Buying too-small clothing for motivation



  • mtnstar
    mtnstar Posts: 125 Member
    This strategy worked great for me! I bought a pair of jeans that were the same style I already had but two sizes smaller. At first I could barely get them all the way up, and I was allowed to try them on once a week. It was super motivating to see them get closer and closer to fitting, till they finally fit and looked good. They were just cheapy Target jeans, so I wasn't worried about any significant financial loss.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    the better question to ask is when does one give up the clothes that no longer fit. I admit it. I worry that I will lose, and then gain. It's the cycle I've had since I was a young teen. Im used to diets. and, I'm used to diets failing. I keep saying to myself that this is a life-style change now and this time I can make the results last. Yet, I am still hesitant to pack up the clothes I'm shrinking out of... and I'm hesitant to give them away.

    I'm wondering if there's anyone here who's shrinking too, who'd like some cute size 26 clothes though. I know that if I was giving it to someone I knew, I'd be more likely to let them go quicker.

    Shame all my RL friends are so skinny.

    ff you decided to give them away you could try a Women's shelter.

    I did buy a bridesmaid's dress once a size too small and it worked. I zipped it up no problem for the wedding.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    I only did because they were clearanced down to $5 and the last pair
  • jillian_fan2425
    jillian_fan2425 Posts: 167 Member
    I did this by accident, hah. Was so excited to fit into an old pair of Old Navy size 12s that I bought two more on sale. They're both a bit too snug, but I'm determined to fit into them before the return policy runs out. Just a couple more pounds...
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    I'm an empire waist petite. I didn't throw away the clothes I sized out of as I gained the weight, but I'm also looking forward to new clothes. You never know what season it will be when you reach your goal, or what will be "in" at that time.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I've gotten a few things from the thrift store that I've liked on 50% off days. Like a pair of size 10 Gap cargo pants. It's going to be awhile before I can wear them though. I also still have my favorite clothes from 9 years ago when I was 145-150 pounds.
  • azwen
    azwen Posts: 237 Member
    I did try on some pants and jeans in the next smaller size a few days ago. They were just snug across the butt/hips, but I could zip them up. I was tempted to buy one of them that was on sale, but I didn't have the extra money. I may go back and buy them if they are still marked down after payday. :-) For now, I am shopping my closet, wearing some skinny jeans that haven't fit me since last summer.