pressing pizza concerns of enormous magnitude..



  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I'd like to see all the anti-fork-and-knife eaters try using their hands to eat a Chicago style pizza.

    I could argue that Chicago style isn't pizza, but that has the potential to start "The Great Pizza War of Almost-mid 2014" and we all know that wouldn't be pretty.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Really? Even a sammich? Why? Don't be ashamed, some people just ain't hand food people.

    I'm a hand food person.

    hand foods:

    burritos (if not wet)
    won tons
    egg rolls
    "finger foods"
    pizza (except that ^ new dream I just witnessed)
    cheese plate
    bread and butter
    cinnamon rolls

    there are a lot.

    My default for all these things is hands. If however I were in a different state or country or in someone's home and ALL the people were doing ONE thing, I'd defer to that as I'd feel I might be missing some rule or cultural norm and would not want to be disrespectful or vulgar in front of them. In my own state or country or home, I think I know what's correct and wild horses would have to change my mind. Or my husband. Pretty much that's it.

  • ndwildbill
    ndwildbill Posts: 74 Member
    Eating pizza is like sex.... There is really no wrong way, but some ways are better than others! :-)
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    I went a month eating with just my hands. Spaghetti was fun. Casseroles were... interesting. Soup was a relief, drink it. Done.

    Any food can be finger food, but pizza is a must.

    Dang it. Now I want pizza...
  • Siigh_duck
    Siigh_duck Posts: 161 Member
    The only time I eat pizza with a knife and fork is when my teeth hurt from my braces, and I cannot actually bite the pizza with my front teeth.

    UGH AMEN , I hate having braces just because some foods are not even worth the trouble they cause -_- #apples
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    For me it depends on what time of pizza it is and what kind of restaurant. If it's an Italian thin pizza, then I'll eat it with a fork and knife. If it's the thicker American style ones, then I'll eat it with my hands. I pick the meat toppings off and eat those last with the crust haha
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I went a month eating with just my hands. Spaghetti was fun. Casseroles were... interesting. Soup was a relief, drink it. Done.

  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I went a month eating with just my hands. Spaghetti was fun. Casseroles were... interesting. Soup was a relief, drink it. Done.


    I'd say she's hitting Paleo hard but she said "spaghetti" so that's not it. I've always wanted to eat a steak with my hands over a fire while wearing a bear skin jacket. Then again, sitting on my *kitten* on my couch with a laptop and a beer isn't so bad.

    Edit: DIEQ
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    Those eating with utensils aren't human. Finish your slice, and then take care of the pod people, permanently... (Exception: Chicago deep dish, requires fork and knife.)
  • honsi
    honsi Posts: 210 Member
    So I'm in a restaurant tonight having pizza- I cut an slice, fold it over and eat it with my hands and I'm half way through when I look up and realise that everyone else is using a knife and fork, its never occurred to me to eat pizza with a knife and fork. So I'm wondering who's right and who's wrong? I'm in the UK , is it a British thing?

    I'm British and tend to eat my pizza with a knife and fork. Especially at a restaurant. I wouldn't dream of using my hands in a restaurant. British people only tend to eat garlic bread slices or bread with our hands. I even eat burgers with a knife and fork. espcially the ones that look like this:


    I can't figure out how to eat that otherwise.
    I am British btw not in the UK on holiday or anything. Its true when the burger gets to the last messy bit I might employ utensils but only if I have no other option. But what about chicken wings, ribs, pies, pasties, pakora, bhajis, samosas, chippie chips, surely you don't eat those with a knife and fork as well?
  • honsi
    honsi Posts: 210 Member
    For me it depends on what time of pizza it is and what kind of restaurant. If it's an Italian thin pizza, then I'll eat it with a fork and knife. If it's the thicker American style ones, then I'll eat it with my hands. I pick the meat toppings off and eat those last with the crust haha
    I read on t'internet that in Italy they use a knife and fork and the USA they use the hands.
  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member
    I'm from the UK, I'm British, I eat with my hands :happy:
  • bekim123
    bekim123 Posts: 391 Member
    I generally pick it up, unless I'm eating pizza in a cup.
  • honsi
    honsi Posts: 210 Member
    I generally pick it up, unless I'm eating pizza in a cup.
    Pizza in a cup?? is that a thing?
    Like in 'The Jerk' Cup-o-pizza...
  • kjarvo
    kjarvo Posts: 236 Member
    I am British btw not in the UK on holiday or anything. Its true when the burger gets to the last messy bit I might employ utensils but only if I have no other option. But what about chicken wings, ribs, pies, pasties, pakora, bhajis, samosas, chippie chips, surely you don't eat those with a knife and fork as well?

    It depends. If it's a chicken wings and ribs I don't eat - too messy. But chicken legs or a burger at a bbq - hands
    Pies with meal - knife & fork
    Pasties (from Greggs & places) - hands keeping it inside bag
    Pakora - never had
    Samosas & bhajis - Normally I eat with a meal - knife & fork
    Chippie chips - Knife & fork on plate with a pie lol (but out and about I'll get a plastic fork or use my hands)
  • i'm only using a knife and a fork if it's too hot to pick up and i can't wait to dive in....
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • la_te_ra_lus
    la_te_ra_lus Posts: 243 Member
    classy it up like costanza eating his snickers with a knife and fork ...

    but with pizza NEVER !!!
  • jennpaulson
    jennpaulson Posts: 850 Member
    I'll only use a knife and fork if it's a flimsy crust and the cheese and toppings are going to slide off and end up on my shirt.

    Along the same lines... with any food you hold to eat, my sister in law will not eat the part she was actually holding. She calls it the handle :huh: