Do you need friends?? Post up!



  • I do need freinds.
  • JennyJ2015
    JennyJ2015 Posts: 154 Member
    im on here all the time feel free to add me !! and you can do this !
  • moose2626
    moose2626 Posts: 13
    Well Im always looking for people who are good at motivating. I just wanted to get healthy and hopefully someday feel well enough to hold my grand kids...( if they ever have any..grrrrrrr) Always looking for friends
  • MonikHouston
    MonikHouston Posts: 8 Member
    I am new too. So you can add me and we can share tips
  • erinvela
    erinvela Posts: 1 Member
    Im new as well you can add me if you want :)
  • MonikHouston
    MonikHouston Posts: 8 Member
    Hi how long have you being on diet you lost

  • BitsyBambi
    BitsyBambi Posts: 2
    I'm not new but I keep forgetting to log on and put in my food and exercise for the day. I don't have a phone so I can't use the app but having friends with the same goals would help, I think. ^^
  • dlopez907
    dlopez907 Posts: 27
    Hello everyone, I'm David looking to drop about 94lbs. Enjoy working out, always looking for new friends. Feel free and add.. Good luck everyone
  • scottsgirl4lyfe2004
    scottsgirl4lyfe2004 Posts: 36 Member
    anyone could add me
  • vicksternz87
    vicksternz87 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all,

    Rejoined MFP, need to refocus on goals and would love some friends to motivate me, and off course help motivate them as well :)
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    Hello all,
    Recently restarting after having fallen off the wagon due to some really stressful issues. Never used the forums or social aspect of mfp before, but i think it could help me stay on track better. Feel free to add me!
  • gabblot
    gabblot Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I've realized that I am having a hard time with my weight loss journey.

    I'm looking for a little motivation and maybe a fresh face to accompany me!

    My name is Gabby, i'm 29 and a mother of two sweet little boys. I've always been "skinny". But since having the boys, I've been carrying around an extra 25lbs. I can feel it on my back and in my knees when I walk.

    I need someone to help me stay on track and someone to challenge me!

  • thedietpilot
    thedietpilot Posts: 56 Member
    Hey all,

    I am in dire need of some accountability... I know how to use MFP... But try as I might, I can't seem to stay within my calorie goal for the day. I start off the day right but then as the day goes on, it gets progressively worse.

    Maybe I need a critique of my MFP diary.

    I need to lose 30 pounds at least.. by the end of the summer. I'm a procrastinator who always makes excuses when it comes to exercising. And weekends are tough to stay on track due to social events. And when I fall off the wagon, I fall down hard and start slipping into old, bad eating habit again.

    Maybe I need an attitude check.

    Need help!
  • lbee0030
    lbee0030 Posts: 61 Member
    Post up ! oh yess :) add me if you like !
  • erinelissa91
    erinelissa91 Posts: 63 Member
    I am always happy to have new friends. Guys, girls, older, younger, we can all be friends!
  • paka10
    paka10 Posts: 13
    hi all! im a 23 year old female, currently studying medicine and in dire need of accountability. please feel free to add me! id appreciate any tips and/or motivation and will definitely do the same for anyone who needs a little push too :)
  • joannaleasa
    joannaleasa Posts: 25 Member
    HAy I've just come back on to try and get fit need motivation please add me :):smooched:
  • ParamoreAddict
    ParamoreAddict Posts: 839 Member
    Add me! Just a big sci-fi/fantasy nerd and the more friends, the better! Allons-Y!
  • jimbmc
    jimbmc Posts: 83 Member
    Hi, I'm fairly new. Anyone in the UK, feel free to add me. :)
  • DallastheGemini
    DallastheGemini Posts: 60 Member
    Hey all! I'm Donna, I'm 27 and I need to lose about 40 pounds. I left MFP for about 6 months after my dog tragically passed away but I'm back now and am motivated to lose this weight! I could really, really use some more friends. Please feel free to add me! Thanks!!