
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Got in from therapy-going good.
    Thanks for the advice -dr wants to see me fri and do an ultrasound.
    Have a good night.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    WOW!!!, Everything is back to normal on my laptop now. I haven't tried my desk top yet. Will try later.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Eileen...........congrats on the grandchild!

    Suein SD.................Is a Turkish van the same as a Gypsy Vanner?????; they are the most gorgeous horses!!!

    Great day..............picked the first strawberries of the season a couple hrs. ago; eating them now with vanilla yogurt.........delish!!!

    Early night for me---g'nite all, sleep tight!
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 540 Member
    Have a great weekend everyone! I will be logging in when I have a chance this weekend. I have loved Il Divo from the beginning. Tickets were a great gift from Hubby. Looking forward to the concert. :smile:


    Cindy in OK
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Today is DS's 30th birthday and I think I'm taking it harder then he is. We celebrated last weekend. He called tonight to say he used the gift cards that DD & I gave him on some new golf clubs. He's going golfing tomorrow for the first time this year. He's thrilled. It's so nice to hear.

    My jaw is still just aching. It hurts more now then it did when the tooth was broken. :noway:

    I did Cardiofit box class tonight. I still am surprised at what a workout it is. I look forward to it every week now. Who would have thought? :laugh:

    Watching Grey's Anatomy and then off to bed.

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just a pop in to say hi!

    Congratulations on the new grand baby Eileen! I know he is precious.

    Jane, it's good to have it checked out, but I had annual ones for a few years and still occasionally spot. It's been just over a year since the last full blown period and I hope they are finally gone for good!

    Well, that is the extent of my memory. :ohwell:

    I am here at the beach. I got here just before seven and got to walk a few miles on the beach before dark. It was sooooooo beautiful! I opened the door to the screened porch and let some air come in while I cooked and ate dinner. It is extremely quiet here so the ocean sounds came through loud and clear. I'm tired now and shall go put sheets on my bed so that I can collapse when ready.

    Good night from Carol in NC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi my vitamin F pals. Long day at clinical today followed by grocery shopping; I put on nearly 12,000 steps by the time I got home. NSV: I used to be just exhausted after clinical and now I’m not. So that’s a victory! The DDs are out together right now having some ice cream and talking. That usually doesn’t go very well but #2 keeps trying.

    Beth; so sorry things are stressful for your son, but you are right; the relief tells you the decision was the right one. Zumba is great for that ‘wiggle’ thing when you don’t know what to do! We do the same in aqua zumba!

    Rori: glad you are feeling better!

    Deb; I know I do better when I can get on the site frequently during the day.

    Kathrine: we are a chatty group aren’t we?

    Mimi: welcome back! So glad to see you. When I first started wearing a fit bit I was about 2500 steps a day and every couple of weeks I’d make my goal 500 more. Now I’m steady at 6000 and many days get many more.

    Alison: good for you to get so many steps in with just daily activity!

    Patty: that’s pretty much what I did with DD. My dietician suggested protein shakes for the days I teach from 12-4:30 because I simply can’t eat lunch at 11! So I’m going to give them a try. I hope your new shake turns out well

    Cindy: nice find!!!

    Tigress: yeah, the getting pregnant is what I can’t get….they had sex for 6 months and according to the BF she refused to have anything to do with any type of birth control. That is just so dumb. Babysitting is something we talked to the girls a long time ago about….that will be a once in a while treat, not something to just assume we are going to do. We have too many friends who do nothing but babysit their grands and don’t enjoy it and feel they are being imposed upon.

    Carol: have a wonderful trip!

    Katla: five years?????

    Heather: hugs for your bad episode!

    Margaret: enjoy that weather

    Gloria: you have inspired me to crack open a bottle and have a glass! I have a nice sauvignon blanc in the fridge.

    Tere: it’s hard to catch up on all those pages, isn’t it? Glad you had a nice Easter.

    Jill: has spring sprung in MA yet?

    Vicki: did you have bad weather yesterday? We got some rain but it looked like you guys were getting drenched!

    Yanniejannie: I too have books all over the house and haven’t read many of them. Right now I’m reading a Clancy novel that’s
    probably 20 years old by now!

    Moondoggz: where do you find Calms? What degree are you graduating with? Congratulations!

    Kim: what??? You didn’t appreciate the half dead fly? I can’t imagine!

    Barbie: so sorry about the teacher….that must be terrifying for her. Good thing she has a daughter who can take her in and care for her if needed. I’m sure you will be great as the full time teacher.

