Cathe Fans Part 3!



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies ~ :smile:

    This a.m. was Intensity – felt good and the foot held up! :wink: It was feeling it while I was getting ready for work a little but but that seems to be the way of it right now. I am planning on getting in the Cycling class tonight after work. Last night I went to Turbo Kick and she started a new routine so that was lots of fun.

    Erika: WTG on KCM and your love for it! :bigsmile: That is always so great … I do really enjoy that one as well and look forward to it. Glad the DOM’s weren’t happening this a.m. :wink: I was thinking about other workouts of Cathe’s and did think of Pyramid Upper & Lower. I haven’t done either in years but I remember it being a slower paced workout. The Pyramid factor is that she does increase & decrease in weights if I remember correctly; hence “pyramid” but it isn’t a really fast pace. Maybe preview it a bit and see what you think.

    Laurie: Thank goodness on the BH Yoga that I am not the only one wondering how in the world?!?! :laugh: Glad you decided to take it easy on your knee and it is feeling better. Good job getting in HiiT Double Wave Pyramid! Enjoy your afternoon ….. I always LOVE getting off work early, even if it is a couple hours. I always feel like I can accomplish a lot in that short time.

    Hi Michelle & Laurel ~ Hope you both have a great day! :flowerforyou:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Oh these screaming left cheek was aching so bad at work.

    Laurie- Yes, DOMS is always a great reminder of a job well done but not when walking becomes an issue:laugh:

    Erika- I thought about measurements yesterday and quickly grabbed the tape measure so I hope to see something great in a few weeks.

    Laurel- Awesome routine!

    Tami- I think the name is Zymox and it sells for 11.00 on Amazon.

    Work was good b/c the manager came in on the later shift today so it went fairly smooth for the entire the codes are becoming easier not to mention my cheat index cards that I walk with now.:laugh:

    Hoping to do P57 30 min Advanced today so hopefully the energy will arrive soon.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hey ladies!

    What a day! I woke up to an ice storm here in DC which wasn't good seeing as I needed to get into the Pentagon today. I did manage to get down there later this morning, which was good. But I was able to get in my workouts before I left because everything was shut first thing this morning. I started the day with Intensity followed by the leg blast premix from B&G. That latter one is so surprisingly tough for me!! After I did my stuff at the Pentagon (which ended up being a complete and total nightmare!!) and getting my husband off on yet another trip, I did the lower body premix from B&G just to make my leg workout feel 'complete'. Then I topped it all off with Turbo Fire HiiT 15. I'm tired!

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the knee. I'm glad you took a few days off and it feels better. I'm glad I'm not the only one who does Cathe at my own pace.

    Michelle, sorry about the DOMS!! Glad to hear the job is going all right.

    Tami, we're doing the same workout again! It's funny how often we do that. I'm glad your foot is doing all right. It is probably something that will bother you every now and again for some time. Just watch it, take care of it and do what you can when you can do it. Sounds like it hasn't slowed you down at all, though.

    Erika, regarding 4DS, I liked it when I got it. And then I didn't like it. And now that I've had it for three years, I'm really beginning to appreciate this program a great deal. I don't like the cardio in it very much (well, I love the kickboxing and like the bootcamp, but I don't like the step routines), but I must say that this may be some of Cathe's best weight work. I think I didn't focus on that because I was doing the weight work with the cardio and got thrown off by not enjoying the cardio. But it is slower than alot of Cathe's weight work, and I like that. Regarding Pyramids, some of her counts are slow, some are not. She has a tendency to slow down the counts as you move up in weight. The Pyramids, for me, are pure endurance workouts because you are doing so many reps for each exercise (usually a total of about 52 reps per exercise, which are usually supersets, so really 104 reps per muscle group). But as far as upper body workouts go, Pyramid Upper Body is a great workout and has probably the best set of stability ball abs every. Pyramid Lower Body is not my favorite because 52 reps on each leg of leg presses is just tough. But it is a thorough workout, and I really enjoy the floor portion. It just isn't one I pull out very often because of the dread factor starting the workout with that many leg presses. If you've got any other questions, though, please ask. If you like endurance work, you may really like the Pyramid workouts.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! :happy: I'm a happy girl today, as tonight is ZUMBA!!! I've been waiting for today to come so I can go back. I'm lovin' it! :love:

    This morning was STS Legs, which felt great. My favorite part is the bonus burn. I love anything with those bands, or ankle weights, so I thoroughly enjoyed that part!

