
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hi All, Weds! I am so looking forward to the week-end already. Tonight two of the ladies I met at the Monday picnic are coming for a work out session. I have a work- out room, weights, balls, mats and things so I am conducting a mini ab class to help prepare for my first one here at work next week. Saturday my DD and DGChidren are going to the butterfly exhibit at our local conservatory. I am looking forward to spending the time with them.

    Katla, I agree, kids really do need school and so much more. We have an after school program at our Y and the kids always seem to be hungry, for food, for attention, affection, it’s a sad situation.

    Carol, So glad your daughter is doing well. I hope you get your house back together soon.

    Kim NC, I do feel a level of security meeting them and knowing who is around when I’m not. Great picture by the way.

    I guess I better get to work. everyone have a blessed and healthy day today.
    Welcome to our newbies.

    Patty, Cincinnati OH

    Sylvia, Love the story of the pants. Timing really is everything and God does have a way of making things happen. Doesn’t it feel awesome to be part of that!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    morning kids~ it was very hot yesterday here in connecticut,now down in the 50's geesh.. my allergies making waking up so draggy:grumble:
    I havent been getting into the swing of things.. im in a rut I guess. but this has been a long rut, almost 6 months:explode:
    think I have to change things up a bit.. have to stratigize something different...
    wait for the laundry to come out of the dryer then go for a race walk, at least it is something
    taking my friend out for her birthday tomorrow, so she can pick where she would like to go...
    have to work this saterday ,this will be the last day for our associate Dr, he is such a nice man, and we all wish him well..
    DH and I were talking this weekend ,he plans to retire in about 4 yrs, so we have to start planning to update what we need to in the house.. we have to update the cabinets and some of the appliances in the kitchen and do the master bath..
    we have asbestos tiles on the floor in the basement, and I was arguing with him this weekend NOT to touch them.... they are fine and if you try and take them up it will be a hazmat situation...so I had to find something on the internet and send it to him..
    we also have to rip up carpeting in the living room and redo the hardwood, there are a couple of places that need to be patched up
    will have to figure it out as we go I guess..
    So glad Bodi is home, I know it is tough to try and do what you need to do...
    Barbie, I inspire to be you...wow you sure get alot of walking in.... my girlfriend has lost alot of weight with Isinagex, she is on her second cleanse...I would try it ,but just cant afford it
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I'm working towards normal. My mother-in-law passed on Monday morning. My husband and I are doing fine, we are sad, we are tired, but we are fine. It will take a little while, but we are adjusting.
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good morning everyone! Feel like I'm still recovering from the weekend. Spent it in Charlottesville, Va with husband, dd#2, Sister and brother in law... visiting vineyards (delish!) and taking in the sights of the Shenandoah. Did pretty well until we drank too much wine.... so to "soak" it up we dove into too many french baguettes! I do so much better when I don't eat bread... it was fun though!

    We came home Sunday but yesterday we returned to Charlottesville in a rented Budget truck to move said DD#2's furniture out of her apt. She'll sleep on the floor for another week. Unfortunately for us she had class, so DH and I moved all furniture out, into truck, then off truck and into storage unit. We do spoil our children don't we???? Love them dearly too.

    This weekend we have family coming into town for DD#1 engagement party. I woke this morning and thought, "ok, I'm going to do this smarter eating thing... at least for two weeks", and then I realized I have more partying to come... must try and be smart.

    I've skimmed through the posts. I rarely have time to reply, but I love the way we keep track of each other here.
    DeeDee... sounds like you're having the whole house remodeled!
    Meg... a whole book written! Impressive! What a good family to bring you sustenance. Praying for your daughter and her decisions.
    Exermom.--- you inspire me with your variety and consistency with exercise.
    City Jane... I'd love to have a vacation home in France... my favorite place on the planet.
    Yannie Jannie.... Good luck with your daughter. Do you have to move her to a new place with this equestrian job? Let me know if you want to walk Trashmore and blow off steam!
    Grandmaille... definitely don't touch those asbestos tiles. In one of our former homes we laid tile on top of it. Have you seen the insurance commercials/lawsuits for all the asbestos causing diseases? Not worth playing with.

