What happens to your body when you "carb binge"



  • That article made me feel ****ter than i actually did after eating all kinds of sugar yesterday! We all have off days and what makes all the difference is not to give up, look at each day as a fresh start. I agree I did feel sluggish late in the day and regretted eating what I did..but that's life! I'm not perfect and can't expect myself to never have sugar binges ever again.

    if it makes you feel any better the article is a bunch of BS and is basically just sugar demonizing/fear mongering...

    Thanks for cheering me up! ;) I find that while I try to eat as clean as possible my biggest challenge is keeping things realistic. I don't want to end up so strict with my diet that I can't enjoy life. It's articles like the one I just read that encourages that type of unhealthy all or nothing mentality. I know a few people that are so strict that it really does affect their social lives. I can see if you are training for competitions and need to eat that way but for the average person there should be more room for flexibility. That's not to say a day of a sugar binge was good for me physically, but it sure was good for me mentally.lol :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    That article made me feel ****ter than i actually did after eating all kinds of sugar yesterday! We all have off days and what makes all the difference is not to give up, look at each day as a fresh start. I agree I did feel sluggish late in the day and regretted eating what I did..but that's life! I'm not perfect and can't expect myself to never have sugar binges ever again.

    if it makes you feel any better the article is a bunch of BS and is basically just sugar demonizing/fear mongering...

    Thanks for cheering me up! ;) I find that while I try to eat as clean as possible my biggest challenge is keeping things realistic. I don't want to end up so strict with my diet that I can't enjoy life. It's articles like the one I just read that encourages that type of unhealthy all or nothing mentality. I know a few people that are so strict that it really does affect their social lives. I can see if you are training for competitions and need to eat that way but for the average person there should be more room for flexibility. That's not to say a day of a sugar binge was good for me physically, but it sure was good for me mentally.lol :)

    according to this article I "carb/sugar" binge every day because I have one serving of ice cream every day….please…

    Yes, super restrictive diets are idiotic….:)
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    That article made me feel ****ter than i actually did after eating all kinds of sugar yesterday! We all have off days and what makes all the difference is not to give up, look at each day as a fresh start. I agree I did feel sluggish late in the day and regretted eating what I did..but that's life! I'm not perfect and can't expect myself to never have sugar binges ever again.

    if it makes you feel any better the article is a bunch of BS and is basically just sugar demonizing/fear mongering...

    Would you say then that the AHA is "sugar demonizing/fear mongering"? Yes, I guess you would. Why do you promote the eating of something that is devoid of any nutrients other than calories? The medical establishment is focusing on the eating of sugar because the research is starting to pile up on the dangers of eating excess sugar. And, by the way, I have only ever cautioned on the eating of sugar by the obese or others with metabolic difficulties. In moderation, I agree that it APPEARS to be harmless on those who are healthy and active. But a lifetime of eating a lot of sugar? What nutrients are crowded out of the diet in the eating of a lot of sugar? The research has already shown the anti-cancer benefits of consuming the nutrients contained in vegetables and fruits. If an apple is not eaten, because one chose a piece of cake instead, important nutrients like quercetin are not obtained. Plant enzymes are not obtained. A lifetime of poor food choices likely add up. Will eating well guarantee that we all will remain disease free until well past 100? Probably not, but I and many others are living proof that eliminating added sugar from our diets has yielded big health benefits. Good day, sir.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I do love people who cut out something lets say sugar - lose a load of weight and feel much better and have less health problems. These people then go on and say - SEE it was the sugar making me sick, ignoring the massive weight loss lets say 66lbs.

    Yep I'm sure the weight loss had nothing to do with the improvements in yout health - it was just cutting out the sugar :noway:

    Oh and while I'm here, if you have an illness that doesn't react well to sugar it is the illness that is the problem NOT the sugar. My friend is deathly allergic to nuts - that doesn't make nuts evil, but the allergy. Do ya see the difference.

    If you don't have said illness/allergy then there is nothing wrong with that food.

    You cannot use an illness as a reason to say a food / nutrient is evil because then ALL foods would be evil. I'm not sure there is any food in the world that doesn't cause an issue for some unlucky person. Some people are even allergic to water - poor buggers.

