Shakeology protein shakes



  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    If you compare the nutrition label on the back of the Shakeology bag you will not find "fake" ingredients. You will also not find chemicals. You will find those things in regular protein powder.

    Shakeology is made up of superfoods. No artificial sweeteners. I can't wait to get mine back! My body works really well on it.. we have been penny pinching lately so I had to put it on hiatus but can't wait to get on it again! I like the vegan chocolate.

    there are no chemicals in shakeology.??? Really??????

    Please provide a list of the "super foods" contained in shakeology…?

    There's the label. Please tell me where the chemicals are??

    for one "blueberry" they have chemicals in them.

    Am I correct in assuming you eat no blueberries then? I know that at least a lot of their ingredients are organic. Some are even hand picked.

    What I don't understand is how there are so many RUDE know-it-alls on these boards. Everyone has different preferences.

    You'll have someone telling you Shakeology is crap yet they eat big macs and whatever works in their "IIFYM". WHAT EVER.

    And yet, we have been very successful. Perhaps, a shift in thinking is in order.
  • mrsroseblack
    mrsroseblack Posts: 45 Member

    I'm sure you're right. I haven't researched EVERY protein powder. I'm talking about the generic GNC type.. But why not just eat pumpkin seeds?

    I like pumpkin seeds, but the reason I buy it in powder form is because I have a lot of restrictions on my diet, and it's hard to get protein. I can get the same amount of protein in the powder (9 g) for 55 calories as eating the seeds as a snack, for 170 calories.

    It's $18 for 40 servings. It's been by far the best vegan (non-soy) protein powder I've tried, in terms of taste. (I can even drink it in carbonated water with lime and stevia, but I like to have it really blended into something, just because of texture.)

    That's interesting. I'll have to look for that. I'm a vegetarian so meeting my protein is really hard.. part of why I miss my shakeology.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    If you compare the nutrition label on the back of the Shakeology bag you will not find "fake" ingredients. You will also not find chemicals. You will find those things in regular protein powder.

    Shakeology is made up of superfoods. No artificial sweeteners. I can't wait to get mine back! My body works really well on it.. we have been penny pinching lately so I had to put it on hiatus but can't wait to get on it again! I like the vegan chocolate.

    there are no chemicals in shakeology.??? Really??????

    Please provide a list of the "super foods" contained in shakeology…?

    There's the label. Please tell me where the chemicals are??

    for one "blueberry" they have chemicals in them.

    Am I correct in assuming you eat no blueberries then? I know that at least a lot of their ingredients are organic. Some are even hand picked.

    What I don't understand is how there are so many RUDE know-it-alls on these boards. Everyone has different preferences.

    You'll have someone telling you Shakeology is crap yet they eat big macs and whatever works in their "IIFYM". WHAT EVER.

    Yes, I do eat blueberries, but I don't pretend they do not have chemicals..

    How am I rude to challenge your assertion that shakeology has no chemicals in it, while other protein powders do? Just because you were dead wrong and got called on it, is no reason to get all but hurt about it..

    Look, I am sorry your magical elixir has chemicals in it….feel free to keep wasting money on a product that does absolutely nothing…
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Really the discussion about "chemicals" being in Shakeology is all semantics. WATER is a chemical. Everything has chemicals in it.

    Shhhhhh!!! Chemicals are eVil!!! And water is fatal in large doses.

    Oh shoot, and drank a half gallon of water so far today... What's gonna happen to me?

    You're already dead . . .
  • mrsroseblack
    mrsroseblack Posts: 45 Member
    If you compare the nutrition label on the back of the Shakeology bag you will not find "fake" ingredients. You will also not find chemicals. You will find those things in regular protein powder.

    Shakeology is made up of superfoods. No artificial sweeteners. I can't wait to get mine back! My body works really well on it.. we have been penny pinching lately so I had to put it on hiatus but can't wait to get on it again! I like the vegan chocolate.

    there are no chemicals in shakeology.??? Really??????

    Please provide a list of the "super foods" contained in shakeology…?

    There's the label. Please tell me where the chemicals are??

    for one "blueberry" they have chemicals in them.

    Am I correct in assuming you eat no blueberries then? I know that at least a lot of their ingredients are organic. Some are even hand picked.

    What I don't understand is how there are so many RUDE know-it-alls on these boards. Everyone has different preferences.

    You'll have someone telling you Shakeology is crap yet they eat big macs and whatever works in their "IIFYM". WHAT EVER.

    And yet, we have been very successful. Perhaps, a shift in thinking is in order.

    No, it's not. People lose weight all the time using different methods. Just because you've lost weight doesn't tell me you know it all. Look at my ticker. I also know how to lose weight. You eat less calories, you lose weight. I KNOW how my body felt eating clean and drinking Shakeology. You'll never convince me that MY BODY didn't feel better and function better.
  • Really the discussion about "chemicals" being in Shakeology is all semantics. WATER is a chemical. Everything has chemicals in it.

    Shhhhhh!!! Chemicals are eVil!!! And water is fatal in large doses.

    Oh shoot, and drank a half gallon of water so far today... What's gonna happen to me?

    You're already dead . . .

    At least I don't have to make dinner. LOL
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    If you compare the nutrition label on the back of the Shakeology bag you will not find "fake" ingredients. You will also not find chemicals. You will find those things in regular protein powder.

    Shakeology is made up of superfoods. No artificial sweeteners. I can't wait to get mine back! My body works really well on it.. we have been penny pinching lately so I had to put it on hiatus but can't wait to get on it again! I like the vegan chocolate.

    there are no chemicals in shakeology.??? Really??????

    Please provide a list of the "super foods" contained in shakeology…?

    There's the label. Please tell me where the chemicals are??

    for one "blueberry" they have chemicals in them.

    Am I correct in assuming you eat no blueberries then? I know that at least a lot of their ingredients are organic. Some are even hand picked.

    What I don't understand is how there are so many RUDE know-it-alls on these boards. Everyone has different preferences.

    You'll have someone telling you Shakeology is crap yet they eat big macs and whatever works in their "IIFYM". WHAT EVER.

    And yet, we have been very successful. Perhaps, a shift in thinking is in order.

    No, it's not. People lose weight all the time using different methods. Just because you've lost weight doesn't tell me you know it all. Look at my ticker. I also know how to lose weight. You eat less calories, you lose weight. I KNOW how my body felt eating clean and drinking Shakeology. You'll never convince me that MY BODY didn't feel better and function better.

    LOLZ …No, actually we all lose weight the same way = calorie deficit. There are different strategies for creating a calorie deficit, but at the end of the day it all boils down to how much less you consume.
  • SewSweets
    SewSweets Posts: 26 Member
    I just ate 4 Girl Scout cookies while reading this thread. Wonder how many chemicals were in those? Ok gotta go log :D
  • mrsroseblack
    mrsroseblack Posts: 45 Member
    If you compare the nutrition label on the back of the Shakeology bag you will not find "fake" ingredients. You will also not find chemicals. You will find those things in regular protein powder.

    Shakeology is made up of superfoods. No artificial sweeteners. I can't wait to get mine back! My body works really well on it.. we have been penny pinching lately so I had to put it on hiatus but can't wait to get on it again! I like the vegan chocolate.

    there are no chemicals in shakeology.??? Really??????

    Please provide a list of the "super foods" contained in shakeology…?

    There's the label. Please tell me where the chemicals are??

    for one "blueberry" they have chemicals in them.

    Am I correct in assuming you eat no blueberries then? I know that at least a lot of their ingredients are organic. Some are even hand picked.

    What I don't understand is how there are so many RUDE know-it-alls on these boards. Everyone has different preferences.

    You'll have someone telling you Shakeology is crap yet they eat big macs and whatever works in their "IIFYM". WHAT EVER.

    Yes, I do eat blueberries, but I don't pretend they do not have chemicals..

    How am I rude to challenge your assertion that shakeology has no chemicals in it, while other protein powders do? Just because you were dead wrong and got called on it, is no reason to get all but hurt about it..

    Look, I am sorry your magical elixir has chemicals in it….feel free to keep wasting money on a product that does absolutely nothing…

    You're right.. it's my decision what to spend MY money on. I don't get why you're trying to convince everyone on here. Just do your thing and everyone else can do theirs! GEEZ.

    My problem is that too many people on these boards think they know everything about nutrition, yet have no degree on the matter. Just losing weight "qualifies" them to put other people down and judge what other people consume. It makes me sick.

    I am sick of bullies and people who make snide remarks putting other people down, hiding behind the internet.

    ETA: The reason I started posting here in the first place was for encouragement and ideas. Certainly not to read all the rude things I've seen in the past couple of days. Some people really think they are something.
  • I just ate 4 Girl Scout cookies while reading this thread. Wonder how many chemicals were in those? Ok gotta go log :D

    Now I want a cookie. LOL
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    If you compare the nutrition label on the back of the Shakeology bag you will not find "fake" ingredients. You will also not find chemicals. You will find those things in regular protein powder.

    Shakeology is made up of superfoods. No artificial sweeteners. I can't wait to get mine back! My body works really well on it.. we have been penny pinching lately so I had to put it on hiatus but can't wait to get on it again! I like the vegan chocolate.

    there are no chemicals in shakeology.??? Really??????

    Please provide a list of the "super foods" contained in shakeology…?

    There's the label. Please tell me where the chemicals are??

    for one "blueberry" they have chemicals in them.

    Am I correct in assuming you eat no blueberries then? I know that at least a lot of their ingredients are organic. Some are even hand picked.

    What I don't understand is how there are so many RUDE know-it-alls on these boards. Everyone has different preferences.

    You'll have someone telling you Shakeology is crap yet they eat big macs and whatever works in their "IIFYM". WHAT EVER.

    Yes, I do eat blueberries, but I don't pretend they do not have chemicals..

    How am I rude to challenge your assertion that shakeology has no chemicals in it, while other protein powders do? Just because you were dead wrong and got called on it, is no reason to get all but hurt about it..

    Look, I am sorry your magical elixir has chemicals in it….feel free to keep wasting money on a product that does absolutely nothing…

    You're right.. it's my decision what to spend MY money on. I don't get why you're trying to convince everyone on here. Just do your thing and everyone else can do theirs! GEEZ.

    My problem is that too many people on these boards think they know everything about nutrition, yet have no degree on the matter. Just losing weight "qualifies" them to put other people down and judge what other people consume. It makes me sick.

    I am sick of bullies and people who make snide remarks putting other people down, hiding behind the internet.

  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    That's interesting. I'll have to look for that. I'm a vegetarian so meeting my protein is really hard.. part of why I miss my shakeology.

    I've never seen in it stores, I usually get mine from amazon. I tried really hard to like pea protein powder and rice protein powder and just don't.
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    Ok, side question. Shakeology out of the picture. What about the other kinds of protein rich items that aren't "real food." Like shakes and Quest bars. Are those out too?

    Not trying to start a fight, I really am curious. I have had a similar discussion in my groups and would love people's input.


    i bought a box of specal k protine bars for a cross country road trip, and another 2 boxes of some fiber bars for the same trip. lol if you drive/sit in a car 20 hours a day for 4 days strait your backside gose on "lock down". but other than that most bars seem to be just over priced candy bars. i have protine shake mix i used to make if i was feeling particularly self ritious after a work out.... then i noticed the carls jr acrosed from my gym and the $6 "low-carb" hamburger tastes so much better ... costs less too!
  • Who's in charge of smileys? We need one eating popcorn!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    If you compare the nutrition label on the back of the Shakeology bag you will not find "fake" ingredients. You will also not find chemicals. You will find those things in regular protein powder.

    Shakeology is made up of superfoods. No artificial sweeteners. I can't wait to get mine back! My body works really well on it.. we have been penny pinching lately so I had to put it on hiatus but can't wait to get on it again! I like the vegan chocolate.

    there are no chemicals in shakeology.??? Really??????

    Please provide a list of the "super foods" contained in shakeology…?

    There's the label. Please tell me where the chemicals are??

    for one "blueberry" they have chemicals in them.

    Am I correct in assuming you eat no blueberries then? I know that at least a lot of their ingredients are organic. Some are even hand picked.

    What I don't understand is how there are so many RUDE know-it-alls on these boards. Everyone has different preferences.

    You'll have someone telling you Shakeology is crap yet they eat big macs and whatever works in their "IIFYM". WHAT EVER.

    Yes, I do eat blueberries, but I don't pretend they do not have chemicals..

    How am I rude to challenge your assertion that shakeology has no chemicals in it, while other protein powders do? Just because you were dead wrong and got called on it, is no reason to get all but hurt about it..

    Look, I am sorry your magical elixir has chemicals in it….feel free to keep wasting money on a product that does absolutely nothing…

    You're right.. it's my decision what to spend MY money on. I don't get why you're trying to convince everyone on here. Just do your thing and everyone else can do theirs! GEEZ.

