Question about eating too much fat!



  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    Ah yes. I've been pretty out of control recently! Damn, put like that, it sounds kinda scary. I need to look at more vegetarian protein sources then. Beans, kale, leafy greens? Check! Sometimes I really do need a kick up the *kitten*. I knew I wasn't eating enough protein but I thought it might be fine. I will definitely take your advice! Thanks!

    Are you vegetarian, or just trying to cut back on meat? I saw chicken legs in your diary one day for lunch, and 3 rashers of bacon at breakfast another day. Eggs are a good source of protein, if you like them, and I see that you drink milk, which has protein.
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    They're still not the devil. Food is food and demonizing any of it creates a rdiculously unhealth relationship with it. All of it has things in it our bodies can use. Funny how my body doesn't care if I eat white bread or brown (I prefer the taste of whole grain so I eat it...otherwise I wouldn't be bothered) and I'm prediabetic. I get hungry again at the exact samd rate. I had a stomach flu last week and all I could keep down after 4 days of tossing up my toenails was white bread and chef boyardi.

    I'm sorry, but I'm going to disagree with you. Refined, processed grains are next to worthless. I just asked my boss (who is a medical doctor) and he said that "Only a moron eats refined foods." Then I checked the Intranet blogs of our head dietitian, and they're very clear: Whole grains are okay, refined should be avoided.

    "Substituting enriched, white pasta and rice and other refined foods with whole-grain varieties is a great way to boost dietary fiber intake and help to prevent blood sugar fluctuations throughout the day. This, in turn, helps keep you feeling satisfied and can help prevent sudden cravings for sweets or other quick-sugar foods later in the day. The end result: weight control."

    So, live and let live I suppose. If your plan works for you, that's great, I'm happy for you. I'm sticking with the advice of medical professionals.