
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
  • ComradeTovarich
    ComradeTovarich Posts: 495 Member
    Man, I miss all the good threads.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Man, I miss all the good threads.

    It's not gone yet.
    You have time to catch up.

    Until then, enjoy this lady eating a banana.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Louis CK is not the funniest of comedians. Some of these gifs are written better than his stand up. Wait, does that mean I am immature?? At least I'm in good company.


    But seriously.......I think I need a BC Powder now! Ugh.


    ETA: I agree, Louis CK is NOT funny.

    I feel a new thread coming on...

    I have no opinion about him, but damned if I wouldn't post gifs in that thread!

    I think I just saw that thread!
  • Charlottesometimes23
    Charlottesometimes23 Posts: 687 Member
    This thread has the best gifs I've ever seen.

    I don't even know how to post a gif...:sad:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I this thread still going??:noway:

    I can't see the pic of the woman eating a banana. That most likely means that King Hamad of Bahrain does not consider it to be suitable viewing for his loyal subjects.

  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    This thread has the best gifs I've ever seen.

    I don't even know how to post a gif...:sad:

    1. do a google image search on the topic you want for your gif

    2. copy the URL of the image - - to get to the image URL from google you click on the image on the google image page, then you get a preview, then click "view image" on the right, and copy the URL from the top of your browser screen

    3. paste the URL into the reply box on MFP

    4. put the img tags either side, like this but without any spaces:

    [ i m g ] paste the URL here (without spaces at either end) [ / i m g ]
  • Charlottesometimes23
    Charlottesometimes23 Posts: 687 Member
    Nope it didn't work. I don't think my IQ is high enough. :cry:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    post it again, sometimes it doesn't work because of something to do with the image, not sure what. But if you're doing anything wrong, someone else can view your message via quote, see what's wrong and fix it.

    and IQ is overrated. You can't sum up the entirety of someone's intelligence with a number.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    post it again, sometimes it doesn't work because of something to do with the image, not sure what. But if you're doing anything wrong, someone else can view your message via quote, see what's wrong and fix it.

    and IQ is overrated. You can't sum up the entirety of someone's intelligence with a number.

  • Charlottesometimes23
    Charlottesometimes23 Posts: 687 Member


  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    post it again, sometimes it doesn't work because of something to do with the image, not sure what. But if you're doing anything wrong, someone else can view your message via quote, see what's wrong and fix it.

    and IQ is overrated. You can't sum up the entirety of someone's intelligence with a number.


    that's the entirety of the meaning of the life, the universe and everything, not the sum total of a single human's intelligence though

  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member



    Lol now the cure gif works! Lol (great choice, btw)

    Gif soup gives page links, not image links (unfortunately) but here's kangaroos fighting:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    post it again, sometimes it doesn't work because of something to do with the image, not sure what. But if you're doing anything wrong, someone else can view your message via quote, see what's wrong and fix it.

    and IQ is overrated. You can't sum up the entirety of someone's intelligence with a number.


    that's the entirety of the meaning of the life, the universe and everything, not the sum total of a single human's intelligence though


    Well, if it's the meaning of everything, somewhere in there is the sum total of intelligence. Of one.

    42/1= 42.

    It's magic.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    post it again, sometimes it doesn't work because of something to do with the image, not sure what. But if you're doing anything wrong, someone else can view your message via quote, see what's wrong and fix it.

    and IQ is overrated. You can't sum up the entirety of someone's intelligence with a number.


    that's the entirety of the meaning of the life, the universe and everything, not the sum total of a single human's intelligence though


    Well, if it's the meaning of everything, somewhere in there is the sum total of intelligence. Of one.

    42/1= 42.

    It's magic.

    The only thing I can claim:

  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    post it again, sometimes it doesn't work because of something to do with the image, not sure what. But if you're doing anything wrong, someone else can view your message via quote, see what's wrong and fix it.

    and IQ is overrated. You can't sum up the entirety of someone's intelligence with a number.


    that's the entirety of the meaning of the life, the universe and everything, not the sum total of a single human's intelligence though


    Well, if it's the meaning of everything, somewhere in there is the sum total of intelligence. Of one.

