What is your strategy to stay motivated?



    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    20 g string bikinis
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    It's not about motivation...maybe initially, but long term it's about developing habits...nutritious eating habits as well as fitness habits. For long term success, at some point, these things can't be this extra thing you are doing...they have to just be you. Asking me how I stay motivated to go to the gym and hit the weight room or how I get motivated to get in the saddle and ride or hit the pool and swim is like asking me how I motivate myself to take a shower when I get up in the morning...I just do it...it's just a part of my daily.

    For true "lifestyle change" to occur, there has to be an understanding...and embracing of the fact that you are never done. There is no finish line. Reaching your goal weight or whatever is just the beginning, not the end...that is when the real work starts...that is when your habits have to carry you because your health, nutrition, and fitness are lifelong endeavors. You are done when they put you in a box.
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    I think motivation gets you started, habits keep you going.

    I started logging in, but also looking back during the weekly review to see when I tended to overeat, and it turned out to be after 3 p.m. After a few tries, I learned that I needed to increase the size of my breakfast and lunch, so I wasn't crazy hungry at 3 p.m. and thereafter.

    There are lots of little steps like that that you can take, but for me, it was really examining when I was eating mindlessly and approaching that in baby steps.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    I'm struggling with this too.... need to read this thread DAILY!!! Thanks for sharing everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • davidrpitt
    davidrpitt Posts: 7 Member
    Like yourself I have fallen off track repeatedly over the years and cannot find enough willpower to keep on track in order to reach my diet goal. But we are back on the programme again, which proves we do have the motivation to keep trying which has to be good!

    For me what is important is to focus on:

    1 Keep looking at the goals I set myself when I joined the programme. Look at these repeatedly and absorb their importance so they become more and more important and remain strongly in my mind

    2 We are doing this work on ourselves because it is important for our happiness and well being and likely us achieving our goals is important to those we love / appreciate. Allow these thoughts to generate out thinking frequently

    3 Think about the positives of our endeavour not the negatives so much to strengthen motivation to succeed by focusing on goals and visualising success !

    Best wishes
    Derbyshire, Uk
  • oceanbreeze27
    oceanbreeze27 Posts: 66 Member
    I have recently learned that habits are key, to-do lists are your friend, and it's all about perspective. Motivation will come and go. But once you make the steps of your fitness journey an everyday thing, you're well on your way. However, I won't lie, I run a motivational website and by motivating others, I find myself more motivated to stay on track. :o) Surround yourself with people who have your best interest at heart and are willing to help you succeed (like people on this site!)
  • Suzanne635
    Suzanne635 Posts: 7 Member
    I gained 20 pounds over the winter and looking at myself motivates me and looking at old pictures when I was in shape motivates me as well. My "friend" also saw a picture of me when I weighed 20 pounds less and looked at me and said "what happened to you?" Well that made me angry and when we would go out shopping she would pull out dresses and say "when you lose weight you can buy this". Those comments make me feel really bad about myself. But she's pudgy and I don't understand why she's picking on me.

    I have been eating a lot healthier. I completely cut out Starbucks drinks and eating at Chipotle. I also quit smoking and drinking. I am on Day 17 of Insanity and Day 3 of Hip Hop Abs.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    This is one of the best threads I've read on MFP:


    Motivation comes and goes.