    My problem is that too many people on these boards think they know everything about nutrition, yet have no degree on the matter. Just losing weight "qualifies" them to put other people down and judge what other people consume. It makes me sick.

    I am sick of bullies and people who make snide remarks putting other people down, hiding behind the internet.

    ETA: The reason I started posting here in the first place was for encouragement and ideas. Certainly not to read all the rude things I've seen in the past couple of days. Some people really think they are something.

    you made claim that was factually inaccurate and got called on it…that is not bullying, it is called correcting an incorrect statement.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Who's in charge of smileys? We need one eating popcorn!!

  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    If you compare the nutrition label on the back of the Shakeology bag you will not find "fake" ingredients. You will also not find chemicals. You will find those things in regular protein powder.

    Shakeology is made up of superfoods. No artificial sweeteners. I can't wait to get mine back! My body works really well on it.. we have been penny pinching lately so I had to put it on hiatus but can't wait to get on it again! I like the vegan chocolate.

    there are no chemicals in shakeology.??? Really??????

    Please provide a list of the "super foods" contained in shakeology…?

    There's the label. Please tell me where the chemicals are??

    for one "blueberry" they have chemicals in them.

    Am I correct in assuming you eat no blueberries then? I know that at least a lot of their ingredients are organic. Some are even hand picked.

    What I don't understand is how there are so many RUDE know-it-alls on these boards. Everyone has different preferences.

    You'll have someone telling you Shakeology is crap yet they eat big macs and whatever works in their "IIFYM". WHAT EVER.

    And yet, we have been very successful. Perhaps, a shift in thinking is in order.

    No, it's not. People lose weight all the time using different methods. Just because you've lost weight doesn't tell me you know it all. Look at my ticker. I also know how to lose weight. You eat less calories, you lose weight. I KNOW how my body felt eating clean and drinking Shakeology. You'll never convince me that MY BODY didn't feel better and function better.

    Very entertaining.

    Personally, I change my views on nutrition when new scientific information comes out.

    Do whatever you like with your body but don't be surprised when you're called out on BS.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If you compare the nutrition label on the back of the Shakeology bag you will not find "fake" ingredients. You will also not find chemicals. You will find those things in regular protein powder.

    Shakeology is made up of superfoods. No artificial sweeteners. I can't wait to get mine back! My body works really well on it.. we have been penny pinching lately so I had to put it on hiatus but can't wait to get on it again! I like the vegan chocolate.

    there are no chemicals in shakeology.??? Really??????

    Please provide a list of the "super foods" contained in shakeology…?

    There's the label. Please tell me where the chemicals are??

    for one "blueberry" they have chemicals in them.

    Am I correct in assuming you eat no blueberries then? I know that at least a lot of their ingredients are organic. Some are even hand picked.

    What I don't understand is how there are so many RUDE know-it-alls on these boards. Everyone has different preferences.

    You'll have someone telling you Shakeology is crap yet they eat big macs and whatever works in their "IIFYM". WHAT EVER.

    Yes, I do eat blueberries, but I don't pretend they do not have chemicals..

    How am I rude to challenge your assertion that shakeology has no chemicals in it, while other protein powders do? Just because you were dead wrong and got called on it, is no reason to get all but hurt about it..

    Look, I am sorry your magical elixir has chemicals in it….feel free to keep wasting money on a product that does absolutely nothing…

    You're right.. it's my decision what to spend MY money on. I don't get why you're trying to convince everyone on here. Just do your thing and everyone else can do theirs! GEEZ.

    My problem is that too many people on these boards think they know everything about nutrition, yet have no degree on the matter. Just losing weight "qualifies" them to put other people down and judge what other people consume. It makes me sick.

    I am sick of bullies and people who make snide remarks putting other people down, hiding behind the internet.

    ETA: The reason I started posting here in the first place was for encouragement and ideas. Certainly not to read all the rude things I've seen in the past couple of days. Some people really think they are something.

    you made claim that was factually inaccurate and got called on it…that is not bullying, it is called correcting an incorrect statement.
    I'm still waiting for her to explain Shakeology's use of methylsulfonylmethane, a sulfuric industrial solvent, in their vegan chocolate shake. You know, since they apparently don't use chemicals. Funny how my first post about it was ignored.
  • Who's in charge of smileys? We need one eating popcorn!!


    Are there hidden smileys somewhere???
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Who's in charge of smileys? We need one eating popcorn!!

    As I said, spam