    Amanda; lipstick always does the soul good. I read once that in bad economic times lipstick sales go up because it is a way to update your look without spending a ton of money

    Heather; let us know the results of your xray. So happy for your good news!

    Jb: that recipe hit my yummy nerve. I will try it!

    Jane: always a good idea to get things checked out when there’s a change. Keep us informed and my prayers are with you to
    calm your nerves!

    Anamika: how hot is it there?

    Eileen: adorable!!!

    Joyce: speaking of ancient, you should see my old flip phone. It is now actually falling apart. I guess I’ll have to get a new one!

    Sandy: so what’s going on with your jaw? Didn’t you have tmj?

    Well that's it for me tonight. Take care all Meg from Omaha where I actually said "I'm going to be a grandmother" today instead of "OMG my daughter got knocked up". I guess that 's progress LOL
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We left early this morning for Kansas City, for hubby's appointment with the cardiologist. He looked at the test results from the sleep study, where it said he had some kind of heart block, and he didn't think it was anything to worry about, but hubby is going back for a stress test in May, just to be sure. Then went to the pottery supply store and Trader Joes and still got home in time to take the girls to swim lessons. This was the last night of the session, and it was all free swim, and they invited the parents to get in the water so the kids could show us what they learned. I'm so tired! And my hair is still wet, but they had a great time. The youngest was trying to figure out how to dive. She did a few belly flops, but didn't give up and eventually got a little better. The oldest tried once and quit.

    Now I have some drafting to do tonight before I can go to bed. It's gonna be a late night.

    Here is the joke of the day:


    "How long have you been working here?” one employee asked to another.

    “Ever since the boss threatened to fire me.”


    Have a great evening!

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Meg...one thing I have been clear about with my DD and DDILs...I will babysit at times, but I will not be a babysitter. Clarity brings certainty. Meanwhile DH and I love having our grandkids over. It is such a joy. And of course we have been taken advantage of at times. But overall, it is working.

    Finally had a good sleep last night. Hoping for the same tonight.

    Vancouver island. B.C.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    :bigsmile: I have been listening to Il Divo songs on YouTube while reading all of today's posts. I love you all but have no time to reply......two line dance classes today and even with Jake doing several dog walks, I still walked a lot.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of Bob Harper's Inside Out DVD today. Tomorrow I'm planning to go to the deep water class after taking my aluminum to the Humane Society. After exercising today, volunteered at the Green Room. They're "going computerized" but it's not working the way they expected so we're still writing things down then inputing the orders onto the computer, so that's what I was doing most of the morning, inputing orders and cutting out the tickets.

    Then came home and a continuation of yesterday, we worked on opening the pool some more. Got the cover off. right now it's draining, maybe we'll get it out of the pool tomorrow.

    Tomorrow a friend of Vince's is coming here for lunch, don't know how long he's staying afterwards. Ran to WalMart tonight to get hamburgers, rolls, some tomatoes that I'll cut up, I sliced up some onion, bought lettuce for tomorrow, iced the key lime cupcakes (I must say they turned out quite well)

    Sue in TX - congrats on winning in golf!

    barbie - don't be too impressed with the plyometrics. I did a lot of it low impact. I'm so sorry to hear about the other teacher, but that is so nice of you to take over her class. I'm sure it's taken a lot off her mind.

    kayzoola - awesome that you're keeping your appointments and even more awesome that you're having more veggies. I know what you mean about sometimes being thankful for a rainy day. Yesterday and today were the first days we worked on the pool. I'm getting back into the routine, putting on my "crummy" clothes, take my watch off, and, yes, DeeDee, put on the sunscreen. Just had time to come in, heat up some dinner, and then go to WalMart, then ice the cupcakes, vacuum the kitchen floor, and clean the counters (which will get dirty tomorrow). As we were outside, I just looked around and saw all the things that needed to be done, use the weed killer, power wash the deck, wash off all the lights, the furniture, the tables, etc, etc, etc,

    Heather - hope all goes well at the doctor's. What a lovely tradition you and dh have! Hope you get to see your son

    DeeDee - Vince is much better today. Sometimes I wonder if some of his intestinal problems isn't because of the fact that he has such a limited diet (by his own choosing) and doesn't want to try new things

    Gail - I don't know of anyone who likes going to the doctors....lol Well, it'll all be over with soon enough

    Cindy in OK - have fun!