    /rant. :explode:

    Wow I timed that rant perfectly :laugh:
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Actually, I'm going to do a research project to test the theory that consuming sugary foods not only impairs brain function but also contributes to highly aggressive behavior. Good night, kids.

    will you be getting all of your research for this project from yahoo answers, and ask jeeves?

    Taunts and mockery again? How did "Ask Jeeves" even come into the discussion? Actually, I DO know how to properly research a subject--but I fear my efforts would be wasted on the sugar advocates.

    Taunts and mockery are about all the anti-science crowd are worth. One cannot have a serious discussion with a brick wall.

    Labeling someone "anti-science" is a poor tactic.
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    I'd like to thank this thread for reminding me that Yahoo answers is an unending source of hilarity


    Sorry to repost a large pic & quote . . . but this is frigging awesome! :drinker: :love:
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    . double post
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I do love people who cut out something lets say sugar - lose a load of weight and feel much better and have less health problems. These people then go on and say - SEE it was the sugar making me sick, ignoring the massive weight loss lets say 66lbs.

    Yep I'm sure the weight loss had nothing to do with the improvements in yout health - it was just cutting out the sugar :noway:

    Oh and while I'm here, if you have an illness that doesn't react well to sugar it is the illness that is the problem NOT the sugar. My friend is deathly allergic to nuts - that doesn't make nuts evil, but the allergy. Do ya see the difference.

    If you don't have said illness/allergy then there is nothing wrong with that food.

    You cannot use an illness as a reason to say a food / nutrient is evil because then ALL foods would be evil. I'm not sure there is any food in the world that doesn't cause an issue for some unlucky person. Some people are even allergic to water - poor buggers.

    /rant. :explode:

    Wow I timed that rant perfectly :laugh:

    If you were reading correctly (and considering someone's experience without rejecting it out-of-hand) you would know that I experienced a rapid decline in my blood pressure BEFORE I lost any significant amount of weight--JUST from eliminating added sugar. Tell me--do you always get so angry from participating in online forums? Maybe it is the sugar. You are the second pro-sugar person on this thread to display a lot of anger. Hmmm.

    ETA: By the way, in the short-run, I will agree that eating added sugars and sugary foods APPEARS to be harmless for healthy, active people, and have already said so. But if it leads to a lifetime of poor food choices, I am doubtful that you can maintain that as harmless.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    So baking a cake is like crafting a weapon of mass destruction! Good to know. :laugh:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Actually, I'm going to do a research project to test the theory that consuming sugary foods not only impairs brain function but also contributes to highly aggressive behavior. Good night, kids.

    will you be getting all of your research for this project from yahoo answers, and ask jeeves?

    Taunts and mockery again? How did "Ask Jeeves" even come into the discussion? Actually, I DO know how to properly research a subject--but I fear my efforts would be wasted on the sugar advocates.

    Taunts and mockery are about all the anti-science crowd are worth. One cannot have a serious discussion with a brick wall.

    Labeling someone "anti-science" is a poor tactic.

    LOL I did not know that yahoo answers is the peer reviewed source that all scientists turn to in their times of need...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    That article made me feel ****ter than i actually did after eating all kinds of sugar yesterday! We all have off days and what makes all the difference is not to give up, look at each day as a fresh start. I agree I did feel sluggish late in the day and regretted eating what I did..but that's life! I'm not perfect and can't expect myself to never have sugar binges ever again.

    if it makes you feel any better the article is a bunch of BS and is basically just sugar demonizing/fear mongering...

