Hit rock bottom, starting to feel at home there...



  • colibri23
    colibri23 Posts: 223 Member
    To be honest, I've been feeling the same way. I have lost 80 pounds and maintained it for over a year, but after getting married and adjusting to a new lifestyle, I have gained about ten pounds from my lowest weight; although I know that doesn't sound terrible, it's just frustrating and I feel stuck there. Perhaps what we both need to realize, or at least reaffirm, is that health and weight loss is just like life; it has ups and downs. Remember - we are trying to maintain something that will help us remain healthy for the rest of our lives. At the end of the day, our goal with this journey is to stay focused on making healthy decisions daily rather than beating ourselves up when we see a number a little higher than we'd like. If we see ourselves and our progress slipping, it is our responsibility to notice that and give credit to it, but at the same time remembering that in the course of the rest of our lives, we will have times that are more challenging, times that are more successful, and I suppose it's all in finding the balance. It's hard to see how far you've come to see that you aren't there at this moment, but that's not to say you won't get there in time. :)

    Very well said! The last 1/2 really resonated with me. I think it's this kind of mentality that helps just have a few "off" days from time to time rather than completely giving up.
  • shadey152
    shadey152 Posts: 12 Member
    I appreciate all of the feedback! I am usually very good at motivating myself and diagnosing the problem in my fitness goals, I suppose I am so steadfast on not clinging to excuses that I didn't realize being so ill all winter may have SOME effect on the plateau that I hit (mind you that looking back I quit losing again when I got the first infection) I am in the last few days of this one (I think I have three antibiotics left) I will get back on the diet bandwagon today and hopefully I can start working out again next week! I just hope to get back down to 185 without losing any lean gains, that is my all time goal!

    On an aside for people who love to exercise and want an extra boost, getting my lifts up and run times down was largely thanks to fitocracy... CHECK IT OUT!