Nobel Prize Winner picks Diet of the Future



  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I just feel like saying, I was a veg for 10 years -- and love nooch and several vegan recipes.

    But I hate bad science and I hate propoganda.



    for the roll

    In. And I agree. I have no problem at all with people making personal choices. It is definitely not for me though.

  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    in for the stupid
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    It would mean that meat eaters would have to pay the real price of raising meat, not the heavily subsidized one they see now. That is, if government stopped subsidizing them. Government does not now subsidize crops grown for human consumption; only crops grown for animal consumption (i.e., meat and dairy on the hoof)


    That's only slightly overstated. Fruit and vegetable farmers are mostly unsubsidized.

    You think that's "slightly overstated"? :huh:

    Perhaps that's part of the problem in discussions like this one.

    What you call "slightly overstated", I call a "gross and intentionally misleading distortion of the truth".

    ETA: And great...I guess I'm in the roll now.
  • saracantthink
    saracantthink Posts: 49 Member
    It would be awesome if more people were vegetarian or vegan. I have been a vegetarian for 16 years and tried Veganism a couple of times. The hardest part is knowing whether there are hidden by-products in a food. I wish they would put at the bottom of the label whether their were by-products, the same way they write if a food has dairy, nuts, or gluten in it. Maybe if this became a concern for more people more foods would be labeled.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member

    Yet they manage to be quite successful without the subsidy.

    "So can farmers make it without government support?

    "As an economist, I'd say yeah, absolutely, I think they should be able to survive," Glauber says. "I mean you look at fruits and vegetables, that sector, there are a lot of programs for those crops, but they haven't received the support that some of the others have." That's true – direct payments and many other farm programs have never applied to fruits and vegetables."
  • MadameLAL
    MadameLAL Posts: 108
    It would mean that meat eaters would have to pay the real price of raising meat, not the heavily subsidized one they see now. That is, if government stopped subsidizing them. Government does not now subsidize crops grown for human consumption; only crops grown for animal consumption (i.e., meat and dairy on the hoof)


    That's only slightly overstated. Fruit and vegetable farmers are mostly unsubsidized.

    You think that's "slightly overstated"? :huh:

    Perhaps that's part of the problem in discussions like this one.

    What you call "slightly overstated", I call a "gross and intentionally misleading distortion of the truth".

    ETA: And great...I guess I'm in the roll now.

    I just posted a link to an article about fruit/veg subsidies.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    And grains? Poster said crops. We obviously grow enormous quantities of grain in this country.
  • MadameLAL
    MadameLAL Posts: 108

    And grains? Poster said crops. We obviously grow enormous quantities of grain in this country.

    Many farm subsidies go to farms producing grain to feed livestock.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    It would mean that meat eaters would have to pay the real price of raising meat, not the heavily subsidized one they see now. That is, if government stopped subsidizing them. Government does not now subsidize crops grown for human consumption; only crops grown for animal consumption (i.e., meat and dairy on the hoof)


    That's only slightly overstated. Fruit and vegetable farmers are mostly unsubsidized.

    You think that's "slightly overstated"? :huh:

    Perhaps that's part of the problem in discussions like this one.

    What you call "slightly overstated", I call a "gross and intentionally misleading distortion of the truth".

    ETA: And great...I guess I'm in the roll now.

    I just posted a link to an article about fruit/veg subsidies.

    And that article talks about produce farmers not wanting the subsidies because it would limit their planting flexibility.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member

    And grains? Poster said crops. We obviously grow enormous quantities of grain in this country.

    Many farm subsidies go to farms producing grain to feed livestock.

    Which totally explains the demand for and supply of grass fed animals.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member

    And grains? Poster said crops. We obviously grow enormous quantities of grain in this country.

    Many farm subsidies go to farms producing grain to feed livestock.

    And many go to farms producing grain to feed humans. So?
  • Marcolter
    Marcolter Posts: 103 Member
    I try to eat as little animal protein as I can, and try to use local farm meat that treat animals with respect for their life. My main concern is to avoid factory farmed raised tortured creatures. I believe the stress hormones of all these wretched creatures that humans eat from these torture factories, pass toxins into to our bodies if not, bad karma. I hate seeing animals suffer but I respect how the American Indians thanked animals for the sacrifice of their lives for food. If you eat meat, respect the life that was taken.
  • Fit2Strip
    Fit2Strip Posts: 280 Member
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
  • MadameLAL
    MadameLAL Posts: 108

    And grains? Poster said crops. We obviously grow enormous quantities of grain in this country.

    Many farm subsidies go to farms producing grain to feed livestock.

    And many go to farms producing grain to feed humans. So?

    So pass the doritos.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    I've been in and out of this thread, I don't even remember what the original point of it was. Well I slightly remember, seeing as how it's in the title.

    But then it quickly degraded into a vegan vs non vegan flame war.......and something about bears?

    This is why I love Laura Miller. She's a (mostly) raw food vegan, and she is totally chill about it. She makes recipes on the Youtube channel TasteMade. Her segment is "Raw. Vegan. Not Gross." She makes her recipes very accessible so that people who are either being introduced to the lifestyle or just want to get a little more veggies in their diet are able to use it.

    There are some awesome vegan and vegetarian people out there who don't have an elitist view of their diet lifestyle and don't shove their views down other people's throats. I feel like the opposite has happened here. So, here's a llama:

  • fishnbrah
    fishnbrah Posts: 550
    It would be awesome if more people were vegetarian or vegan.

    I try to eat as little animal protein as I can, and try to use local farm meat
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Haven't even read the first portion of this thread yet, but wow. The condescending remarks are impressive in just this one little page.
  • I've been in and out of this thread, I don't even remember what the original point of it was. Well I slightly remember, seeing as how it's in the title.

    But then it quickly degraded into a vegan vs non vegan flame war.......and something about bears?

    This is why I love Laura Miller. She's a (mostly) raw food vegan, and she is totally chill about it. She makes recipes on the Youtube channel TasteMade. Her segment is "Raw. Vegan. Not Gross." She makes her recipes very accessible so that people who are either being introduced to the lifestyle or just want to get a little more veggies in their diet are able to use it.

    There are some awesome vegan and vegetarian people out there who don't have an elitist view of their diet lifestyle and don't shove their views down other people's throats. I feel like the opposite has happened here. So, here's a llama:


    Thread winner!