    Would you say then that the AHA is "sugar demonizing/fear mongering"? Yes, I guess you would. Why do you promote the eating of something that is devoid of any nutrients other than calories? The medical establishment is focusing on the eating of sugar because the research is starting to pile up on the dangers of eating excess sugar. And, by the way, I have only ever cautioned on the eating of sugar by the obese or others with metabolic difficulties. In moderation, I agree that it APPEARS to be harmless on those who are healthy and active. But a lifetime of eating a lot of sugar? What nutrients are crowded out of the diet in the eating of a lot of sugar? The research has already shown the anti-cancer benefits of consuming the nutrients contained in vegetables and fruits. If an apple is not eaten, because one chose a piece of cake instead, important nutrients like quercetin are not obtained. Plant enzymes are not obtained. A lifetime of poor food choices likely add up. Will eating well guarantee that we all will remain disease free until well past 100? Probably not, but I and many others are living proof that eliminating added sugar from our diets has yielded big health benefits. Good day, sir.

    so you eat fruit sugar which is fine, but added sugar is evil? Legit….

    Sugar is just sugar…it is energy ..it is not "Bad" it is not "Good" it not a "poor nutrient source" it is just something that your body can use as energy.. Eat too much of it - like anything else on this planet - and you will gain weight.

    you and your ilk demonize sugar and act as if we all just eliminated it from our diets that the world would be transformed into this magical place where there is no disease, or obesity …please….
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Actually, I'm going to do a research project to test the theory that consuming sugary foods not only impairs brain function but also contributes to highly aggressive behavior. Good night, kids.

    will you be getting all of your research for this project from yahoo answers, and ask jeeves?

    Taunts and mockery again? How did "Ask Jeeves" even come into the discussion? Actually, I DO know how to properly research a subject--but I fear my efforts would be wasted on the sugar advocates.

    Taunts and mockery are about all the anti-science crowd are worth. One cannot have a serious discussion with a brick wall.

    Labeling someone "anti-science" is a poor tactic.

    You've done that yourself by ignoring the weight of peer reviewed studies in favor of yahoo and groups on the fringe.

    It's why you are not taken seriously by anyone here.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Actually, I'm going to do a research project to test the theory that consuming sugary foods not only impairs brain function but also contributes to highly aggressive behavior. Good night, kids.

    will you be getting all of your research for this project from yahoo answers, and ask jeeves?

    Taunts and mockery again? How did "Ask Jeeves" even come into the discussion? Actually, I DO know how to properly research a subject--but I fear my efforts would be wasted on the sugar advocates.

    Taunts and mockery are about all the anti-science crowd are worth. One cannot have a serious discussion with a brick wall.

    Labeling someone "anti-science" is a poor tactic.

    LOL I did not know that yahoo answers is the peer reviewed source that all scientists turn to in their times of need...

    I have explained my choice of that short answer. To keep on harping on it is to lose sight of the other points that I have made in this thread and the very serious research that is being done. Dr. Richard Johnson and his team of medical researchers were able to produce metabolic syndrome IN TWO WEEKS in 60% of normal-weight, male subjects, by giving them a large, high fructose drink every day. The researchers were startled and chagrined with their results. They were actually looking for the possibility that there was some mechanism by which normal-weight people were able to deal more effectively with large amounts of fructose. While the dose was admittedly a large one, it was certainly not beyond what many people drink in soda pop every day.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Actually, I'm going to do a research project to test the theory that consuming sugary foods not only impairs brain function but also contributes to highly aggressive behavior. Good night, kids.

    will you be getting all of your research for this project from yahoo answers, and ask jeeves?

    Taunts and mockery again? How did "Ask Jeeves" even come into the discussion? Actually, I DO know how to properly research a subject--but I fear my efforts would be wasted on the sugar advocates.

    Taunts and mockery are about all the anti-science crowd are worth. One cannot have a serious discussion with a brick wall.

    Labeling someone "anti-science" is a poor tactic.

    You've done that yourself by ignoring the weight of peer reviewed studies in favor of yahoo and groups on the fringe.

    It's why you are not taken seriously by anyone here.

    Anyone? You are forgetting about all the people who read these forums but do not participate. You sugar advocates are very aggressive and very nasty to anyone who DARES to speak against your set-in-stone opinions. I can assure you that there are many more people who share my opinions than yours but they prefer to stay out of the forums because they do not want to get caught up in this kind of nonsense.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I do love people who cut out something lets say sugar - lose a load of weight and feel much better and have less health problems. These people then go on and say - SEE it was the sugar making me sick, ignoring the massive weight loss lets say 66lbs.

