Spent three hours at the mall, Fitbit issue?



  • shor0814
    shor0814 Posts: 559 Member
    You say it is on your non dominant hand but make sure you have the settings changed to activate the extra sensitivity.
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    Notice I said MILLING about the mall. Mall walkers, and true walking is exercise. But milling about, stopping and looking, shopping ect. is just not something I consider exercise. All movement is good, certainly. Do you also consider grocery shopping exercise?

    I let me fitbit calculate it all so yes, it would of course count grocery shopping steps. Would I intentionally enter it in the tracker, of course not, but what counts is my daily step count..I don't subract for "Milling"
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Notice I said MILLING about the mall. Mall walkers, and true walking is exercise. But milling about, stopping and looking, shopping ect. is just not something I consider exercise. All movement is good, certainly. Do you also consider grocery shopping exercise?

    I let me fitbit calculate it all so yes, it would of course count grocery shopping steps. Would I intentionally enter it in the tracker, of course not, but what counts is my daily step count..I don't subract for "Milling"

    Indeed. I'm not sure the other individual understands how a Fitbit works or what the purpose is. The Fitbit is partially about tracking "exercise," yes, but it's even more about getting a more accurate TDEE based on your true activity level than the somewhat arbitrary ranges the online calculators give you. In this case, you absolutely DO want credit for every one of those steps.
  • Mav3rick54
    Mav3rick54 Posts: 180 Member
    Notice I said MILLING about the mall. Mall walkers, and true walking is exercise. But milling about, stopping and looking, shopping ect. is just not something I consider exercise. All movement is good, certainly. Do you also consider grocery shopping exercise?

    It might not be "vigorous" exercise but it is still exercise in the sense that the person is moving and is active....so yes, I consider grocery shopping exercise. It may not meet your definition but that is ok.

    Do I log it as exercise? No, but in the context of this topic, active walking with a fitbit, it is exercise.