    After our umpteenth trip to Charlottesville this month, we are seriously considering retiring there when sweet DH finally retires. It's scary to go somewhere we get to choose... and with no one else there we know. After 34 years in the navy being told where to go, it's such a novel idea.... Where would you retire to if you could move anywhere???

    Have a beautiful day all... off to walk the cute pooch before the supposed storms hit.
    tammy in Va Beach
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I think I will just sit here and cry! I had a very long post written and it just disappeared. I have no idea what happened. I'm using a regular keyboard and there is NOTHING near my pinky to make a post disappear. :sad: :sad: :sad: The cosmos is against me!! :angry:

    Anyway, I'll just say that I am struggling hard right now and wishing the best for each of you.

    Carol in NC
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 540 Member
    Bumping to save my place.
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Carol, Did you try the undo button?

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Slargus: Welcome. Anybody can lose weight by counting calories and exercising. When we get a bit older, it takes a lot longer. :grumble: You just have to be persistent (stubborn) about it.:flowerforyou:

    REENSTATI: Welcome. This system works reliably, but not quickly. To get the weight off and keep it off, you’ll have to learn new habits. Measuring portions is the best possible strategy combined with exercising. Many of us have purchased food scales. Measuring cups are better than estimating. I use a combination of both. Come here often for moral support.:flowerforyou:

    Patty: You’re absolutely right that kids are hungry for food, attention, and affection. Too many are also hungry for emotional and/or physical safety.:cry::flowerforyou:

    Alison: You’re right about leaving the asbestos tiles alone or covering them up in place. I hope your DH listens to you on that score. I thought you were planning to retire in Florida. We have friends who moved there and love it. They both have family members who live there, too, including grandchildren there. We’ve decided to retire in place. My cousin and his wife are now snowbirds and quite happy with that strategy.:flowerforyou:

    Cyclingbonnie: I’m sorry about the loss of your DMIL, and sending good thoughts your way.:flowerforyou:

    Tammy: You can party and stick to the diet by rigorously counting calories. Take a page from Heather’s book. She loves entertaining and manages to have just a taste of the things that are high calorie. Michele gives things away to deal with leftovers. That works, too. My strategy is to have healthy things out for everyone and pay attention to my portion sizes. I have to admit that I’m not a frequent hostess but people seem to enjoy coming to our house when we do have a bunch over. :flowerforyou:

    DH is under the weather today. For some reason his blood sugar is all out of whack so we’re staying home and taking care of him rather than going to the acupuncture doctor. I was also planning to go to the Portland Nursery for a tomato cage and another blueberry plant, so that will have to wait.:ohwell:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!
    Welcome to all the new ladies.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Cyclingbonniie-sorry about your MIL:sad:
    Have a good one.
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart:
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Popped in to enter food and checked in here.
    Cyclingbonnie, SO sorry to hear about DMIL, prayers and thoughts with you and family.

    I'm going to Panera for lunch with a friend, I got on line and picked out what I'm having and have logged it. I feel like I've been really wasting my time and efforts by not logging. I know I eat more and eat the wrong things when I don't log and that's exactly why I've not been doing it. No more, I am a personal trainer, I believe in eating right and I need to lead by example. How can I expect to help others if I don't.

    Does anyone watch the Extreme Weight Loss show. It was on last night. The girl on it lost 150 lbs in one year. That's a lot. I know they are medically supervised but I do wonder what the plan is and the longer term issues, if there are any. The girl last night had three sons and worked two jobs. She spent 90 days away and then returned to her daily life to lose the rest. I sure don't know how whe did it.

    Oh well, better get back to work.

    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Katla~ yes we are retiring to Florida, that is why we have to get this house in shape before we list it, which hopefully wont be for another 4 yrs...
    went for my race walk and got caught in a rainshower, oh well, and as I was walking saw a poor birdie get hit by a car:sad: broke my heart...
    well off to the shower and get ready for work, then over to see my DFIL before work...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    REENSTATIN - IMHO I think that is a very ambitious target. 40 lbs in 4 months! Of course it is doable, especially if you are very overweight, but for most people, me included, that would be a struggle. Aim for a lb a week over the long term and you may be pleasantly surprised. I averaged 5 lbs a month in the early days and then it slowed to a trickle for the last few lbs! Good luck!

    Slargus - I echo Katla - the secret is weighing and measuring everything and rigorous logging. Most of us eat much more than we think and "guestimating" and having "cheat" days is not going to do it. I am still logging every day even though I am at target, because I know I would go way off if I didn't. Even though I exercise a LOT I still have to be very, very careful with what I eat. Cooking your own food from scratch is a help. If you have a busy job you can batch cook at the weekend or use a slow cooker. There are so many books and websites to help with lower calorie eating. Persistence is essential. This is it for the rest of our lives now. No parole.:laugh: :laugh: :wink:

    Tammytyler - what Katla says is true, though I am no angel. My strategy is to only eat the things that are fabulous and leave things that I am so so about. So no bread, potatoes, boring meat etc. I would have large portions of veg and salad, without dressings, and eat delicious things in moderation. That way I don't feel deprived. I am happiest when I am in control of the cooking and there are some places where there is very little that I want to eat. That's OK as well. I'm not going to die of hunger and always have some nuts in my purse to stave off a hypo. With desserts I literally have a taste of someone else's. :laugh: Don't forget to count in the calories for the wine! Sometimes I wish I could wave a magic wand and have the superpower of being able to eat whatever I wanted, but that is just not an option except for the rarest day and I am OK with that. When I went to my DSIL'S 60th birthday dinner I was sitting next to my thin nephew so I gave him most of my main course and just ate my favourite thing, the black pudding and the veg. I did eat all of the first course, the crab risotto, becsuse it was utterly delicious!:bigsmile: For dessert I just had a half spoonful of someone's panna cotta. I had no pre dinner nibbles. Yes, it was hard, but it can be done if you want it enough. :flowerforyou:

    Had a lovely morning with my yoga friend doing a session of rigorous yoga. Excellent. I have asked her if she wants to come up to London with me to see an exhibition of Folk Art. I hope she will. Like a lot of country people she is nervous of going to London and navigating the Tube system, but with me as her guide .............:bigsmile: Also on Sunday there is a Gardening and Craft Show nearby, so I might go to that after I have dropped DH off at the cricket. She might be there.
    Also I asked the couple who rented us the house in France over for dinner on June 20th and they said yes! ! ! !:bigsmile: Hooray! They are off to their house again v soon so we can hesr how they got on. I love having a dinner party to plan for!:love: She is on a diet so will have to put my thinking cap on!
    It's nice for us as we do not have a lot of friends nearby so I hope it works out. He is going to be painting our bedroom in October.

    We went to the garden centre this pm and spent a load of money! Just more flowers for the patio pots and weedkiller and fungus killer, but it all adds up!:cry:
    Tomorrow we go up to London to see the grandchildren. :love: :heart: :love: Six hours travelling for four hours with them, but it is soooooooo worth it.:heart::heart: :smooched:

    Love to all, Heather in gloomy Hampshire UK
    REENSTATI Posts: 2
    Katla and CityJanet, Thank you both for your encouragement. CityJanet, I am sure you are right that it's an ambitious goal but I thought maybe it would be better to aim high. I guess it's more important to persevere.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just a real quick note this morning, will talk more later. Weighed 174.6 today!!!!!!!!! I remember when I first saw that 175 number hos much it shocked me. i felt like going and bouncing on my husbands bed to wake him up. Granted it finally landed on 175.6 but it stay there for over a month. Then the other day it was 175.4 and then ,2 yesterday so I thought that was what I was going to see today. But no. 174.6!!!!!! My husband was still in bed and there was no one to hear me squeal with delight!!!! So you guys are it, did you hear it all around the world????? I was so wanting to be able to be able to tell my neurologist I had lost 60 pounds. My appointment is Tuesday of next week. I don't know if I will make it since it has been so slow but whatever it is I will be proud. It's still a long way to at least 140

    Joyce, Indiana
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Hello again ladies

    The last time I wrote on here I was ranting about how my dog bit someone and I was afraid of what would happen. I found out that the wound was only a surface wound, but, of course, we may not know the final outcome for many months. Milo is finally off the house quarantine and things are back to normal. We have installed metal clips on our driveway and porch so Milo can be out there with us when we are gardening, but will still be leashed. We will probably also get a “Beware of Dog” sign.

