Filling, quick breakfast



  • Empty_Calories
    Empty_Calories Posts: 81 Member
    OP, sorry, I'm an oatmeal in the morning person. Just jumping in so I can find some of these recipes again if I decide to mix it up.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    quest bars (they are a protein bar if you have not heard of them) and a banana
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    Tin of mackerel in olive oil with an avocado

    Try it - the yin and yang work perfectly!

    Loads of protein and essential fats, followed up by 25g mixed nude nuts (not peanuts and not salted or roasted) two hours later.

    You won't even think about food until 1pm!

    Edited for typo
  • Zaftique
    Zaftique Posts: 599 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions! Coffee and yogurt are off the table (I need yoplait to make it palatable, and then I discovered the sugar content.. dangit!), but I like the idea of a frittata. My dad's zucchini quiche recipe may be just the thing as well, it tastes super-fab even a few days later, cold from the fridge.
    Tin of mackerel in olive oil with an avocado

    Try it - the yin and yang work perfectly!

    Loads of protein and essential fats, followed up by 25g mixed nude nuts (not peanuts and not salted or roasted) two hours later.

    You won't even think about food until 1pm!

    Not gonna lie, that sounds TASTY. Good ol' King Oscar brisling sardines. ;) The only problem there is avocados - super pricey up in the frozen northlands of MN - but worth it once a week at least!
  • HealthySideofLife
    HealthySideofLife Posts: 80 Member
    I've looked up recipes just for things like this and a lot of things that come up (besides oatmeal) are egg concoctions (so whatever you like with eggs) cooked in muffin tins. I haven't tried this, yet, because I have time in the morning to make breakfast, but if you want to, good luck!
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    If you dont like oatmeal...

    3/4 cup grape nuts
    1/2 cup raw pumpkin * you might want to add a sugar substitute or low cal syrup (whatever) to sweeten it up some
    1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk

    I microwave for 45 seconds.

    350 calories, and it fills me up from 6 am until I can have a morning snack at 10 am work break.

    I love this breakfast because I am a runner that does 70 miles a week. So higher carb diets are good for me.