Official "Get Friends" Thread



  • ABabilonia
    ABabilonia Posts: 622 Member
    Same goals here, but my main goal is to lose overall weight. Feel free to add me:smile:
  • stephenson_650
    stephenson_650 Posts: 5 Member
    same here it would be great to know more people with the same goals !
  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    I'm a walker/spinner looking for fun, interactive supporters who log in regularly.
  • Runner, cyclist (road & mountain bike) cross fit enthusiast, looking for any and all friends.
  • derekwynn1
    derekwynn1 Posts: 14 Member
    Add me! dont have many friends on here and would love to see some motivation from you guys!
  • roundy22
    roundy22 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey all, would love some more friends for motivation, my goal is to get in great shape and lean! Add me if you want to :)
  • maizerage66
    maizerage66 Posts: 367 Member
    Same goals here! I'm doing a body recomp next month after I finish my cut and will be looking to gain mass and strip the last bit of fat. Lifting heavy and eating smart is the key and I am determined to get where I want to be. Anyone can add me, I'm always on and love providing support to others! People love looking at my diary for all the meals I make too :D
  • mefjenk
    mefjenk Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 52 and I'm looking for friends around my age that want to stay fit, keep the belly off, build muscle mass, maintain an optimum weight, and generally stay in good physical condition even though it's not as easy as it used to be!
  • moijo6
    moijo6 Posts: 121
    some active friends would be nice :smile:
  • sllida
    sllida Posts: 115 Member
    been on here for some time now and do have some friends on here but noticed that i dont have hardly any active friends anymore so would love to find some frineds that are active again
  • Need friends wanting to join whole squaddddd!
  • Codthegreat
    Codthegreat Posts: 25 Member
    20 y/o from California and time to burn off this lazy summer weight! Feel free to add me anyone :)
  • Just another meathead. In Boston but just moved here from Australia
  • XnnyX
    XnnyX Posts: 8
    anyone feel free to add me! I log in daily and I would love to support others while I am on my own journey as well! Would love to see active friends on my list!
  • karencercone1
    karencercone1 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi - I am always looking for new friends to keep me motivated and accountable to keeping up with MFP logging. I am wanting to lose weight, and get toned, and get stronger!!!
  • swissmish
    swissmish Posts: 183 Member
    I have pretty much the same goals......gain muscle and strength and loss one weight as well. I am on daily and would love some more active and motivational and supportive friends
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I'm over 165 days in to this current stint, and am down 20lbs. Looking for active friends on here who like to interact! Feel free to add me (please include in you FR that you saw my post here; I don't accept blank requests.) Thanks! :)
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    Anyone feel delightfully free to add me. I am very chatty and love to catch up on here.
  • digistyle
    digistyle Posts: 40 Member
    I'm new to the site. I'm getting back into shape (again!). Feel free to add me. I've been blogging about my current fitness journey since October of 2013 (Vaporizing the Pounds -
  • PriscillaLaine
    PriscillaLaine Posts: 124 Member
    Hello, been here for a while but need to bump up the friend count, more friends = more mutual support!

    General goal of just looking the best I have ever, really (:

    Lose weight/tone up - the usual!