    Laurel--Thanks for the info on Pyramids. I'm still undecided on that one. Could be me, but I'm feeling like the more I do Cathe's DVD's the more I feel like the moves are all the same, maybe just different order, music, pace or weights, but nothing different than I'm used to. I think I may focus more on KCM, as I enjoyed (yes, I said enjoyed!) the DOMS from her workout, every time! I'm still deciding on if I should purchase some other DVD's too though! :blushing: Sounds like that ice storm put a halt on morning work plans, but allowed you to get in some great workouts! It all worked out in the end!

    Michelle--What did you think of the 30 minute total body? I haven't tried that one yet...I'm guessing from the DOMS, it was a good one. Funny how those workouts have such major DOMS, but yet I don't dread them one bit, or find myself contemplating reaching for them...I WANT to do them! :tongue: Glad work was good for you today!

    Tami--Glad to hear that foot is holding up well for you, hopefully that continues! Fun to have a new TurboKick routine, I'm soooo jealous you get to go to that class! I'm hoping that Community Ed gets a TurboKick class, as that's where I'm taking Zumba, and it's a great location, price and time! :happy:

    Laurie--I hope that knee gets better. I've been having weird twinges every once in awhile with my right knee. It's usually when I'm doing a lunge, but goes away after a couple reps. Weirdest thing! I don't do any high impact work (KCM Plyo or Cathe Hiit once a month is about the extent of it), so not sure what's causing it. Maybe all the stairs I take up and down at work?!?! :ohwell:

    Have a great day ladies. I'll catch you all later!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night I did Disc 29 Plyo Legs, knee felt fine during the workout. Afterward it stiffened up a little, guess it does better with me moving around. :wink: This morning was KCM's 30MTF Kickboxing workout #1 using weighted gloves. After work is Chest, Shoulders & Biceps.

    Tami, Glad that your foot is doing ok with your workouts. Fun that the instructor changed up the class. I was asked this morning if I was changing my hours, this week is a test for me to see if it works. So far I'm liking getting in the short cardio in the morning, and then having enough time after work to do something else.

    Michelle, I had to LOL about not having the manager there the dept. ran fairly smooth. My boss has not been at work for four work days. There are four people, including me, that really run our dept. :laugh: I just wonder what is going on with him, because he has been gone for 50% of the work days just starting at the beginning of this year! :noway: OUCH on the walking DOMS! :laugh: I have had those in the past. :wink:

    Laurel, I don't like ice, the snow is a much better option. You really did work those legs good! :noway: How are your legs feeling today? Mine would be feeling like Michelle's are! :laugh: Oh ya that is why I avoid the Pyramid Leg workout, Muscle Endurance has all those leg presses also. That is one exercise that I just don't enjoy, but I know it really works the legs in a different way. But why do so many! :laugh:

    Erika, Have a great time at your Zumba class! Did you keep that paper plate from falling during that STS workout! Having that plate there really makes you concentrate on keeping that leg in the right place. :wink: I guess I'm a Plyo girl at heart! :laugh: Those KCM weight workouts are great, so you probably are making the right choice. I like the upper body portion of her 30MTF weights the most. Really had the DOMS after that one.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I decided to take the intensity down a bit this morning. I didn't get much sleep last night and definitely felt yesterday's workout. On top of that, I think my husband gave me his cold that he brought home from his last trip. :frown: Nothing bad, but feeling a tad tired. Anyhow, I did Step, Jump and Pump, which I hadn't done in forever. I enjoyed it. After a long break, I did Bob Harper's Kettlebell routine (the sculpting one, not the cardio one) and enjoyed it. I feel I'm beginning to master the kettlebell more, though at times I'm still staring at the TV going 'huh?' :wink:

    Erika, if you are looking for different moves, I'd stay away from buying more Cathe workouts to be honest. While she changes the rep patterns and such, the exercises ARE the same (or virtually the same). If you are happy with KCM and those workouts are giving you great results (and it seems they are), I'd recommend sticking with what works. Outside of the abs section (and, to some degree, the floor section of the leg workout), there are absolutely no new moves in the Pyramid workouts. Have fun at Zumba!!!!

    Laurie, glad to hear your knee was okay with the workout. Weighted-glove kickboxing this morning and Chest, Shoulders, Biceps tonight? Yowza!! Glad your new schedule is working out for you. My legs are tired today but, surprisingly, not sore. But I can feel them everytime I climb the stairs. :tongue: The workouts this morning helped, though.

    Tami and Michelle, hope you are both enjoying a good day!

    See you tomorrow!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Laurel--Thanks for the tip...I just needed to hear someone else say what I was thinking! :wink:

    Tami--I'm happy to report I found a dance studio near my home that does TurboKick on Thursday nights (the instructor is the APD for PowderBlue--Chalene Johnson's company). I'm going to try it out tomorrow night, and if I love it, I'm dragging a couple friends with me!

    That's all for now...I'm just giddy sitting here at work thinking about Zumba tonight and Turbo tomorrow night! :bigsmile:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    This a.m. was Legs – I chose STS #24. I should have remembered about B&G having pre-mixes. I was kind of searching/wondering which Leg workout to do and ended up doing an STS. It was good though. Tonight I will go to Cycling again to get in some cardio.

    Michelle: Thanks again for that ointment name, I wrote it down in a safe spot. Sorry to hear about the walking DOM’s …. Youch! :noway: That hurts. I bet you look at stairs with a lot differently right now. Good to hear work went smoother yesterday …. Even if it was because the boss was away for a bit.

    Erika: Very fun! I bet you are on the countdown for ZUMBA tonight. :drinker: Yahoo on finding a spot for Turbo Kick – that is excellent news, I bet you are thrilled and I can’t wait to hear how it goes. I bet it will be fantastic!

    Laurel: It is funny how many times we have done a same or similar workout isn't it?!?! :smile: Geesh friend! I bet you are feeling it today from those workouts yesterday. :noway: I’m glad you mentioned the B&G pre-mixes (hence my mention of it above) I am going to have to fit those in during the week since I love it so much. But the whole workout is too long for my early a.m. workouts. How was the BH Sculpting workout w/ kettlebells? I hope you didn’t get his cold .. sorry to hear that. :yawn: Take care of yourself.

    Laurie: Good job on Plyo legs last night …. I almost did Plyo #32 (because it is one of my favorites) but since I just did it a couple wks ago I chose a different one. They really are great workouts. :wink: Your workouts today remind me of my Monday lineup while I was doing Undulating. Every week it seemed to be Shoulders/Chest in the a.m. and Turbo Kick in the p.m. :tongue: That would be really nice to have your bosses schedule wouldn’t it? That’s nice that they are letting you try a different set of hours.

    Hope you are all having a great day! Talk to you tomorrow :bigsmile:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member

    Today I'm tired for sure so I may skip my workout. I worked on my own today and did fine with most everything. The dept. manager was in a decent frame of mind but the best strategy is to stay busy which means stay out of the CAO office:wink: My next dept is QAE which is the night shift so I'm actually looking forward to waking up in the mornings and working out and then starting my least it sounds good now:wink:

    Erika- I did 30min Total Body and it was an oucher but I'm looking forward to Shelley's workout...wierd but so true:bigsmile:

    Tami- The good thing is once you order from Amazon when the price drops it notifies you which it recently did.:bigsmile:

    Laurie- It would be nice if ours disappeared like that but unfortunately she is there. I just need to play nice b/c I train with her for 4-5 months after my night rotation:noway:

    Laurel- I'm thinking of taking my Bob Harper cardio dvd back due to your review. Do you still feel the same way about the workout?