    Gloria - so glad you found a good school for Aaron, hope you get it. It just dawned on me while I was in the shower, that this July it'll be 50 years my mother is gone

    jb - your smoothie sounds fantastic

    cadoro - welcome!

    jane - yes, I have had spotting/bleeding. Actually, it's been less than a year between (more like 11 months). The last time it really bothered me. I went to the MD and he said that he thought my bleeding was my body's way of having its "last hurrah". I do hope he's right about that. So far, nothing since January.

    Sue in SD - I think the silken tofu does add protein, but the main reason I use it is as an oil replacement

    Eileen - what a cutie Shawn is!

    yanniejannie - just thinking about strawberries has me drooling

    Sandy - if you're like me, you're too young for a 30 year old. Bet son doesn't agree, I know Jessica doesn't!

    Gotta get to bed. Take care everyone

    Michele in NC
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello vit F
    Michelle wanted to thank you for your Leslie Sansonne walking videos. Having heard you mention them I recommended it to my Mom, who is now quite hooked on to walking and a dear friend of mine who has weight issues. The video is so motivating for them.
    Eilleen such a cute baby
    Barbie checking ot the il divo songs, hadnt heard them before, but they are so melodious!
    Meg so glad to see your post. Its nearly 30degrees celsius that is 86 F The sea breeze has suddenly done the vanishing act too!
    Sandy you have become an athlete now. Birthday greetings to your son.
    yanniejannie love your day, glad you had fun
    jb the smoothie sounds yummy
    Heather the decorations look great, hope you keep hale and hearty
    got to finish packing and cook a few things for husband and daughter being left behind:laugh:
    Best wishes to all of you wonderful ladies
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer earlier today:love: Everything was just so frustrating after a really bad nights sleep. And it all started just because my husband has to have his precious Netflix just so he can watch his racy movies that they put on the 'adult' listings. Yes, he enjoys some of the old series and has really enjoyed Doctor Who but that's not what he wants his Netflix for and i know it. And then he wants ME to fix it:noway: So trying to get it fixed then made me go to our internet provider. I think both my computers were having a bit of a senior moment at the time I was on the line with the help either that or the computers have MS and there is an electronic short in the brains system! But both computers are working well right now so tomorrow we will have to call Nintendo support and see if we can get it resolved and cancel our WOW service call. March and April have had some bad hits on our checking account and I don't want to have a service call if I can help it.

    Oh fresh fruit,, strawberries, grapes, pineapple, apples. I could go on and on!!!! I love them all. I have never made a smoothie. I had to get my Ninja out to chop my onions Sunday and it worked so easy, I know that smoothies could work in there also.

    Kim, just thinking about you opening up your windows and hearing and feeling the ocean breeze sounds so wonderful. That was one thing we tried to get in our beach front home 2 years ago and didn't. I think I will sleep better just thinking about them. Although when I put waves on my sound machine I can't sleep. Maybe they need to have some sort of scent connected to it!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • saundraschultz58
    saundraschultz58 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm over 50, and 30 lbs over weight! HELP! I was diagnosed with Hoshemoto Disease 1yr 1/2 ago... 3 months prior I was 161 lbs and had lost 19 lbs....have gained it all back and no matter what I do the weight just won't budge. Very discouraging. Taking 100mcg Levo and Zetia also since HD caused the low cholesterol to skyrocket to dangerous levels.
    It has become apparent that heart disease could run in our family. 3 of my sibling's have passed away from strokes and heart disease. Needless to say, no ciggs in 2 1/2 years, was trying to live healthier and exercise more....one of my sisters and I do Leslie Samson DVD's together on speaker phone! I began tracking on MFP this week since it seems to help me stay accountable to myself about what I'm really eating.....stayed under calories and over the water excersised ( Leslie's 3 Fast Miles) as well for 4 days...gained 4 lbs!!! WTHeck? Low carbs, low sodium, high protein, low cal veggies....IDK what to do anymore....Does anyone else experience this kind of discouragement? I'm always open to advice! Just gonna keep on trying no matter what! This will not define me! I CAN do this, I'm an OVERCOMER!!!
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Good night, all. (Or morning, as the case may be.)

    I made it through Day 2. Today was more challenging than yesterday as my mom, sister, and I went to my mom's Garden Club for their annual tea. I was picky and did pretty well - a major victory as nibble-y things are a challenge.

    I thought about staying overnight at my folks' house but decided to drive back home (about a 2-1/2 hour drive). My main motivation was to be in my own place...I've been away too often lately. In retrospect, I was doubly glad I came home as being around the tempting leftover Easter candy, and filled candy jar, etc., etc., at my folks' place was more than I could cope with.