    That pales in comparison to a real family tragedy. My niece, who is around 40 years old and unmarried, wanted to have a baby. She went through the artificial insemination process and became pregnant. She was ecstatic! She learned she was having a girl. In March, her family threw her the biggest shower I ever attended. She got many beautiful gifts. She was positively glowing! She had just moved into a new home, and was finishing the nursery. I got a message from her mom saying to call her back. I figured she had the baby. I had seen a post on Facebook by her saying she was going into labor and couldn’t wait to see her baby’s beautiful little face. I was horrified to find out that the baby didn’t make it. The birth was complicated, and for some reason, the baby was not able to come down. By the time they performed an emergency C section, the baby had been deprived of oxygen for almost a half hour. She was 9 pounds and 2 ounces, but was critical. Two days later she passed away. I cannot even imagine the pain my niece is going through. Needless to say, she does not want to talk to anyone. The funeral will be private, as she cannot even face the entire family. I cannot get this out of my mind. There are no words to ease her pain. She will probably never have children. I’m not sure she would go through this again. I am sad beyond words for this beautiful girl who had so much to give. Please pray that she will find the strength to get through this very difficult time. I know that God has a plan, and I do believe that everything happens for a reason, but it’s hard to understand why something like this could happen and accept it.:brokenheart:

    I hope everyone is doing well. I had read the posts, but there are so many more and I keep falling behind.

    Previous and Current Goals:

    Consistent logging (Could be better)
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day (70%)
    Find an exercise class I enjoy (NOT YET-STILL LOOKING!!!)
    RUNNING OUTDOORS (Started, but hoping to be more consistent)
    LOWER SODIUM FOODS (Not lately!)

    Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling.

    Lucy in DE.:cry:
  • NenaC
    NenaC Posts: 21 Member
    Greetings everyone.....hump day!!! Just checking in to record and catch up quickly.. This is the happening place for sure.....true examples of living life. Sending warm wishes to all.:heart: We got rain in Central Texas :bigsmile: FINALLY!!! Feel like everything has had a good bath.:laugh: :laugh:

    Wishing all the newbies and returners.....SUCCESSES:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Cyclingbonnie warm thoughts to you and your family. Sorry for the pain and loss you are all feeling. The whole left is best filled up with the love and memories of her life. Blessings to you all:flowerforyou:

    Meg!!! Salute to you. Is this your first book. Congratulations!! Indeed a wonderful accomplishment!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Tammy in VA Beach. Retirement. places and choices....hm. I was kind of forced to relocate here but it is not bad. Having traveled and lived abroad I always thought that was what I would do when I hung up the work clothes. I thought it would be with my sweetheart of course, but everything is different now. I will tell you I lived on Crete and just loved it there:love::love: . I had a home on the Agean Sea and I have longed to return. There are many ex-pat's who are living abroad because it can be cheaper and rewarding. America has many wonderful places too, but being near family is always important. My husband and I spent a few days in Charlottesville and loved it. We enjoyed history together and that place is loaded. After our children moved away we began taking anniversary trips to celebrate our life together. We would just get in the car and go. He always planned the direction only rule was no radio, no phone and no interstates. Best thing we ever did. Met the nicest people on those back roads:happy: :happy:

    Katia. you do indeed live in a beautiful place. I use to work for Timberline in Portland and traveled there many times. Happy Wednesday to you!

    Heather, greetings across the pond::flowerforyou: . I hope you have fun with those grands in London. I am off here to see another one of mine in a play to celebrate the end of school. They all have three more days. Summer awaits with all the fun and discoveries.:happy: I have spent hours studying about England. My number one item on my bucket list is to travel to see England Ireland and Scotland. I also have on that list a walk across England founded by Alfred Wainwright. It goes from St. Bees Head across to Robin Hood's Bay. There is a sponsored tour with a guide from here in America but the waiting list is long and I am still trying to loose more weight to get in shape. Time will tell, a goal and dream for now. :heart:

    Got to run and pack.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: . Leave you guys with one of my favorite comments, "Winners are not people who have failed but peole who just never quit." :drinker: :drinker:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    NenaC - what's wrong with Wales? ? ? ? ? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Good Afternoon,

    Katla I agree with what you said about hunger in America and it being part of the anxiety of the school age children. They worry once summer break starts where their meals will come from.