    Yep I'm sure the weight loss had nothing to do with the improvements in yout health - it was just cutting out the sugar :noway:

    Oh and while I'm here, if you have an illness that doesn't react well to sugar it is the illness that is the problem NOT the sugar. My friend is deathly allergic to nuts - that doesn't make nuts evil, but the allergy. Do ya see the difference.

    If you don't have said illness/allergy then there is nothing wrong with that food.

    You cannot use an illness as a reason to say a food / nutrient is evil because then ALL foods would be evil. I'm not sure there is any food in the world that doesn't cause an issue for some unlucky person. Some people are even allergic to water - poor buggers.

    /rant. :explode:

    Wow I timed that rant perfectly :laugh:

    If you were reading correctly (and considering someone's experience without rejecting it out-of-hand) you would know that I experienced a rapid decline in my blood pressure BEFORE I lost any significant amount of weight--JUST from eliminating added sugar. Tell me--do you always get so angry from participating in online forums? Maybe it is the sugar. You are the second pro-sugar person on this thread to display a lot of anger. Hmmm.

    ETA: By the way, in the short-run, I will agree that eating added sugars and sugary foods APPEARS to be harmless for healthy, active people, and have already said so. But if it leads to a lifetime of poor food choices, I am doubtful that you can maintain that as harmless.

    If you think I am genuinely angry by this thread you have more pressing issues than your sugar phobia :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Oh and it's been proven that even a small drop in weight can have massive health benefits. So yeah. Weight loss not sugar.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Actually, I'm going to do a research project to test the theory that consuming sugary foods not only impairs brain function but also contributes to highly aggressive behavior. Good night, kids.

    will you be getting all of your research for this project from yahoo answers, and ask jeeves?

    Taunts and mockery again? How did "Ask Jeeves" even come into the discussion? Actually, I DO know how to properly research a subject--but I fear my efforts would be wasted on the sugar advocates.

    Taunts and mockery are about all the anti-science crowd are worth. One cannot have a serious discussion with a brick wall.

    Labeling someone "anti-science" is a poor tactic.

    You've done that yourself by ignoring the weight of peer reviewed studies in favor of yahoo and groups on the fringe.

    It's why you are not taken seriously by anyone here.

    Anyone? You are forgetting about all the people who read these forums but do not participate. You sugar advocates are very aggressive and very nasty to anyone who DARES to speak against your set-in-stone opinions. I can assure you that there are many more people who share my opinions than yours but they prefer to stay out of the forums because they do not want to get caught up in this kind of nonsense.

    Actually, you have a good point.

    There are those that believe in Bigfoot and mermaids. There are even shows for them on TV.

  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    That article made me feel ****ter than i actually did after eating all kinds of sugar yesterday! We all have off days and what makes all the difference is not to give up, look at each day as a fresh start. I agree I did feel sluggish late in the day and regretted eating what I did..but that's life! I'm not perfect and can't expect myself to never have sugar binges ever again.

    if it makes you feel any better the article is a bunch of BS and is basically just sugar demonizing/fear mongering...

    Would you say then that the AHA is "sugar demonizing/fear mongering"? Yes, I guess you would. Why do you promote the eating of something that is devoid of any nutrients other than calories? The medical establishment is focusing on the eating of sugar because the research is starting to pile up on the dangers of eating excess sugar. And, by the way, I have only ever cautioned on the eating of sugar by the obese or others with metabolic difficulties. In moderation, I agree that it APPEARS to be harmless on those who are healthy and active. But a lifetime of eating a lot of sugar? What nutrients are crowded out of the diet in the eating of a lot of sugar? The research has already shown the anti-cancer benefits of consuming the nutrients contained in vegetables and fruits. If an apple is not eaten, because one chose a piece of cake instead, important nutrients like quercetin are not obtained. Plant enzymes are not obtained. A lifetime of poor food choices likely add up. Will eating well guarantee that we all will remain disease free until well past 100? Probably not, but I and many others are living proof that eliminating added sugar from our diets has yielded big health benefits. Good day, sir.

    so you eat fruit sugar which is fine, but added sugar is evil? Legit….

