Freelee yay or nay?



  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    I am a vegetarian and I find Freelee and Durian both to be a couple of blowhard nut bags that do more harm than good to the vegan/vegetarian reputation.

    Exactly, they are like the Beevis and Butthead of veganism.
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    Science/studies have shown that we were created to eat protein, carbs AND fat.

    So you believe in creation? Nice, so do I.

    Gen 1:28,29 God created humans. Then he gave them their diet. Plants. Then Nimrod, the mighty hunter in opposition to God, came along.

    So Adam and Eve in the Garden, what did they eat on day one? You think they went and killed a cow for dinner? Or did they enjoy a juicy mango? Or 20.

    How many thousands of years did man eat plants, according to the Bible? Yes it changed later on. But did it have to? Which is healthier?

    wait, so you've adapted creationism to fit veganism? that sure is an interesting variation on "we evolved to eat plants".

    which just shows that people choose to believe whatever they want to believe.

    It's too early for this crap.
    I thought, based on the Bible, the Earth is only something like 5,000 years old, right? So it couldn't have been that long since Adam and Eve get cast out pretty early on in the story.

    It actually doesn't give an age at all. Many moons ago a theologian tried adding up the ages from the lines of people listed in there and came up with something like 6000 years. Even though that's a really stupid way to go about things and is obviously inaccurate, it kinda stuck with some Christian groups.

    Not that I'm a Christian anymore, or that I was ever a good one to begin with, but I know some things about some things.