Cathe Fans Part 3!



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi ladies! Doing a little better today though I've completely lost my voice. :noway: I didn't realize that until a couple of hours ago (because there is nobody here to talk to besides me) when I was looking for something to eat (a sign that I'm improving), saw my bananas and went to say to myself 'I'll have a banana'....but nothing came out. Then my husband called. That was funny. Hopefully this will let up in a day because my other symptoms are much better. I even have more energy today, which is good.

    Erika, thanks for all of the information on Supreme 90. I'm hearing some good things about this series right now, especially how good it is for the price. I'm sorry to hear your little guy is still sick. Hopefully his resting now and such will prevent him from getting as sick as I've been. I'm just paying the price for my own stupidity in NOT taking care of myself as much as I should have last week. :embarassed:

    Michelle, hope it warms up there fast. I think its supposed to. I talked to my sister (or, more accurately, she talked to me) this morning and they were at -15 yesterday morning (in Denver) but are supposed to be back up in the 30s today. Hopefully you're trending the same way. I think Erika is probably right that poor Capone was probably cold!!!

    Tami, does that premix include the calf workout from 4DS Lower Impact Step as well as the leg portion from 4DS KB? I'm just curious how it differs from the regular 4DS KB workout. I'm going to have to look into that one because I really am enjoying the 4DS workouts right now. Glad you enjoyed the cycling!

    Laurie, hope you are doing all right. :flowerforyou:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    This a.m. was Intensity – really like this workout! All of Cathe’s “new” ones are really great I think. Still getting some of the steps down in the step portion but I kind of work through it if I’m not getting it. :ohwell: :wink:
    Today was my dentist appt. and it went excellent! :drinker: I am so glad and happy to have that over with.

    Erika: The early a.m. started many years ago when my DH used to have to get up at that time for work. I just decided that would be when I get up and work out. I’m a morning person so it has worked out for me .. still have days that I’m hitting the ol snooze button but I always love how I feel getting my workout in early. Sorry your little guy is still fighting the sickies …. Hope tonight is better for both of you. :flowerforyou: That is so great that the new workout set you got is going so well! What a fabulous price for some great workouts.

    Michelle: Darn it on the pain and cold weather you are having.:huh: I hope Mr. C behaves better tonight.:grumble:
    How did the chili dinner and time with the girls go? You mentioned the Tracy Effinger Squeeze workout being your favorite, is that a Barre workout? Which Barre workout is your favorite?

    Laurel: I can only imagine when you tried to answer the phone. :laugh: :smile: It’s such an odd thing when the voice just goes like that. Glad your energy is up a bit, that’s great news! I am really loving the 4DS workouts as well. The other day I did start looking at some rotations and there is a 4DS rotation since there are so many workouts between those two discs. The only calf work that was on the leg portion was just the calf raises. :wink: But she didn’t use any weight at all; so pretty basic. Not sure if that is the same one from the 4DS Lower Impact. The workout I did has a great warm-up then right into KB drills, punches/kicks. Then just a pretty straight forward leg workout that is about 35-40 min. It’s a good mix. . . . as usual for her.

    Laurie – Hello, Hope you’re doing ok and all is well for you! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow – Friday, Yahoo! :drinker:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Had a busy day today, and yesterday I was home because we couldn't get out of our house. This afternoon I had to go get a root canal done one my tooth, so that explains the pain. I did TaeBo Total Advanced #4 workout this morning, and yesterday was snowshoveling and STS Disc "dang I can't remember!" LOL

    Well DH just came home with Chinese food, so I need to get going.

    Talk tomorrow!
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