


  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Try eating more fruits/veggies and less salty or processed food. Even if it is only sneaking in an apple or a pack of baby carrots for a snack, your body will thank you and will give you more energy for the same amount of calories.
  • I think that you have enough oppions at this point. Hang in there. You can do this. You are in charge of your body! Good luck!
  • trisha329
    trisha329 Posts: 266 Member
    I'd have to go with the sodium issue. A lot of the food you're eating are processed foods, which contain a ton of sodium! That may be a big factor in your stalled weight loss. Try more fresh foods, like fruit and vegetables, and cook your own foods whenever you can!
  • meshaffer
    meshaffer Posts: 21 Member
    My husband and I generally will make a list and for lunches and snacks, we will make them all at once over the weekend. For example, we cooked all of the chicken we will use for lunch for the week yesterday. It is all about the planning. I will agree, staying away from some of the processed foods will help.

    Here are some of the snacks I have been using-
    Apple and 2 tsp of almond butter
    luna bars (you can find them in the protein bar aisle)
    tuna fish (canned in water and low sodium)
    baby carrots
    protein shakes
    almonds (unsalted)

    Some breakfast ideas- low sodium turkey bacon, egg whites, oatmeal (not instant), kashi and fresh fruit. (not all at once, but you get the drill)

    It really comes down to planning. If you have to leave early in the morning, make your lunch and snacks the night before. Good luck. You can do this, but for the first month or so, you really have to be careful, read labels, etc. until you have enough food knowledge to get into a routine.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    I also have trouble eating breakfast. When I just can't eat a real breakfast I usually eat a pure protein bar. It works for me as a breakfast and is filling. Sometimes I at least eat a banana. Good luck
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    holy dang did this turn into a breakfast thread! :)

    if you gained 20 pounds in one month while maintaining your normal lifestyle, that is abnormal. if you are having hot flashes from your new birth control, that is abnormal. a lot of the advice given to you about eating breakfast may be spot-on and helpful, but here is my two cents. you have a hormonal imbalance going on that is affecting your weight loss. when you get your doctor's appointment, please have them check your estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels. you may have pcos (poli-cystic ovarian syndrome) or insulin resistance.

    what matters the most for me is not calories-in-versus-calories-out, but carbs. i can go over my alloted calories but stay within my range for carbs and lose weight, but when i am high in carbs even if i am low on my calories, i will gain. i strive to have 25% carbs, 30% fat and 45% protien. mfp macronutrient breakdown is 55% carbs, 20% fat and 25% protien i believe, so i had to customize mine. you might want to try that and see if controlling your carbs helps you.

    don't give up hope! i started trying to lose weight in may 2009 and didn't lose a single pound until november 2009 while eating 1300 calories a day and running 3 miles 3 days a week. the next four months i only lost one pound a month (and gained inches on my stomach because of ovarian cysts). believe me, i know your frustration! i am now down more than 20 pounds and several inches after figuring out the carb thing and getting on the correct dose of medication. good luck!
  • amietest
    amietest Posts: 57 Member
    Seems strange that you are money is on the nuva ring. Hormones can do it. If you can switch to a minipill you might be better off??
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    Breakfast suggestion as I couldn't eat breakfast and don't do cereal or milk at all. I now have a box of Beivita Breakfast Biscuits in my draw I like the fruit and fibre ones but they also do Milk and cerial(Taste like custard creams) The fruit and fibre ones keep me full till around 11am and then i reach for my salt and vinegar snack a jacks wish unlike others snack a jack are a yummy treat.
  • :flowerforyou:
    I'm at work by 0715, leave home at 0645. Go home around 1630-1645ish. And, sorry everyone, but I hate hummis. Thank you for your suggestions though. I plan to go to Walmart to pick up a few things my husband asked for, if my budget will accomodate I will try to pick up more fresh foods. I love love love fresh fruit and veggies, its just hard to afford them sometimes (would help if my husband ate them too, make it worth the money to buy them more and less of the junk he likes to eat, lol)

    I have tried to make 'our' diet healthier, he is a lost cause... not making it easier on me :tongue:

    My hubby dosent make my diet easy on me either...Hes tries, but dosent realize when hes sitting next to me eating cookines at 10 at night...its killing me. Since you are horrible with breakfast, my suggestion would be protein shakes int he am...they are quick and easy and you can drink it in the car on the way to work. I always add to mine....sometime ill toss in a banana, or pineapple, or even a scoop of instant coffee and a TBS of SUGAR FREE chocolate syrup. If you like it extra think, thrown about 5-6 icecubebs in the blender with it. This will usually last me untill about 10 am....and i have early breakfasts also...usually about 630ish. Then for snacks i keep it the morning i keep Chocolate Cherrios on hand...3/4 Cup...which is a single serving, is only 100 calories! so you get your chocolate fix too.....much better than a snickers. Try to stay away from lunchmeats...they are so high in sodium, and that will retain water....therefore a weight gain. If you do have to go with lunchmeat, make sure its 99% fat free (usually about 30 cal a slice for turkey). I lead a class at my church once a week and have a few articles i clould send ya. Let me know.
  • holy dang did this turn into a breakfast thread! :)

    if you gained 20 pounds in one month while maintaining your normal lifestyle, that is abnormal. if you are having hot flashes from your new birth control, that is abnormal. a lot of the advice given to you about eating breakfast may be spot-on and helpful, but here is my two cents. you have a hormonal imbalance going on that is affecting your weight loss. when you get your doctor's appointment, please have them check your estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels. you may have pcos (poli-cystic ovarian syndrome) or insulin resistance.

    what matters the most for me is not calories-in-versus-calories-out, but carbs. i can go over my alloted calories but stay within my range for carbs and lose weight, but when i am high in carbs even if i am low on my calories, i will gain. i strive to have 25% carbs, 30% fat and 45% protien. mfp macronutrient breakdown is 55% carbs, 20% fat and 25% protien i believe, so i had to customize mine. you might want to try that and see if controlling your carbs helps you.

    don't give up hope! i started trying to lose weight in may 2009 and didn't lose a single pound until november 2009 while eating 1300 calories a day and running 3 miles 3 days a week. the next four months i only lost one pound a month (and gained inches on my stomach because of ovarian cysts). believe me, i know your frustration! i am now down more than 20 pounds and several inches after figuring out the carb thing and getting on the correct dose of medication. good luck!

    Thank you. I do have a dr appt today (finally) I do have problems with carbs, I always have ... even as a kid I wouldn't eat bread on chicken nuggets (weird, i grew out of that) but carbs pack lbs on.

    Thank you everyone who gave me suggestions. I do like protien shakes, next paycheck i'll pick up some.
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