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member

    I just wanted to clarify that my review was ONLY of the 20 minute workout Bob has on the DVD. There are two workouts on the DVD....the 60 minute and the 20 minute. I've not done the 60 minute, though Tami has and says it is very good. The ad for the 20 minute workout calls it 'cardio', but the actual title on the DVD is something like butts and body (I don't remember it exactly and I'm too lazy to go look at my DVD), and the title itself IS accurate since it is a lower body workout. Sadly, it isn't a short cardio blast, which I'd kind of hoped for. But as a lower body add-on workout, it's actually pretty good.

    I've previewed the full 60 minute workout and it looks very good.

    Just wanted to clarify that before you took the DVD back!!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night I got in Disc 10 Chest, Shoulders & Biceps. This morning was Insanity Core Cardio & Balance, felt like taking it down a notch today! :laugh: Need to get in an ab workout so Ab Circuit Med Ball Abs, and Insanity Cardio Recovery might be my workouts of choice.

    Laurel, I don't remember the last time I did SJP, the SJ parts of that workout are what hold me off from doing that one. :happy: Glad you where able to get in some good workouts even thought you where tired. I shouldn't laugh that walking upstairs makes you think twice, but it sure does mean that you are working those legs good.

    Erika, That is go great that you where able to find a place for TurboKick. You just drag those friends of your there! :laugh: I don't have any friends that I can think of that would want to exercise, isn't that interesting? Maybe one person, but I don't think that she could afford the price.

    Tami, As I was walking down to our basement this morning I was thinking "what 30-40 min. workout could I do?" I waffled between Insanity and Barry's Bootcamp cardio, and Insanity won! :laugh: I really need to schedule what short workouts I will be doing in the morning, so that I don't have to think so hard. Maybe I better start making a list of all those premixes to! :happy:

    Michelle, How long it the night rotation? It sure will be something that you will need to get used to, and then of course it changes again. My boss is not here again today, and it is already 9am. I have no idea what is going on, and everyone is trying to figure it out to. His boss has said nothing to us, so now everyone starts speculating. :huh: Sounds like you are getting more comfortable with the job, that is great.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    Zumba last night was awesome!! It was the same routine as last week, but she added a couple new songs to the mix. I like that we did it 2 times in a row, but I'm hoping next week is a new routine/songs so I can learn some new stuff. I was feeling really sore this morning, so opted to not do cardio both this morning and tonight, as tonight is Turbo Kick AND Hip Hop Hustle. I'm excited to try it out!!!

    Michelle-Glad you enjoyed a rest day, especially when you're really tired. That's a good choice, as I'm sure it's easier to injure yourself if you're really tired while working out, and not quite all "there". :ohwell: When does the night shift start, and for how long? I hope that works out well for you!

    Tami-I'm the same way as you...I can't keep all the pre-mixes straight. I used to have a list of every single one of them, but it got to be pages long, and a little overwhelming! :noway: Glad you got in a good leg workout anyway! I'm excited for Turbo Kick tonight, and sounds like we're doing some Hip Hop Hustle and Piyo too. The instructor likes to do a mix of the 3 (PiYo cool down, Turbo Kick for the 1st half of class and Hip Hop Hustle for the 2nd half), which will be fun to try! :bigsmile:

    Laurie--Great work on the evening and morning workouts. You're surely dedicated!!! :drinker: I don't have many friends that like to workout, but I have a couple friends that just like to socialize, so they go to the classes, and that's it. No working out at home or joining a club, just take a class for awhile and done. But, I'll take whoever will come with me!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I was feeling better this morning after a good long night of sleep. Still a little stuffy in the head, but I'm not sure what is causing it. It isn't like my nose is stuffed up or anything. I just kind of have a headache in the top of my nose, if that makes any sense. Maybe it is just sinuses. They're doing some construction work near our house, and it could be that some dust and dirt is irritating me. I don't know. Anyhow, I started my day with Cardio Fusion, which really felt good this morning. I took a break and then did Jillian's 6 Weeks/6 Pack level 1 workout (which I continue to enjoy) followed by Bob's Yoga (at least up until he starts the abs section. I figured I didn't need to do those again so I stopped there). Still really enjoyed that yoga routine.

