "Either that, or the 23 lbs I've lost."
    "But your clothes don't look big" <digging herself further>
    "Because I have a full range of sizes in my closet and prefer to wear clothes that fit"

    Seriously. If you feel that you absolutely MUST comment on someone's appearance, for whatever reason, say "You look great today" and end it there.

    Some people don't have any sensitivity as far as I can tell...or they are just looking for justification because you are doing better than them and look better.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Another English as a second language one...

    I got a deal on a body scrub treatment at a newer spa. It's awkward enough being in just your undergarments in front of strangers, but as i was sitting up to get off the bed, the woman reaches over, grabs my belly roll and asks me if I want to get a wrap done to get rid of the fat. :embarassed: I just mumbled "uh, no thanks". I didn't get mad, I laughed about it after, but it was pretty awkward.
  • yaomihaha
    yaomihaha Posts: 21 Member
    Just yesterday my coworker called me "such a big pile of (meat)" and then laughed, I currently weigh under 140lb at 5'3.
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    As I still have belly fat, I do get teased a bit by family. Also everytime I gain a few pounds it goes to my face and my family pick up on it like anything, good thing I sorted it over Xmas holidays to not allow it to become a big deal. I've had lots of comments myself, mainly from my mother making me feel bad when I was deeply depressed as well as my Aunty calling me fat in front of my whole family on my birthday :/ Things like this would hurt me before but motivate me hit back when the tables turn.
  • Katey12891
    Katey12891 Posts: 41 Member
    My friend looked after orphans in a hostel in Australia and one day I was visiting for dinner. One of the young boys (about 4?) asked me if I had a baby in my tummy. I went home and sulked hahaha
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    When I first made goal, somebody who I hadn't seen in awhile greeted me excitedly, and said, "Oh, I see you had weight loss surgery!!!"

    No f***-stick, I tracked my intake, and started eating better. Why would I need to cut my insides open to do that?

    Silly idiots.
  • When I was younger (maybe around 10) I was spending the summer visiting my out of state grandparents. One day I was running errands with my grandpa and we stopped by someone's house for breakfast. Apparently I ate too much because my grandpa out of nowhere remarked, "the table never gets dirty under that one." It took me awhile to figure out what the heck he was talking about. That's just one of the many reasons I don't care for him.
  • annie61702
    annie61702 Posts: 120 Member
    I've also heard a lot of the comments mentioned in this thread. One thing that really annoys me is when people ask me how much I weigh now. Even my husband doesn't know my weight! It happened today at my hair stylist. Every time I get my hair cut, she asks me that. I'm always evasive. You would think she'd get a clue. Good think she does a great job on my hair.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    This article has some great advice about dealing with those back-handed compliments as a healthier you emerges.
  • shanthi1970
    shanthi1970 Posts: 1 Member
    Recently, someone who sees me pretty regularly asked, via miming, if I was pregnant. I replied "no, just fat". Granted I don't think I'm "Fat". I'm normally 136. But at 43 y.o. my waistline is suffering more and more from my eating habits. I think I was only 138 when she asked me that. It was a wakeup call to get back on the healthy eating habit train AND get back to the gym. I'd like to hover around 130 instead of 136.
  • mimimerlot
    mimimerlot Posts: 4 Member
    6 Years ago after coming out of a lengthy stay in a psychiatric hospital and getting everything worked out with my meds I was finally stable. I lost quite a bit of weight in the hospital and got down to 168 (I'm 5'4 and have always been overweight to some degree). It would be impossible to gain weight on the food they were feeding me. It was tasteless and low cal, low fat food. I ran into a an old friend of a friend at Walmart and she looked at me and said "you look so good! Don't get fat again" Well here I am 6 years later and I am 230 pounds, obese but sane haha. She moved across the country so I never see her but I think about it from time to time and I'm so ashamed that not only did I get fat I got morbidly obese.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    I am pear-shaped. In college, I was at a pretty low weight, but still had a good sized booty. I had to get an injection, and the nurse "politely" asked if she could inject my butt instead of my arm since there was a lot more cushion down below!
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member I forgot about until now. When I was around 12 years old, I boy I had a HUGE crush on went to the same church as my best friend. They were having a pizza party and as I was reaching for a second slice, he said as loud as possible, "Boy, Amber, you sure can eat a lot!" Talk about feeling 2 inches tall. I wasn't even overweight then, but I had always been made to feel like it by my aunts who were 3-4 inches shorter than me and petite, something you'd never have mistaken me for.

    That was the end of my first crush! Couldn't stand him after that :laugh: