When is enough, enough?



  • I'm a big fan of sumptuous.com. She has workouts for people who don't have weight sets … and she's funny!
  • Sadly, I never found that point where I could contently say "enough, I am happy with where I am now". My weight has fluctuated UP & DOWN for years (based on my own nutrition decisions, yo-yoing), but even at my lowest weight, about 115 lbs 2 years ago, I was not completely happy with myself... I know that doesn't really help you at all :( ..BUT, now, at 150 lbs, when I see pictures of myself at my thinnist, I think "WOW! I looked so good. Y didn't I appreciate having that body when I did?" (Even though secretly I know that if I did now, I would STILL try to improve it)... For me, I couldn't find that finish/maintanence line because no matter how much weight I lost, I was not content with my BODY. I will never have the body shape/type that I desire, but now I have come to terms with that & my goal is to be the best that 'I' can be ( equal to or better than that of which I want. Lol, j/k) .. I guess what I'm trying to say is, 'enough' is a tough line to draw. You have truly come a long way in your weightloss journey and your body looks amazing. If you are happy with yourself now and healthy, maybe just maintain where you are and & see how you feel.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Honestly, in 2004 I lost over 100 lbs. It was not the # on the scale that told me when I was done. It was when I felt so beautiful in a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt that told me I was good. I didn't even weigh myself. I'm now trying to lose 90 lbs again after having 3 more gorgeous baby boys. I will use that same feeling to gauge when I am done.

    Wow that's amazing - Well done!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Thanks JouneyingJes!

    I guess I just thought when I lost weight, I'd be happy. Not that I'm terribly unhappy. Maybe I'm hoping to be happy if I lose ten more pounds. I suspect however (after reading your replies) that it's not losing the weight that's going to make me happy...

    I do still need to do some toning and shaping. I need to get tighter, if that makes sense.

    My sister came to same realization when she saw the changes in my body but not weight.

    I lost a tonne of inches doing circut training which was a Jillian Michaels DVD...30Day shred....so my sister bought it, loved it...bought ripped in 30 and extreme shed and shred....she doesn't follow the meal plan but you should see her now...

    venus belt popping through, abs of steel, definition in her thighs and arms...she looks amazing...is 5 ft 4, floats between 125-128lbs and can do real honest to god pushups...she is very happy with her "look"...oh btw she is 43 and a mom....her son is 9.
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    Honestly, in 2004 I lost over 100 lbs. It was not the # on the scale that told me when I was done. It was when I felt so beautiful in a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt that told me I was good. I didn't even weigh myself. I'm now trying to lose 90 lbs again after having 3 more gorgeous baby boys. I will use that same feeling to gauge when I am done.

    Wow that's amazing - Well done!

    Agreed! Great to read.
  • jbpretty
    jbpretty Posts: 221 Member
    My family tells me that what I have left is probably just skin that I won't be able to get rid of. I think they're wrong. I will just have to work harder and eat cleaner.

    I guess the reason I asked the question in the beginning because I am afraid that I will never reach my goal because my goal keeps changing. I was getting discouraged. All of this talk has helped me though... I guess it's time to get to exercising! Plus I may need to change my thoughts of what is actually possible.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I made my original goal weight based on what I weighed on my wedding day. I remember being comfortable in my skin at that time (and I wore a size 6 wedding dress, which I remember feeling really good about lol). What I didn't take into consideration was that 11 years had since passed and I have also had three kids in that time. I definitely looked different on the day I hit my goal weight vs. my wedding day :grumble: :tongue:

    So I decided to keep working on weight loss and have since dropped almost 20lbs more, before calling final goal a few months ago. I never set a second goal weight and just decided to keep losing until I looked in the mirror and said 'ok, this is it.' That time came when I hit a little over 120lbs, but I actually continued to lose a few more pounds as I transitioned into maintenance/got my weight to stabilize. I love where I am now and I'm really glad I kept at it and lost a bit more weight. For me it made a big difference :)
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    stop worrying about losing WEIGHT, and start concentrating on lowering your body fat %
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    Honestly, in 2004 I lost over 100 lbs. It was not the # on the scale that told me when I was done. It was when I felt so beautiful in a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt that told me I was good. I didn't even weigh myself. I'm now trying to lose 90 lbs again after having 3 more gorgeous baby boys. I will use that same feeling to gauge when I am done.

    See now, I'm really happy when I see myself in jeans and tee...in fact if I could avoid seeing myself naked I'd probably say I was done. Unfortunately it's what I see without clothes that made me adjust my goal and now I'm only 5 or 6 lbs away from the new goal and I suspect I might not like naked me even at that weight.