What is your goal BF%?



  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Anyone that's better at math/physics than me jump in about the math issue -- would taller people look slimmer with the same bf percentage of someone significantly smaller?

    I think so since we're talking about 3-d objects (as 2-d objects, the relationship would be linear).

    If you took two people with the same BF%, weight, and fat distribution pattern but were different heights, yes the taller person would appear to have less fat.

    This usually isn't the case, though, as taller people in general weigh more than their shorter counterparts and would therefore have more fat at the same BF%.

    Most of what accounts for people appearing thinner at a higher BF% is based on how their fat is distributed. A person whose fat is distributed completely evenly will appear thinner than a person at the same BF% who has less fat on their arms and legs but a big pudge on their belly.
  • bc2ct
    bc2ct Posts: 222 Member
    Anyone that's better at math/physics than me jump in about the math issue -- would taller people look slimmer with the same bf percentage of someone significantly smaller?

    I think so since we're talking about 3-d objects (as 2-d objects, the relationship would be linear).

    I don't think so -- except as a perception thing. I mean... I have as much lean mass as a regular sized person and then an entire toddler of fat mass. So I guess I look like a normal person being cuddled by a toddler.

    Okay. That got a bit abstract. I think that because we are talking about a % of fat relative to body size, there won't be a difference in the appearance of a 6ft2 person with 25% BF and a 5'2 person with 25% BF. It is worth noting though that the aesthetic differences in those comparison photos are probably mostly due to stance. You'll notice that the sub-20% women are standing in classic body builder poses and are flexing whereas the 25% + women are standing in "modest-feminine" (I'm not saying they're more feminine bodies, don't jump down my throat!) poses with their muscles relaxed. My favourite is the 15-17% girl who looks pretty darn similar to the 25% girl but has her hands in the "arm clench pose" and is extending her stomach whereas Ms.25% had her arms back and relaxed and is leaning slightly forward (which makes her chest look bigger).

    Anyways, all I'm saying is that the body fat pictures are not particularly scientific. Even this is a better gauge -- though again, no substitute for scientific testing.

  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    20% (give or take a percent).
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member

    Anyways, all I'm saying is that the body fat pictures are not particularly scientific. Even this is a better gauge -- though again, no substitute for scientific testing.


    I find this^ to be a terrible gauge. And that^ 25% looks nothing like your 25%. I think it really depends on muscle mass, considering that bf% can be affected by the lean mass; and for example the graphic, it really depends on how much lean mass she has under that fat, taking up volume under the fat, as to what SHE looks like vs. what someone with different lean mass would look like.

    It'd be so much simpler to show someone in a standard pose who has retained lean mass but who has gone through several different bf%s--same person, same height, similar lean mass, same pose, with only fat changing. Couldn't some grad student do a thesis and come up with something like this and post it up to the interwebz for heaven's sake?!:bigsmile:
  • mistiblake08
    mistiblake08 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm currently at 33% and my goal is 18-20%.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    25% body fat is good for me...

    Me too :)
  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    10% but I don't know if I can do it.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    There are many posts regarding "ideal" weight or goal weight. I'm not focused on a number on the scale, but rather a BF%. My immediate goal is a BF% of 35%. (I'm currently at 43.2%, started a 56+%). 35% puts me at the high end of the "healthy" range for my age. My ultimate goal is 28%, the mid range of healthy.

    What's your goal BF% and why?

    Good for you to be looking at BF rather than BMI.
    My goal is 21%
  • Siriku
    Siriku Posts: 22 Member
    10% but I don't know if I can do it.

    You can :).
  • madbrainDotCom
    madbrainDotCom Posts: 193 Member
    About 15%.

    Several body fat scales say I'm only at 22% body fat.
    Unfortunately, it seems that all the fat is concentrated in my belly.
    My jeans have gone from size 28 at age 18 to size 36 now at 37 ...

    I'm a short man (5'6").

    You really don't want to see the pictures of that waist, and what 22% BF looks like on me.
    My BMI is 26 which is most definitely considered overweight. And I feel low energy most of the time. Really have to lose that weight.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I dunno, 20%, because that's the point that I expect to be relatively happy with the fat store on my legs...
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Anyone that's better at math/physics than me jump in about the math issue -- would taller people look slimmer with the same bf percentage of someone significantly smaller?

    I think so since we're talking about 3-d objects (as 2-d objects, the relationship would be linear).

    that is quite possible...logically it makes sense...just like Staci (yes that one) who looks slimmer at 142 than she did at 131...all in perception of what you are looking at.

    If we're talking nerdfitness Staci, I thought that was due to better body comp -- as she put on a lot more muscle at 142 rather than 131. I didn't know about her body fat -- did that stay the same or reduce?

    Yes that STaci..not sure of her BF% just giving an example of perception and how it can be skewed based on what you are "used to"

    I wouldn't be surprised if her body fat percentage was just about the same in both pictures in the blog. What increased was her lean body mass. Having more lean mass = looking better that higher body fat percentage.
  • lilmegsx9
    lilmegsx9 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm looking at 20% as a goal right now. I think I'm about 35% BF at the moment. Even if I can get to 25% BF I'll be happy.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I'm 27-28% now and I want to be 22-20%. I am 5'5" and weigh 168-173 on any given day at my current BF percentage. According to BMI, I'm totally overweight. :)
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    I am around 17% Would like to be 15% or so
  • bethcox16
    bethcox16 Posts: 229 Member
    i'm around 15%, but would like to be at around 12% ish
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    First goal is 20% and then I'll evaluate and see if I want to continue down to 18%.

    And for anyone curious about the various methods to estimate body fat %:

  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    I'm 24% and I'm heading towards 20-22%.

    It seemed to move a lot faster back when I was 48%, hehe.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Anyone that's better at math/physics than me jump in about the math issue -- would taller people look slimmer with the same bf percentage of someone significantly smaller?

    I think so since we're talking about 3-d objects (as 2-d objects, the relationship would be linear).

    that is quite possible...logically it makes sense...just like Staci (yes that one) who looks slimmer at 142 than she did at 131...all in perception of what you are looking at.

    If we're talking nerdfitness Staci, I thought that was due to better body comp -- as she put on a lot more muscle at 142 rather than 131. I didn't know about her body fat -- did that stay the same or reduce?

    Yes that STaci..not sure of her BF% just giving an example of perception and how it can be skewed based on what you are "used to"

    I wouldn't be surprised if her body fat percentage was just about the same in both pictures in the blog. What increased was her lean body mass. Having more lean mass = looking better that higher body fat percentage.

    Her bf% is quite a bit lower at the higher weigt... she may have the same lba of fat but 25 lbs of fat is a higher % of 131, than it is at 142. 19% vs 17.6. and she may even have less fat at the heigher weight. usually done from at least a couple bulj and cut cycles