Off Topic....moms, where are you??



  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    This is "the terrible twos" which start around 18 months and last until they leave the house. Just kidding. This is the time when being consistant in disciplining will take a lot out of you, but just hang in there and don't give in. With consistent creative discipline they will learn eventually to be able to handle not getting what they think they want immediately.

    I know adults who never learned that lesson.

    I remember a day, a long time ago, when my first born was having a conniption fit in front of the refridgerator. First he thought he wanted milk, so I took out the milk; only to have him cry that he wanted apple juice; so I poured him a glass of apple juice, but I got it in the wrong color cup..... in other words, he didn't even know what he wanted and just wanted to fuss.

    The teeth thing is a toughy too, because you know they don't feel well with big old molars coming in and that just makes them act worse.
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Hold on tight Tami - the fun is just starting! It is going to be an emotional three years!! :devil:

    Love, Laugh and cherish the snuggle time!

    I never told anyone this - I secretly loved when my son was sick because he would snuggle quietly on the couch with me for hours! :heart:

    you are in good company and it is 100% normal!
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    My oldest is turning 4 next week and also went thru this. It seems like turning 3 and building his vocabulary helped a lot. Imagine having big people control every aspect of your life and not having the vocab/speaking skills to tell them what you want. Plus painful teeth. Someone said pick your battles and be consistent. Very good advice. My oldest sometimes wears very weird stuff out in public, but who really cares? But at least he is wearing a coat when it's cold. Don't be embaressed to leave a shopping cart if you have to. Kids will never, ever forget that one time you gave in or bribed them to be good. Don't worry about what other people are thinking if you need to give a time-out or something. Consistency helps a lot. And one day when you think you are going to lose it, he will hug you and tell you that you are a good mommy and you will forget all the pain!:love:
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    I need help! Please tell me this is normal. My formerly sweet, kind, good boy turned 17 months old and BAM!! He became devil child!! His cuspids are coming in and I hear they are nasty...and I know he is trying to test his boundaries and see what he can get away with...and I know it is frustrating because he can't communicate everything he wants to (besides screaming!!).....But, man!! I just don't know how to handle him sometimes.

    I keep saying I need little boy midol for his PMS!! LOL!

    I wasn't prepared for this at all because he was GREAT up until now. I mean, the ONLY thing I could complain about was him screaming sometimes (out of frustration AND excitement), but he was a good sleeper, eater, transitioned from bottle to cup before he was a year! And he is just a charmer, waves and smiles to everyone in public. I still see glimpses of my sweet boy! Please tell me he's not gone forever!! :)

    Tami (mommy to J.T. the Terrible!!!) hehe

    Awww. sorry I can't really give much advice. Both of mine (8 year old and 14 month old) are girls! My sisters both have 1 boy and 1 girl. One of them is only 8 months old.. but the other boy is just over 2. My sister always said how she couldn't believe how different boys are!!!!! I know he went through the same thing- and eventually 'grew out of it'.. although is he VERY active and hyper!!!!!!!!!! He isn't gone forever =) Kids just test their boundries as they get older and realize they can get away with more- or they at least try to get away with more!!! What exactly is he doing now that he wasn't before???? Maybe we could give some more specific advice? Oh and I know someone else already mentioned it above me-- but it also sounds like he's starting "the terrible two's".. which usually last until they are 3!!!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Thanks everyone! I was finally able to read the rest of your responses. I appreciate the advice and words of sympathy! :)

    To answer the last question, he is just not himself. He has a super short fuse, will come into the kitchen with me to get a cup of milk. I hand it to him and he starts crying and flings his hand at the cup of milk to push it away, so I put it down on the table and he starts throwing another tantrum because he wants it. Then he is getting to that point where he see's another kid have or be on a toy and decides he wants it and just goes and takes it. And he SCREAMS! I think that's the worst. He has always been a screamer to show his frustration but these days it's A LOT and he knows it bugs me, looks right at me and does it. I am truly hoping that when he understands and can communicate more words, that the screaming will stop.

    But like today, we were at a friends house playing outside since it was a beautiful day. She made pizza and all the kids were eating happily. I helped him sit down to eat and he started throwing a tantrum....and would not eat a bite. So, he was miserable for awhile. I thought maybe his teeth I didn't push it TOO much...then a little while later, he gets a piece of pizza and walks away with it and starts eating it as he gets in the play car and sits there and eats it.

    I mean, I guess he is trying to show that he is in charge of if I try to do anything for him, he will resist but a few minutes later he will decide on his own that he will do it. Grrrr! LOL!

    In good news, he is usually a good boy while out shopping. For the most part anyway! In fact he is quite engaging and smiles and waves to people and says "Hi!" And they love it and will talk to him and tell me how cute he is, etc! lol
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    awww so sweet!!!!

    lol and I agree w/ everyone! you'll get through it even though there will be days when you say....Lord just take the wheel because this child is on my last nerve LOL...sigh....but its probably a few things...the teeth and he's becoming more intune to what he can do on his own, to reactions and he's basically testing the waters times girl!

    big hugs and he sounds like a sweet heart! my little guy was and is still a handful at times....but as long as for the most part you know why they act out or its just a phase things will get better.....and then worse....and then better....and then worse....lmbo....I think or shall I say I HEAR its get really better when they are grown and have their own kids and you become the grandma! lol

  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    Your little guy sounds soooo normal for his age! I really think you'll see a difference as his language naturally improves.
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    I'm going through this right now with my 4 month old, he's just getting his 1st tooth, and, man I had him on such a good schedule too lol! Now my 5 year old on the other hand is a little monster and has been since the day he was concieved. When I was pregnant I said to my husband that I was carrying the devil child, and I was right on the money!! And I also have a 13 year old who is going through the first stages of teenage years, and oooh man terrible two's got nothing on that. I'm at all stages right now and some days I wanna pull my hair out but just hang in there, the smiles they bring to your face far outweigh the tough stuff!!