    I also agree with what you said contributes to the obesity epidemic. In this country because the food that is higher in nutrient value is more expensive. Some parents have banded together and picketed the quick stops near schools that cater to selling children junk food.. It also takes more than just making good food available. A friend of mine provided a wonderful salad from her garden to contribute to a meal for the homeless. It was so foreign to them that few took it. In St. Paul Schools they have provided fruits and vegetable as snacks to get children to have more exposure to healthier alternatives.

    Patty I watched extreme weight loss last night too. It was inspiring to watch her lose the 150 pounds and how she got there. I wish they would celebrate the weight they lose instead of making them reach a certain weight loss number at a certain time. To me it would be better if they did percentage body fat lost and muscle gained. Also it would help if they had a follow up support program. I felt for how they portrayed the young man. Perhaps if they had done it as a father son there would have been more success. The father looked like he needed help too. Hopefully the young man will join MFP and prove them wrong. There is more than one way to take off weight.

    Lucy so sorry for your niece’s loss. There are no words.:flowerforyou:

    Meg prayers for this trying time in your family. No good answer for your daughter as she tries to figure out the best for her baby.:flowerforyou:

    Today I will watch my portions,, so I wake to a healthier me.

    2014: contentment
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Good Wednesday morning and sounds like going to be another hot day. Yesterday it reached 90s. After I got off work we went riding on the motorcycle to Central City and ate supper. I go to the doctor after work today and plan to walk. I am going to have him check my left leg while there as it has been feeling strange. From knee down hurts and feels like it is huge. Can't see that it looks different, but has been hard to get comfortable at night.
    Meg--hugs to you and DD#1. What upsets me most about our welfare system is it makes is easy to stay on and with all the help with rent, food and etc it pays more then working. I have a step daughter that has been on it for years and I get so upset, but she says with everything they give her she can't afford to go to work. I keep asking her what about the pride of taking care of yourself and family?? What can we as parents do?? She knows how I feel.
    Sylvia--God works in his own way. Glad you were able to help the mom. Even with all that is going on with you they did not try and get you in sooner?? Did they put you on the list if something opens up sooner? Please take care of you!!!
    Joyce--Hope DH had a better night and no pain this morning. Congrates on the loss, Celebrate!!!
    Cyclingbonnie--Prayers and Hugs for your loss. Was she ill? I lost my dad March 27th and still adjusting.
    Katla--hope DH is feeling better soon.
    Lucy--Big prayers and hugs to all of you! I remember when we lost our baby, words just don't seem to cover it.

    I realized today that when I lose 9 more pounds I will be where I was in the 5th grade and 11 years old. I remember that as I was going to a small school and at the beginning of the year the took height and weight and posted on the hall wall. Must say I have mixed feelings as I never thought I would be at 210 again. Happy rest of the day as it is about time to get off work and going to walk to my doctors appointment.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Joyce – Meal time as a rut is a drag. Could you take a cooking class? And maybe cook one night a week. I wish you were close to Heather or to me – we’d teach you! :laugh: Congrats!!!! Way Way awesome! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Slargus & Reenstati – Welcome – 40 lbs by oct is a lot but you could make a big dent in it… The best advice is check in everyday – log every bite and stop by to get cheered up, and supported.

    Bonnie – thinking of you and your hubby, take care

    Carol – hang in, hoping for the best for you.

    Katla – great advice to the newbies! Take care of dh!

    Patty – I don’t watch those shows but someone I talked to did and said that there had been and article/show/exposé saying that over 50% didn’t keep any of it off long term.

    Lucy in DC – So glad to hear that Milo and that situation is ok; but your niece – oh my… I got teary just reading that.:cry: Sending good thoughts to her and your family

    Another day, book club is meeting here tonight; and tomorrow I am hosting a BBQ for some of the neighbors... for the BBQ I am doing sausages on homemade rolls, corn, salad and pie. We just do wine for Bookclub usually but caught an email from some of the gals asking if I was making dinner:noway: I'll have to call the coordinator and check on what's up with that....

    gota keep on keeping on...

    Kim in northern california