How early do you get up to exercise?



  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    my younger sister is way busy and wakes up at 4:30, but not nesc for exercise anymore, she decided to use that time to shift other things she has to do everyday, then she goes straight from work to the gym, then showers and eats dinner.
  • zcostilla
    zcostilla Posts: 23 Member
    I get up at 4:45 and have time to have a cup of coffee and read a little before leaving at 5:30 or so. My workout starts at 6:00 and I'm at the gym until around 7:30 or 7:45. I don't always like getting up early, but the workout definitely helps clear my mind and get me motivated for the day.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'm sorry I tried to get up before the crack of dawn...and to be 100% honest with you, I don't enjoy working out, so why would I do it at the most hated time of the day? I wait until my kid's in bed and the evening abulations are over...give my fiance a quick kiss and off to the gym I go from 8:00pm until about 9:30. It works great for me, by the time I get home I have enough time to pound back some whey protein, make my meals for the next day, hit the shower and off to bed.
  • Well, as I work full time, am studying an advanced diploma and going through home study for adoption, fitting in working out was going to be a problem. So I thought about it, talked with my trainer about it and now I get up at 5am 6 days a week and am out of bed by 7am on Sundays. I work out for an hour from 5.30am till 6.30am and then walk my dogs when I get in from work around 6pm. If I have time and feel like I need the extra I will go swimming or running in the evening. For years I made excuses as to why that was a ridiculous idea but now it's my life. Even when my children arrive I have fit exercise into my routine and I will never go back to the old me. xxx
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    4:30am, start at 5am.
    How bad do you want it.
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Question are you a night person or a morning person? That has a lot to do with it. I am a night person. I work out longer and harder at night. Also I go right after work bc if I go home I WILL NOT GO bc I sit down. So I bring my work out bag with me to work and go str8 there. I make sure I eat a small snack right before (30 mins before) I head to the gym. When I was training for the half marathon I did the 5am wake up to go to the gym. It felt great for a month but I was over it real quick. My schedule does not allow me to go to bed by 9 and I normally jst cant go to bed that early. So I go at night. I wish I could ge up that early but I can barely get up to go to work! lol
  • I get up at 4:30 twice a week and go to the gym from 5-6. It's tough to get up that early, but I love the fact that my workout is done for the day! It also makes it easier to make healthy decisions once you've started the day healthy. Good luck!
  • if you dont want to wake up early, then do it at night... theres lots of ways you could make yourself motivated... as soon as you get home do the workout, dont wait until your body is ready to pass out... take something to get your energy up, vitamin b-12, b-6, you might even want to try a protein shake,(but dont take anything untill you find out from a physician whats good for you), i take 500mg niacin (flush free), promotes heart health, energy, metabolism, and nervous system health, thats what helps my energy stay up... but check into supplements that are natural, and healthy for you... you might need an extra boost...
  • I use to workout in the evenings after work and my kids karate class. I wasn't very dedicated to it though. By the time I got home from karate, cooked dinner, helped with the homework and cleaned up the house, the last thing I'd want to do is workout. So I had no choice but to change it to early morning. I'm up at 5am every day now. I drink my coffee :drinker: and get my workout in by 6am. I have more energy now, feel great and wouldn't go back to evening work outs. It's nice to get home at night and not have to worry about working out. :smile:
  • etarre
    etarre Posts: 147 Member
    Here's an interesting fact about working out in the morning-- I read this one a fitness website somewhere. Apparently, our body is naturally most attuned to excercise in the afternoon, so working out will feel 'easier' then, and overall performance is higher. However, because your body has to work harder to overcome its natural resistance to working out in the morning, your heart rate will be higher and you will burn more calories in the morning doing a similar form of exercise at a similar intensity.

    Of course, I'm sure the difference isn't huge, so it's not an excuse to slack off after 10 minutes, but working out early feels hard because it is hard! and you do get results from pushing through.
  • I cannot make myself work out after a long day at work, so I get up before my son and husband and have the quiet time of 4:45 -5:00 to get started. My first 15 minutes or so on the elliptical are usually spent yawning and waking up, but I eventually get there. It's all about "how bad do you want it?"
  • bgtorres
    bgtorres Posts: 186 Member
    I wake up at 4:00 feed my baby and start my work out at 5:00a.m. weekends I do afternoon like 4:30p.m.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I get up at 4:15 am 5 days a week.

    I get up at 4:45 right now..would have to move it to 4:15 to do a 30 min video in the morning, so you are officially my personal inspiration now :)

    Edited to add: I was doing this earlier in the year, alternating 30 DS with yoga. I really liked it because as I'm getting older I'm getting a little stiffer, and getting limbered up in the morning made me feel better all day.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I DID IT!!!! Got up at 5:00 a.m. and did Power 90 Cardio/Abs. Felt a little weird because I didn't eat anything, but I got through it. Now, I'm sleepy. :yawn: :bigsmile: But this evening, I'll be really glad to have it done!

    I had a restless night sleep, so that could also be why I'm tired. I kept dreaming about working out. In one part of the dream, I was doing my workout in a classroom at my church! :laugh:
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