    Sugar is just sugar…it is energy ..it is not "Bad" it is not "Good" it not a "poor nutrient source" it is just something that your body can use as energy.. Eat too much of it - like anything else on this planet - and you will gain weight.

    you and your ilk demonize sugar and act as if we all just eliminated it from our diets that the world would be transformed into this magical place where there is no disease, or obesity …please….

    You are infusing this discussion with moral imperatives in speaking of "demonizing" and "evil". Those are poor argument tactics and lend little to the discussion. The fact is, in 1900 few Americans ate more than 5 pounds of sugar per year and the vast majority of people were quite slender. Fast forward to today where the national intake is estimated at 150 pounds per year and we see a huge problem with obesity and Type II diabetes. Yes, people ARE eating more calories today BUT they are eating approximately the same amount of fats and protein that the people did in 1900. What makes up the difference? Excess carbohydrates and specifically sugar--40% of which is "hidden" in processed food.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I do love people who cut out something lets say sugar - lose a load of weight and feel much better and have less health problems. These people then go on and say - SEE it was the sugar making me sick, ignoring the massive weight loss lets say 66lbs.

    Yep I'm sure the weight loss had nothing to do with the improvements in yout health - it was just cutting out the sugar :noway:

    Oh and while I'm here, if you have an illness that doesn't react well to sugar it is the illness that is the problem NOT the sugar. My friend is deathly allergic to nuts - that doesn't make nuts evil, but the allergy. Do ya see the difference.

    If you don't have said illness/allergy then there is nothing wrong with that food.

    You cannot use an illness as a reason to say a food / nutrient is evil because then ALL foods would be evil. I'm not sure there is any food in the world that doesn't cause an issue for some unlucky person. Some people are even allergic to water - poor buggers.

    /rant. :explode:

    Wow I timed that rant perfectly :laugh:

    If you were reading correctly (and considering someone's experience without rejecting it out-of-hand) you would know that I experienced a rapid decline in my blood pressure BEFORE I lost any significant amount of weight--JUST from eliminating added sugar. Tell me--do you always get so angry from participating in online forums? Maybe it is the sugar. You are the second pro-sugar person on this thread to display a lot of anger. Hmmm.

    ETA: By the way, in the short-run, I will agree that eating added sugars and sugary foods APPEARS to be harmless for healthy, active people, and have already said so. But if it leads to a lifetime of poor food choices, I am doubtful that you can maintain that as harmless.

    If you think I am genuinely angry by this thread you have more pressing issues than your sugar phobia :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Oh and it's been proven that even a small drop in weight can have massive health benefits. So yeah. Weight loss not sugar.

    Even just two pounds--because that is all the weight I lost before my blood pressure returned to normal. Read about the connection between fructose, uric acid and hypertension.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Actually, I'm going to do a research project to test the theory that consuming sugary foods not only impairs brain function but also contributes to highly aggressive behavior. Good night, kids.

    will you be getting all of your research for this project from yahoo answers, and ask jeeves?

    Taunts and mockery again? How did "Ask Jeeves" even come into the discussion? Actually, I DO know how to properly research a subject--but I fear my efforts would be wasted on the sugar advocates.

    Taunts and mockery are about all the anti-science crowd are worth. One cannot have a serious discussion with a brick wall.

    Labeling someone "anti-science" is a poor tactic.

    You've done that yourself by ignoring the weight of peer reviewed studies in favor of yahoo and groups on the fringe.

    It's why you are not taken seriously by anyone here.

    Anyone? You are forgetting about all the people who read these forums but do not participate. You sugar advocates are very aggressive and very nasty to anyone who DARES to speak against your set-in-stone opinions. I can assure you that there are many more people who share my opinions than yours but they prefer to stay out of the forums because they do not want to get caught up in this kind of nonsense.

    Actually, you have a good point.

    There are those that believe in Bigfoot and mermaids. There are even shows for them on TV.


    Well, thanks for elevating the discussion, S.O.B. :flowerforyou:
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    So the really anti sugar person on this thread agrees that sugar appears harmless but is still convinced that it can't be in the long run
