Mini Smiles.. Can I just say something?



  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Hi there - love the thread - this is just such a positive place for all of the above reasons...

    Now if I could figure out how to post a picture to this infernal thing, I'd prove how awesome you all are...

    just put the web address for the picture in between these tags


    and change the IMG to lowercase img.

    If it's your own picture, you need to upload it to photobucket or some other photo posting site. :)

    p.s. "Quote" this reply for a visual
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Pretty much all the things already listed here, lol.

    I love seeing double digits lost on tickers.
    I love seeing great informative posts.
    I love seeing the people on my friends list logging in for triple, or even quadruple digit days.
    I love seeing my MFP friends working hard for their goals.
    I love seeing my own progress, how much more I can do now compared to before.
    I love putting on an old pair of shorts and having them literally fall off.
    A sunny afternoon and a nice long walk.

    These kinds of things make me smile. :)