Upped Calories...Weight Loss... WHAT?!?



  • I would die if I upped my calories. I hardly eat the 1200 it tells me to eat in the first place. I'm never feeling hungry at the end of the day either. I was always told to eat more of your calories in the morning and fewer in the evening. I don't do it though. I should start eating a better breakfast than just yogurt. Problem is, I baby sit a least 2 days a week (or more) and I'm not going to fix a big breakfast for 6 people when they don't pay for the food that their kids eat. I'm being underpaid as it is (so I'm being told anyway) at only $30 a day for 3 kids...I feed them breakfast, then 2 of them lunch.

    What would a typical day eating wise be for you? I normally eat my yogurt or oatmeal in the morning (100 calories) for lunch I make a sandwich that is around 230 calories then for dinner it varies but its usually a 250-300 meal with an exception or 2 during the week. After that I might eat another yogurt. There is only around 700 calories for my whole day. How do I eat more?? (sorry if it seems unreal that it's all I eat...but it's alot better than before because I would feed the kids and forget to feed myself...)

    I typically try to eat about 300 calories for Breakfast (2 pieces of 45 calorie toast and a glass of FF Milk with Ovaltine (protein and vitamins)...

    Then for lunch I typically have a sandwhich 45 calorie toast with Land o' Frost Turkey, Kraft Medium Cheddar cheese -- want to make sure you're getting your calcium... Try to avoid the Borden FF cheese products -- I realize they are lower in calories, but they are lacking so many of the nutrients you NEED to survive... and a piece of Fruit (Apple, Peach, Banana, etc..) -- Stick to the fresh kind, try to avoid canned fruits... TON'S of extra sugar...

    For dinner we typically have a Chicken breast, fish, shrimp or turkey burgers... sometimes we'll have a beef burger, but only on special occasions... We pair these with veggies, a salad or a light sweet treat (FF ice cream or a glass of wine) -- Don't Deprive yourself...

    Don't think we only stick to this... we do have the occasional boxed meal (Macaroni Grill Basil Chicken) We eat Turkey Dogs, and Homeade Fajita's -- the thing to remember... PORTION CONTROL...

    The one piece of advice I would give to you is to make sure you're eating at least 1200 calories per day... It sounds like it's hard, but try to incorporate fruits and veggies as much as possible...

    If you're like me, and budget is an issue, stick to things that are on sale... If boxed dinners are on sale...grab them, but eat your portions... grab some veggies (canned work) on the side... Since most canned veggies come LOADED with salt drink a lot of water... I try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day... it is very important.

    I hope this helps. :wink:

    Thank you. I do watch my portion sizes. I went and bought new measuring cups just for that. I think my problem is I buy to many veggies or fruits and they go bad before they get ate...so then I stop buying them. My biggest problem is water. I know I don't drink enough. I was told by the dr that I needed to drink a GALLON a day! I just moved to the mountains and with the higher altitude you need more water. I just hate water.

    Thanks again.
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I had the same experience, upped calories and lost weight. Love it.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I just changed my goal from 2 lbs to 1.5 and guess how many calories I got? 9. WTH?
    I'm very confused.
    And frustrated.
    And sad.
    Oh well, guess I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and see what happens. :ohwell:

    You must be closer to your goal weight. MFP won't go lower then 1200 so even if you are set for 2pounds/week it won't subtract 1000 calories. My guess is that your BMR is low because you don't have much to lose and are seditary. You can try just one pound/week for a while and see if switching up your calories benefits you. Give it time to work too. Best Wishes.
  • kara2
    kara2 Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks for all the information. I am excited to try this new approach.
  • Thanks for all the info. I am really trying to stick to the 1200 and I am not having much trouble. However, I have only dropped maybe 2 lbs. it is very discouraging. If you are upping calories what is everyone eating? Please let me know maybe it will help.:smile:
  • I've been there too. I have hit a plateau 4 times in 10 years at the same weight. (well, within about 5 lbs). I always gave up and let the weight come back. This time I didn't. I was stuck for 30 days. I increased my calories by 200 a day. Nothing happened the first week, but I lost 5 lbs the 2nd week. Crazy!!! Anyway, I'm still losing. So it does work.....
  • I think I hit the wrong reply button, oh well, at lease I'm in the right topic.
  • eve180
    eve180 Posts: 51 Member
    I thought about upping my calories to 1600. I am going to give the 1400 calories a chance for at least a week. I hope I see some results. I enjoyed reading your post it was helpful. Thank you
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