How did it go yesterday?



  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 265 Member
    What is going on?!? I've been landscaping all week; I put in a long day yesterday. 9 hours of landscaping - including moving about 25 small "boulders" 120 ft. on a dolly, from the back to the front yard. Some of those suckers weighed 200-300 lbs. Burned a LOT of calories, drank a lot of H2O, and was careful with my calories. I'm on a 2 lb. loss per week goal - 1,350 calories a day. This week, I've earned a fair amount per day from exercise, and have had an average of 800 calories left over per day. A few days ago, I was down 2 lbs. Now, my scale is telling me I've gained it back?!? There's no way I could have gained 2 lbs. of muscle in 1 week, so what am I doing wrong? :(

    Have you taken in more sodium? Are you very sore from all of the work? If you are sore, remember that your muscles will retain water to repair.
  • wimom35
    wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
    Have you taken in more sodium? Are you very sore from all of the work? If you are sore, remember that your muscles will retain water to repair.

    Ugh. Yeah, I'm a bit sore - not too terrible, but I can feel it. Plus, I usually do go a bit over on my sodium. I don't think I eat a lot of "salty" foods, but it's hidden in stuff, you know? I think I'll take the day off from landscaping to rest and watch my sodium. I wanted to scream when I stood on the scale. LOL
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    So the weekend went super well! I was able to make smart choices when dining out AND I didn't have any sweets or junk food. While I was at a graduation party, I was served a piece of cake. It sat in front of me for a good while until my daughter passed by and I gave it to her. Where has all this willpower come from??
  • gokari30
    gokari30 Posts: 112 Member
    Well getting a new scale didn't solve anything---it weighed me differently on different hard surfaces in my house (wood floor vs. tile). I've decided to just stick with one place so it'll be accurate from week to week.

    Oh well, someone today complimented me because she thought I'd lost some weight, so who cares that the scale says this week!
  • KreeativeKat
    KreeativeKat Posts: 27 Member
    It could have been me writing this post. Last week, for four days I was out in the garden from morning to early evening. Digging, weeding, moving soil, cutting trees. According to my exercise chart I used thousands of calories. I stuck to my 1200 a day, and have managed to lose a paltry half pound. Is it age, is it metabolism - most definitely not muscle. At times like this I need to pull out all the willpower and not compensate by putting my hand in the biscuit tin.