    Shortly after I arrived home, I got an extra bonus. My two granddaughters (7 and 9) came home after a week away on vacation and gave me great big hugs accompanied by loud squeals. (I wish I could say all the fuss was for me. The truth is, they were having fun making a commotion.)

    For those of you who don't know, I'm single and share a house with my daughter, son-in-law, 2 granddaughters and 1 grandson. That's why my granddaughters missed me after a "whole" week apart. (Basically, we have two separate homes that connect via a foyer. We have privacy when we want it and togetherness when we want it. I'm a lucky grandma.)

    I met my goal of walking 5000 steps for the day. With all the driving I did and going to the tea, I wondered if I would. However, knowing the Fit Bit was tracking my steps motivated me to go for a walk with my sister. I would have opted out if I hadn't set a goal and had a Fit Bit tracking my steps.

    So far, so good. Step by step.

    Mimi (Sister Veggie Queen and lucky grandma)
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I just read this on Facebook and thought I would do the joke this morning. I love your jokes Sylvia and thought of you as soon as I read this one. I got a good chuckle hope you all do too.

    Miss Beatrice, the church organist, was in her eighties and had never been married. She was admired for sweetness and kindness to all. One afternoon the pastor came to call on her and she showed him into her quaint sitting room. She invited him to have a seat while she prepared tea.

    As he sat facing her old pump organ, the young minister noticed a cut-glass bowl sitting on top of it. The bowl was filled with water. In the water floated, of all things, a condom! When she returned with tea and scones, they began to chat. The pastor tried to stifle his curiosity about the bowl of water and its strange floater, but soon it got the better of him and he could no longer resist. "Miss Beatrice", he said, "I wonder if you would tell me about this?" pointing to the bowl. "Oh, yes" she replied, "isn't it wonderful?

    I was walking through the park a few months ago and I found this little package on the ground. The directions said to place it on the organ, keep it wet and that it would prevent the spread of disease. Do you know I haven't had the flu all winter!" The pastor fainted.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Citybonnie- that was a riot!!!!
    I needed a laugh...
    I have a migraine this morning, I dont get the headaches I just get the aura:grumble:
    I ate all sorts of junk and didn't log most of it.. I just have been having a hell of a few weeks and I guess have been stuffing myself to deal with it, that is the old me...I have to get out of this rut and get back on track....
    Tom is in South Carolina as we speak almost to Georgia, he will get to the house this afternoon.
    yesterday I just sorta hung around here and then went to Walmart and Sams..
    I bought a big huge tub of chocolate chip cookie dough,I asked my DFIL what snacks he would like to have and of course the answer was chocolate chip cookies, so I made a couple of dozen last night to take over to him....( and I didnt sneek any)
    have a load of laundry in and will take a shower ,get dressed and take the boys for a walk and get my lunch together.. then go out and see my DFIL then to work by 9:30.. will check in tonight
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Cyclingbonnie:smile: Thank you for the laugh this morning:laugh: !!!!

    Just popping in to wish everyone a wonderful day:heart::bigsmile: !!!

    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in cloudy and soon to be rainy NC
  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    IF anyone needs this information, this is Hyland's website. It will tell you what store near you sell their products. They have several sleep remedies, no side effects. They work wonders. Lenny
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I've had an exceptionally stressful week. Mostly centered around the care of my MIL. I thank you all for being so understanding. Dementia is hard to deal with, she has quit sleeping at night, so it makes it doubly hard for us to get enough sleep. Throw a puppy into the mix, and I'm walking around half dead :happy: Wouldn't give either of them up, just hard. I'm so happy that my husband isn't one to sit back and not do anything, he is right in there doing his fare share and telling me to take care of myself.

    I haven't worked out all week and I know that is messing with my head, as I'm basically a workout junkie. I just haven't been able to. First real big ride of my season is tomorrow and I wasn't even thinking about doing it. Last night I decided what the heck, I love doing it, and I've put in the work for it. So tomorrow I set off for my first Metric Century of the year. May do the whole thing, may not, but I will be out there in the morning with all the beautiful spandex clad cyclist riding through the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. Wish me luck. I have bought a brand new Jersey and Cycling shorts for the occasion a full two sizes smaller :drinker:

    I'll try to take some time while I'm riding tomorrow and take photos … hopefully I can share with you.

    Grandmallie - Sorry about the migraine … I suffered for years with them, painful and auras. I don't get them anymore, I'm hoping it stays that way … occasionally when I've eaten really bad, or haven't hydrated enough I'll get auras. I hope to never suffer from a full blown migraine again, and I hope yours goes away.

    Have a great day!

    Bonnie in the Mountains of NC