curves for women?

Have any of the ladies tried out Curves gym? Was wandering if you had success and how well you liked it?


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,030 Member
    Is good when you start out, if you are quite inactive. But, because you can't adjust the resistance, it becomes too easy after a time and you don't really keep improving, just sort of level out. Also, it gets REALLY boring, because its the same thing over and over.

    I'd go back if it wasn't just as expensive as a gym!! I'd recommend joining a gym instead and doing a few circuit classes in amongst everything else they offer.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Boring, boring boring.
  • bbokai
    bbokai Posts: 5 Member
    When I first made a conscious decison to lose weight in march 2011, I joined curves cuz the workouts were only 30 minutes long and I was relatively new to exercise so it was perfect for me. I absolutely loved it, I lost just over a stone in the 9 months I was with them for. Of course, it felt same-y after a while so I decided to join a gym as I felt more confident and it was cheaper than curves.
    My advice is, if you are just starting out, go for it! but if you know your way aound a gym, might as well register with one.