    Laurie, good job on taking the workouts down a bit. I haven't done that Core Cardio and Balance workout in such a long time. I probably should pull that and Core Synergistics from P90X out again and do them regularly. Such good workouts. I wonder what is up with your boss. I hope there aren't some serious health issues at play here, but with his being gone so often and his boss not saying makes you wonder.

    Erika, so glad to hear you enjoyed the Zumba again last night! It really seems to be working you well. Let us know about the Turbo Kick and Hip Hop Hustle.

    Michelle and Tami, hope you are both doing well!

    Talk to you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :bigsmile:

    This a.m. I did the 4DS All Upper Body workout ….. it felt good to get a nice upper body workout in. :wink: That is a great one Laurel, thanks for mentioning it here a couple times. I was happy to finally try it. Cannot believe all the pre-mixes on there, no wonder I missed that one. :huh: I’m hoping to get in a workout of some sort this evening but not sure if I will go try the STRENGTH class at the gym or something at home.

    Erika: That’s so awesome that ZUMBA was so much fun! :smile: Your class tonight sounds like it will be fun as well, a good combo of things. :wink: Have a great class tonight.

    Laurie: Awesome work on STS & getting in Insanity CC&B this a.m. :smile: Are some of the Insanity workouts shorter in length? Very strange your boss is still MIA … :ohwell: hope everything is ok there. It would be helpful if someone gave you all an update.

    Laurel: Great job on the workouts! :bigsmile: Glad you’re feeling better (minus the headache in your nose) I bet it is a little sinus cold; hope it leaves soon. BH Yoga … did you see my question to you the other day on that? I LOVE that routine by the way, going to do that again Sat. :wink: I was wondering if you could do that last pose before he has you go down to the floor? YIKES! :noway:

    Michelle: Sounds like you are learning the ropes pretty good around there …. Not only job description itself but managing people/personalities. Will you have a rotating schedule do you think or while you are training they have you with various people that work those particular shifts?

    Hope you all have a great day! :smile:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got Cardio Recovery and the Med Ball Abs done after work. This morning was really cold -8, so the dog got a really short walk. The moon was really shining bright in the sky, almost felt like the sun was out. As I was walking the song Moon Shadows was going through my head. :laugh: After the walk I got in Kenpo Cardio+, I'm always surprised at how good that workout is.

    Erika, Hope you enjoyed your TurboKick class as much as the Zumba! The morning evening has been working really well, since I'm able to get home earlier. I like getting in the short cardio in the morning, it makes me feel that I've at least done something. Then if I have a trying day, and the energy isn't there, I won't feel so bad. :wink:

    Laurel, Totally understand what you are talking about with the stuffy nose. It is probably swollen sinuses, that is what I usually go through when a big weather front comes through. Mine was yesterday, seemed like I couldn't get enough water. Then I realized that I was breathing though my mouth, because my nose was blocked! :noway: Just found out this morning that the boss has been sick all week. :huh: All I'm going to say is NO COMMENT! This guy seems to be sick all the time. Oh wait I said no comment. :laugh:

    Tami, You are right there are a lot of premixes on that 4DS series, and I think they could have done a ton more. Understand why they didn't, because of space issues. :laugh: Most of the month one Insanity workouts are 40 min. or less. None of the workouts go over an hour, that is something that I like. Since he makes them so intense you don't need to kill yourself for longer than that I guess. :wink:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Morning Ladies!

