Eating Disorder Recovery Help!



  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    Because you comments are generally pro ana.
  • ruderx
    ruderx Posts: 9 Member
    No. No they are not. How dare you say that. I have been battling with ednos for my entire life and empathize for others who suffer from it. When they need to cut the Shít I'll tell them but when they're moving into recovery I will sure as hell back them up and encourage them to do it at a comfortable rate to avoid relapse. Somebody who survives on 300 calories is doing only that, surviving. Not living. It is awful, harrowing, agonizing "life" if it can even be described as so. I do not support it because it kills people. If you are saying that I support it because I experience it, then I think you are wrong.
  • KrzyRiver
    KrzyRiver Posts: 29 Member
    Why are people starting petty arguments on a post that is supposed to be about someone getting help?!

    Perfectly Thin: I myself am a bulimic in recovery. If you need any extra support, I'm here for you. Unfortunately, this may be something you'll have with you the rest of your life. But if you're determined, you can beat it. Stay off the scale for awhile. Don't be afraid to count calories, because going WAY overboard when trying to correct can be just as bad. I beat the bulimia, started eating way too much, put on 20lbs, and the bulimia flared up again. Plus, not knowing what I'm eating can cause massive anxiety sometimes, which can make you feel like you need to binge and purge. Whatever you feel comfortable with that will take you in the right direction and will help keep the anxiety down.

    Feel free to add me. :-)