Hello *taps* anyone there? Newbie here ;)



  • RadScorp
    RadScorp Posts: 41 Member
    Aw, awesome, way to go kashaas! Looks like we're in around about the same place :D
    I've just finished day 2 of week 3 and haha this episode was pretty great haha. The story is definitely getting a lot more interesting now :P I agree with you about c25k, I'd never go back to it now. I think the freeform runs make me want to do this a lot more, it makes me want to actually push myself rather than feel like I'm slogging through something if that makes sense?
    Anyway, good luck with week 4, let me know how you get on ^_^
  • mjohemme
    mjohemme Posts: 356 Member
    Hey all!