    I'm running out the door in a few minutes to get my hair cut (YAY!) and then hubby comes home again from another trip (just for the weekend), so this will probably be a pretty quick update. I'm feeling better today. The headache is gone, so I do wonder if, as Laurie indicated, it might have been more weather related than anything. We have bright skies this morning, and that always improves my mood (and how I feel). I started my day with Insanity Max Interval Circuit. After a tough week of workouts, it felt pretty tough to me this morning. But I love that workout, so I pushed through. Then after my breakfast, I did High Reps. This workout is really growing on me. In fact, I may end up liking it more than STS Total Body only because it doesn't seem quite as rushed to me. I upped my weights in some categories (a couple that I regretted!), but it felt good.

    Tami, I answered your question about that yoga move above, but I'll just say that of course I can do that last move. Can't you? :tongue: You've got to be kidding me! No, my feet stay firmly planted on the floor for that move. There is no flippin' way I'm going to get my leg over my head in a standing position with my arms wrapped around that leg. No way! There is another move in that workout that gets me....when the girls grab their toes while doing a side plank. Never going to happen. Ever. :laugh: Glad you enjoyed the upper body workout from 4DS. I, too, am amazed how many premixes are on those DVDs. I don't think I'll ever try them all.

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the cold!!! Yikes. But I guess it is that time of year. People here are whining that we're supposed to be below freezing all weekend. I'm thinking with the sunshine, that makes for very pleasant days this time of year. Go figure. Thanks for letting me know about your sinus headaches as well. We've had kind of yucky weather since I started feeling it on Tuesday, and I was wondering if that might not be my problem as well (especially since I felt pretty good otherwise). LIke I said, today it is gone. So....who knows? Ah, so your boss is one of those people....the kind that uses all of their sick leave. Frustrating.

    Erika and Michelle, I hope you are both doing well!!

    Enjoy your weekend everybody!!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies ~

    No workout this a.m. Planning on the Spinning class right after work! Will make up my “missed” workout tomorrow a.m. along with BH Yoga Warrior! :smile: Great news everyone ~ :drinker: my hubby and I did finally plan a little trip! We are going to Scottsdale, AZ the week of our anniversary! March 21 – 25. It will be nice and warm and lots of fun. :bigsmile: I already looked and they have a nice workout facility along with classes if you want: Spinning, Kick Boxing, Sculpting, Pilates/Yoga, the whole bit!

    Laurie: Brrrrrrrr on the -8 degrees! :huh: We have had some snow flurries and ice but it’s staying at 30-34 each day so it isn’t bad at all. Glad you were able to get in KenpoX after your walk. I would imagine you are completely enjoying your afternoon’s that’s great. Hopefully you get to keep this schedule if you want?!

    Erika: I hope your class was really fun last night! Can’t wait to hear about it. :smile:

    Laurel: Sorry I missed that the other day :blushing: (just looked at it) Hilarious! :laugh: Yes, I am happy to get both hands to touch without falling over. Glad to know you love it eventhough you aren’t a pro at it or a should I say a pretzel either! :wink: Great news on feeling better, that’s really good to hear and that you got in a nice workout today. Very fun on getting your haircut today, enjoy your time at the salon, it’s always kind of relaxing I think & feels so much better.

    Michelle : Happy Friday! :smile:

    Have a fantastic day everyone! :flowerforyou:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm feeling a bit behind this morning! :grumble: The morning was a bit of a rush to get the kids to daycare, here to work and then I was stuck in a 2 hour meeting and just got out not too long ago. Anyway.....

    Last night's class was ok--it was in a very small studio and there were only 5 of us. I was hoping for the workout to be more of a challenge, and was surprised to find out that the routine she did was one of the TurboKick DVD's I used to have (I had the Fan Volumes, which are basically what is used to teach the instructors the moves). So, the only thing different was the music. I think I was hoping it would be more like Zumba, where part of the fun was learning new moves. :ohwell: The Hip Hop Hustle section was just like the DVD's I used to have too, and then we did the "show", which is a routine you learn to music, but it's all in a Take it From the Top format...drove me batty...not to mention it wasn't a workout. The instructor reminded me 100% of Chalene Johnson...attitude, dress, looks, personality, perkiness, sounds she makes when she punches, etc. If I didn't have my contacts in and couldn't for sure see it wasn't Chalene, I think I would have thought it was her. Chalene bugs me a bit, so I got irritated toward the end. Bottom line, I'll take the class again, but with a different instructor (when I find one!).

