What do you watch on Netflix



  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I don't exercise at home usually, and my gym has awful taste in programs on the TV.they usually play really old boring movies or they'll be infomercials on! Yes infomercials! Selling reversed mortgages for senior citizens, so needless to say,I don't watch anything while working out lol
  • Rak0ribz
    Rak0ribz Posts: 177 Member
    I just started watching Firefly on the treadmill - I'm excited that I'm going to be able to set aside TV time without feeling guilty about it. On the docket after that are shows I should've watched but never did except for a couple of episodes:
    Breaking Bad
    Mad Men
    ...and whatever movies are still on my queue.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I don't watch TV while I'm working out, but I do tend to watch Hulu more than Netflix, when I watch Netflix, I watch Wilfred, Derek and Arrested Development (still haven't seen the new episodes). Breaking Bad is on the list, but have only gotten through the first episode. Just don't have the patience to binge watch.
  • ladycadaverous
    ladycadaverous Posts: 35 Member
    An Idiot Abroad..Bones...The Walkiing Dead...Mythbusters...Pumkinhead...anything horror related...Twighlight Zone series.
  • Reading these responses, its clear that Netflix in the US is better than the Netflix in the UK!

    I'm currently making my way through all the Mythbusters episodes. I only started a couple of months ago and I'm just starting season 6.

    I watched Breaking Bad, Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, and plan to rewatch Breaking Bad soon.

    I also plan on watching Dexter. I watched the first couple of seasons and then something else caught my attention and I forgot about it until I heard it was ending. I have no idea what happened in it, so I have a lot to catch up on.

    I'm currently trying to convince my OH to watch Firefly. I've seen it already (massive Joss Whedon nerd here), but he is hesitant to watch it in case he loves it and wants more, but as we all know, alas, there is no more (unless you count Serenity)

    I also want to rewatch Buffy, which I adored as a teenager. Willow was my fave, still is :)

    Walking Dead doesn't appear to me on UK Netflix yet, but I'm soooo watching that when it is.

    So, to sum it all up, a lot (although I only sleep a few hours a night so I always have an hour in the evening to watch a show of my choosing)
  • Orange is the new black, Mad Men but my all time favorite is Son's of Anarchy. If you ever were a Soprano's fan this is like that show except a biker gang instead. GREAT show.

    I should also mention that Son's of Anarchy did make me stay on the treadmill longer than I planned because I was so into the show.
  • slimmalikah
    slimmalikah Posts: 61 Member
    I just watched Redemption yesterday with Jason Statham. And I'm now addicted to Kevin Bacon's The Following after watching the first episode on Netflix.
  • Rak0ribz
    Rak0ribz Posts: 177 Member
    An Idiot Abroad..Bones...The Walkiing Dead...Mythbusters...Pumkinhead...anything horror related...Twighlight Zone series.
    If you haven't watched May, you probably should.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    House of Cards and re-watching Burn Notice for the 3rd time.
  • Jennwa
    Jennwa Posts: 107 Member
    I went way back and watched Buffy and Dawson's Creek as they went off cable when I was in high school. Since then:
    Orange is the New Black (can't wait until June)
    Currently on Season 4 of Dexter (which I LOVE)
    Want to watch:
    Sons of Anarchy
    Walking Dead
    Breaking Bad
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    Breaking Bad
    Sons of Anarchy
    House of Cards
    South Park
    Various documentaries