    42/1= 42.

    It's magic.

    The only thing I can claim:


  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    how do you resize images?
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Do you guys act like this in real life?

    Because sometimes it feels like a schmarmy high school comedy in here -- I expect Lindsay Lohan or Seth Rogen to jump out with a clever one liner to bring some comic relief to all the inanity. If most of you are 15, I guess that would make sense. For those that are actually older than 25 or so, do you act like this in your real lives as well? People really keep gifs around to post on message boards?

    Perhaps I'm just new to such an internet message board, but this place is both fascinating and mildly abhorrent at the same time.

    bahahahahha this is amusing…you list how you are superior to everyone and then accuse the rest of us of "immaturity" …oh the irony!

    Ah, I get it now. I guess I am pretty dense.

    I never would have taken someone's counter to being called dumb with evidence to the contrary about their education or IQ to be a statement implying my inferiority. Never would have occurred to me. Man, that's rough.

    Huh. Really?

    "I'm right because I'm smarter than all of you". If one of us had said that to you, you wouldn't have found that insulting or inferred that we were implying you were inferior intellectually?
    I call bull****.

    I think I was right based on the content of my arguments. Some said I must be mistaken and not understand the underlying issues or able to interpret the studies. I backed up my assertions several times with examples and explanations. Some (like Milk flax) said they followed but disagreed in certain issues and we had some meaningful exchanges. They didn't jump to the bs herd mentality of "15 agree with me!" as a basis for their argument or offer up erudite assertions such as "na na na na", as compelling as that is.

    Having meaningful exchanges with people like that is why I come here even if I have to put up with the drivel of so many others (not implying you).

    The worst part is that you disagreed with me twice and then agreed with neandermagnon when presented with the exact same argument I gave you. Later, when someone else also found an article to quote and link agreeing that "a calorie is just a calorie" and then also presented information about macros and their importance to diet, you completely ignored that. You're all over the map. When several of us pointed out such things to you, that's when you pulled out the degrees and IQ stuff. It makes you sound insecure and vain and unable to admit that you might be wrong. Or even unable to meet some of us in the middle.

    And that's why I don't think we're saying the same thing. The whole point I was trying to make from the very beginning was that the content of calories matter when speaking of weight loss, metabolism, etc. That in that context not all calories are created equal (which would not be the case in a purely physicist way from the law of thermodynamics). So, although caloric deficit is important (and likely essential), it's not the ONLY factor that's important to the weight loss equation.

    I believe I've consistently said that time and time again.

    Some, split hairs a little differently and say caloric content is only important to body composition. Although I agree with that statement, I think body composition is an essential part of the equation when you're discussing weight loss because how much weight you lose will be determined by the composition of what you lose (i.e. fat vs. muscle). And what you lose may also impact part of the equation going forward as metabolism may be affected (i.e. if you lose more muscle, your metabolism will slow versus someone that retained more muscle since muscle burns more calories than fat).

    Some either just don't understand that differentiation or are being intentionally obtuse with semantics. But, I believe I've been 100% consistent on that throughout. When someone challenged that, I explained it further and showed how it was consistent. Some call that back pedaling or being all over the place ,when to me, it's just clarification.

  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    how do you resize images?

    The only way I've done it successfully is by saving & uploading to imgur. :angry:
    I've tried resizing in code, but to no avail. Maybe someone else has had more success?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    how do you resize images?

    The only way I've done it successfully is by saving & uploading to imgur. :angry:
    I've tried resizing in code, but to no avail. Maybe someone else has had more success?

    oh well.. it's still clear what it is even if it doesn't quite fit..... but if anyone can tell me how to fix it that'd be cool :flowerforyou: and for future reference

    lol @ not unreasonable / always right