    This morning was STS Back and Triceps. I LOVED the supersets and drop sets....LOVED them!

    Tami--Nice work on the 4DS workout yesterday and sounds like you're going to get in a good workout tonight at class. That vacation sounds great! Plus, the workout facility/class to boot! :tongue: Scottsdale is super fun, you'll have a blast!!

    Laurel--Sounds like you are feeling much better, and that weather I'm sure is helping!! :happy: Glad to hear your hubby will be home for the weekend, so you can do something fun together. The workouts sound great, and I'm more and more curious about High Reps each time I hear about it. Sounds like it's right up my alley! :tongue:

    Laurie--You're brave to go for a walk in the -8 weather, I don't mind it, but wouldn't be out walking in it (except to my car and back!) We had -14 this morning at my house, but many towns had -30! I figure it will be short lived, so I just bundle up and deal with it, but EVERYONE here is complaining about it non-stop! :grumble: Great job on that one more challenging than the regular Kenpo?

    Michelle---Hope you are having a wonderful day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Friday I got in my STS workout, Saturday was Bodystrikes with Ilaria and Sunday was One on One Fountain of Youth. I didn't workout this morning, I didn't sleep very well on Saturday night and had to get up early Sunday morning. We had teenage girls in the house, and they are so LOUD!:noway: :laugh: My youngest had a friend, and my oldest had three of her friends over. The older girls played Wii Dance Party 2, good thing that we have 4 remotes! Then they played Scene It Disney. I think they where louder for the game than the Wii. :laugh:

    My workout after work will be Disc 33 Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. Probably get in an ab workout also.

    Laurel, Wish my boss was still gone, right now he is eating something that is making a lot of noise! :huh: WTG pushing yourself through that workout. Glad to hear that your sinuses are feeling better. High Reps sounds like a winner to me, now that has me thinking I might use that one in a rotation that I'm creating.

    Tami, Your vacation plans sound great, and of course getting to some warm place is nice too. Of course we ladies have to make sure that the workout facilities are adequate! For my job I can basically do any schedule. Which really is nice for when I need to take off for an appointment.

    Erika, So you had a Chalene wanna be! :huh: Funny how you could have probably instructed the class yourself. :laugh: My parents had that double digit minus temps also. I was glad that we only had a few days of those low temps, sure makes going out in that weather unpleasant.

    Well Packer mania is going to be happening here for the next two weeks. :laugh: I'm a very big fan, but sometimes these news people just go overboard on the coverage. :huh:

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Saturday I ended up taking a rest day as my back was killing me from STS on Friday. I think I need to scale back the weights for back, as they have been leaving me really stiff (not DOMS like, more like pain like I'm injuring myself). Yesterday was 2 short kettlebell workouts, and man am I feeling it this morning!!! I still am having trouble with the snatch move, so I've got a few bruises on my forearm this morning, but the Kettlebell Goddess Leg workout really got those inner thighs! This morning was STS Chest and Back (#28) and I went lighter than normal, and it felt better. My back really doens't like those rows though, that seems to be what's causing the pain.

    Laurie--Nice workout lineup this weekend! Glad you got some much needed sleep after the loud girls this weekend. I've heard from friends that have girls, that they can be really loud! I wonder if my boys will ever want to have their buddies sleep over?!? Yes, the instructor was totally a Chalene was pretty funny! I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me at first, and then I was like...hmmm...this is kinda weird, she wants to be Chalene! :noway:

    Michelle, Laurel and Tami--Happy Monday!
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