My Doctor Suggested Eating Low-Carb AND Low-Fat



  • sonyapowell
    sonyapowell Posts: 38 Member
    your doc sounds like he is a real people pleaser or just lazy and wanting to get you out of the office by offering a "quick fix". Sad story either way! You can choose complex carbs and good fats and this will keep you healthy and happy. carbs help with serotonin that is a feel good hormone. complex carbs take longer to break down, have more fiber and do not cause blood sugar spikes and dips. healthy fats bring satiety. stay away from the diet pills that is just asking for trouble. Exercise, fiber and water will keep you regular. the more you look into a anti-inflammatory diet or Mediterranean diet the more you will learn about this. I hope you the very best and maybe you could consider a nurse practitioner?
  • He's not the doctor I normally go to-- I only go to the doctor like once every 3 years and my doctor was out on vacation. He also tried to sell me medifast because his wife sells it LOL. Nice guy... I could just tell that he had no idea what he was talking about in regards to weight loss.

    As far as the platau-- I'm thinking I need to be more consistant with weighing and measuring my food. I do weight most of my meats and veggies... but my fats I normally just eyeball. I have a Fitbit, and I eat the calories it tells me to. I'm at 220lbs.... and the number I normally can't get past is 215.... after that its like pulling teeth to lose .6lbs every 2 weeks. The closer I get... the harder it is to lose weight.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    but my fats I normally just eyeball.

    The difference between 7g of butter and 8g of butter? 7 calories. A paperclip weighs about a gram. An extra teaspoon of butter is 33 calories. I'm not trying to stress you out, since what you're doing is working! But fats are the densest calories. DEFINITELY weight them, if you're trying to track your calories.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    He's not the doctor I normally go to-- I only go to the doctor like once every 3 years and my doctor was out on vacation. He also tried to sell me medifast because his wife sells it LOL. Nice guy... I could just tell that he had no idea what he was talking about in regards to weight loss.

    As far as the platau-- I'm thinking I need to be more consistant with weighing and measuring my food. I do weight most of my meats and veggies... but my fats I normally just eyeball. I have a Fitbit, and I eat the calories it tells me to. I'm at 220lbs.... and the number I normally can't get past is 215.... after that its like pulling teeth to lose .6lbs every 2 weeks. The closer I get... the harder it is to lose weight.

    I agree with everyone saying the doctor's advice is pretty terrible.

    To break past your plateau:

    1. Absolutely weight and measure everything. Especially your fats because they are so calorie dense. You can easily blow a calorie deficit by eyeballing things like how much oil you're using to cook, etc.

    2. 99% of plateaus are caused by eating too much. This doesn't mean that you're in the kitchen chowing down all the time, but rather that you're not weighing all your food, or overestimating calories burned through exercise, or haven't reevaluated your TDEE after losing a few pounds, etc. Make sure your numbers are accurate.

    If you stick with it for a few weeks and still zero change in weight loss, maybe start a new thread asking for help...there are lots of people here who would be more than willing to look at your calorie intake, stats, etc and help you make adjustments. :smile:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    He's just a regular doctor. I had told him that I had hit a plateu in my weight loss and that I just wanted to get bloodwork done to rule out any thyroid problems or deficiencies. Really I wasn't asking advice... just wanted to get some tests run and see how I checked out because I hadn't gotten bloodwork done in 10 years.

    He suggested a few pills for appetite suppressants, and he asked if I had tried low-carb. I am doing sort of low-carb... not purposefully.. just trying to hit my macros and fats and then carbs are irrelevant. But he said low-carb low-fat could work. I told him that I thought that might make me constipated... he suggested stool softeners....

    A pill for everything....

    I agree. I'd seriously find a new doctor.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    If you're having good certainly don't need prescriptions to continue. Plateaus are normal. Keep eating sounds like your doctor has been reading People Magazine instead of medical journals, or nutrition journals.
  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    He's just a regular doctor. I had told him that I had hit a plateu in my weight loss and that I just wanted to get bloodwork done to rule out any thyroid problems or deficiencies. Really I wasn't asking advice... just wanted to get some tests run and see how I checked out because I hadn't gotten bloodwork done in 10 years.

    He suggested a few pills for appetite suppressants, and he asked if I had tried low-carb. I am doing sort of low-carb... not purposefully.. just trying to hit my macros and fats and then carbs are irrelevant. But he said low-carb low-fat could work. I told him that I thought that might make me constipated... he suggested stool softeners....

    It sounds like we have a Dr. Oz on our hands..... Eesh!!! I would take everything he said and throw it out the window personally. I usually eat about 40c/30f/30p. Works for me.