Quest bars. Am I the only one?



  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    They may be starting to grow on me. I'm still wary of the bloating, though. :frown:
  • Well you definitely have to find the flavor that is right for you. Personally, I think the coconut cashew flavor is awesome. The cookie dough and cookies and cream are good as well. I've tried several others (including chocolate peanut butter, strawberry cheesecake, and cinnamon roll) and they were all awful. The macros are what really set this bar apart. Practically no net carbs, lots of fiber, and lots of protein. More fat than I'd like, but it's good to have some fat with that amount of fiber. Good luck to you all!
  • BrennaReistad
    BrennaReistad Posts: 9 Member
    Quest bars make me horribly, horribly sick. I finally figured out its the sucralose. I got some bars, tried them, and was horribly sick for hours. I was not paying attention at work one day, drank a bottle of diet ice tea (after somehow missing the one ingredient I was looking for). Within an hour I was in the bathroom hurling, and my stomach felt like it was being stabbed.

    I have a very strange issue with my body where it takes food poisoning, or whatever is happening, 'food rejection' and can happen in 20 minutes. No idea why, possibly from being a premie? My body realizes very quickly when something is wrong and goes crazy trying to get it out.

    So I react to sucralose like poison, doing some research, I found out it is quite common. I can't handle stevia either, which is strange being it is natural. I am a diet coke addict, so I can have aspertaine in soda, but not in gum. It's very strange.

    But no, I can't have most protein bars or shakes because they make me horribly ill.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Quest bars make me horribly, horribly sick. I finally figured out its the sucralose. I got some bars, tried them, and was horribly sick for hours. I was not paying attention at work one day, drank a bottle of diet ice tea (after somehow missing the one ingredient I was looking for). Within an hour I was in the bathroom hurling, and my stomach felt like it was being stabbed.

    I have a very strange issue with my body where it takes food poisoning, or whatever is happening, 'food rejection' and can happen in 20 minutes. No idea why, possibly from being a premie? My body realizes very quickly when something is wrong and goes crazy trying to get it out.

    So I react to sucralose like poison, doing some research, I found out it is quite common. I can't handle stevia either, which is strange being it is natural. I am a diet coke addict, so I can have aspertaine in soda, but not in gum. It's very strange.

    But no, I can't have most protein bars or shakes because they make me horribly ill.

    The bars say "sweetened with stevia" right on them. It's a wonder how you missed that.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    The chocolate brownie and chocolate chip cookie dough are my favorites. The Chocolate peanut butter isn't bad either, not an overwhelming PB flavor in them, but enough.

    I agree that they have the most nutrition punch for the calories and especially the fiber.
  • Idefinenichelle
    Idefinenichelle Posts: 116 Member
    I actually emailed a co-worker yesterday, who is very into nutrition, & asked him what flavor did he think was best for the Quest bars. I've heard about everyone loving them so I figured I'd give them a shot.

    In return he sent me an email back to this link: .

    It did freak me out, but I'm not sure if this stuff is absolutely true. So, I'm not sure if I will be trying them or not yet.
  • lisavgagne
    lisavgagne Posts: 28 Member
    I have only tried the cookies n cream and cookie dough version. The cookie dough was suprisingly good. Everyone keeps talking about heating them so I ate 1/2 out of the package and saved the other 1/2 and heated it. I liked it better cold.

    Today I tried the cookies n cream. Again ate the 1st 1/2 in the AM cold and then heated the other half for an afternoon snack. I didn't care for it cold. In fact I only at it b/c I had logged it and needed the calories. The heated 1/2 I just finished for my snack was actually pretty good b/c the "creme" pieces melted and spread all over the bar.

    Tomorrow I am trying white chocolate rasb.