First time gym disaster



  • grim_streaker
    grim_streaker Posts: 129 Member
    Being a disaster as you put it is pretty ordinary, don't sweat it. This is your first time in a gym, and you know what 20min for the first time is a good start... Keep it up my friend, just please don't give up... There's a first time for everything, and nobody does it perfect the first time.
    Give me a call when you have reached your 10th time and I'm sure there is another tone. ;)
  • yukimenoko
    yukimenoko Posts: 4
    Hello everyone,
    just letting you know that I managed to go back there today as the second time (some things came up during the past week and I couldn't go) and it went much better.
    I went there feeling more relaxed, I kept the words of you all in mind and I did it! I feel a bit less ashamed and a bit more proud of myself, I managed to stay in the class for the whole hour, at my own pace.
    Thank you so much everyone, I would've never been as much relaxed as I was if it weren't for your kind words.
    This is just the beginning and I am determined to become healthier. :)
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    Please hang in there, you have so much to gain! Don't let your anxiety get the best of you!

    Your instructor was right, it will get easier.

    One time I took an aerobics class, and the same thing happened to me. The instructor was very encouraging and helped me, because I kept coming back. It was a little embarrassing, I stayed in the back of the class, and had to take ALOT of breaks, and even by the end of the 12 week class I still wasn't doing everything that everybody else did, but by the end I had got used to it, lost my sense of awkwardness, and really was having fun and felt ok working hard. The other people in the class were kind to me, they saw me working hard, and left it at that, though I may have looked silly!

    Don't call it a disaster! 20 minutes is a great start!
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    Oh I just read that you already went back. Good for you, I'm glad it went better!
  • b218w
    b218w Posts: 76 Member
    I read your post and two things jumped out at me:

    1. You got out of the house and went to the gym!

    2. You exercised for TWENTY minutes!

    For a first step into a healthier lifestyle, these are both huge steps in the right direction! I also think the instructor sounds great and very understanding.

    Good for you! Focus on the positives and keep at it!

  • dracaene
    dracaene Posts: 21 Member
    I COMPLETELY understand. I tried Zumba, once upon a time and couldn't follow the instructor at all. Then a couple of years later I tried a step-class with my boyfriend. He loved step class and convinced me beforehand that I would have a great time. Well, I hated it. I couldn't keep up with the instructor, I could follow the steps, I kept running into the people beside me,... I left the class in tears after only 10 minutes. And I never went back. I decided that the horrible experience wasn't worth it for me. Instead, I gravitated towards yoga, which I CAN follow because it is at a much slower pace, or using the treadmill. And even more recently I have started strength training at the gym with a personal trainer. I am more dedicated than I ever had been before, but no way am I ever setting foot in any kind of cardio class ever again. And I don't need to!
  • Rachelc1992
    Rachelc1992 Posts: 246 Member
    You did 20 minutes more than you would have done if you stayed in your house!!

    I don't have confidence issues like you, but co-ordination, knowing my lefts and rights and keeping the timing ? Pft, I'm the worst! My instructor (who is lovely and I am now great friends with) couldn't stop laughing at me! And still to this day, I will do everything wrong and she'll be like "so everyone's got it apart from rachel..." Haha. I have been going to class for years, and I currently go to 10 a week. They are great for having fun, socialising and exercising at the same time.

    Stand at the back, nobody will be able to see you. Then when you get the hang of it you can move forward.

    Take a water bottle and next time, just stay in the room at the side until you feel better, that way you can't give up and you are still there watching the moves.

    Your not the first person it has happened to and it will get better :)! I hope you continue going because you will end up loving it! xx
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    1.) GOOD JOB for doing something new and getting off your butt.
    <as someone who has struggled with depression- I know how overwhelmingly difficult that can be>

    2.) You already were feeling anxious about going + you went to a class where there were other people who were already used to what they were doing.. that's intimidating. I've been a gym rat my whole life- and even I have a hard time getting up the gumption to walk into a fitness class- to me it's very overwhelming- so that's another HUGE accomplishment!!!. I much prefer the weight room!!!

    3.) anxiety + overwhelmed + workouts = A THING.

    But Jo-what does that even mean?

    My anecdotal story for you- I'm a dancer -I'm not a good musician- I didn't grow up with music- and I do not have much of an ear for it. (yet)
    As a dancer- sometimes you gotta learn things you don't always want to learn or that are really hard... well- we play finger cymbals in my class- they aren't a prop- they are a musical instrument- so not only do you need to learn to play- rhythms patterns and stuff- you have to do it in time- in tempo- AND you have to dance. oh yeah- AND be fabulous. LOL

    There are days in class- when i am so tired- and stressed- and I CANNOT get what we are doing... I stand in the back- and all I can do is the foot pattern and at best catch the ONE of the pattern (ONE e and a TWO e and a... right)
    Sometimes I just stand- tears are POURING down my face- I can't see- I can't breath- and I have a voice in my head that says you will NEVER be able to do this. and I do my best to either just do the foot pattern- or just play the cymbals... I have left the room to go do push ups and burpees...> i have stood there in class trying to not fling snot on people... and at best I learn the first 8 counts of something and no more because my brain just tries to shut down.

    I'm a professional. I have been dancing for almost a decade.
    I get PAID to perform and entertain- this is what I LOVE to do. And my brain says all that- and then goes- if you're so good why can't you do this??? My stupid brain has the power to cripple me and bring me to my knees.

    And one day I realized I wanted to learn this so bad that it didn't matter what I did - I was going to stay in the room- and I was going to do SOMETHING.

    I was going to play the one.
    I was going to do the feet.
    i was going to count.

    ANYTHING. That kept me there and focused. And not listening to that voice in my head.

    Anything worth doing takes time. And it absolutely can cripple you to the point of none functioning. you're brain is a powerful thing. It's OKAY to be upset- and it's okay to not get it. It takes time. You have to just keep pressing onward and upward- at whatever pace that is for you.

    But just remember it's YOUR brain. You can tell IT what to do. And no matter what you do- if you can stay present- and say NO brain- we are doing a thing today- even if it's just the feet- or just body weight- okay I need a break- but we are still going to be breathing- and we are going to stay present- this is a good thing.

    I say that all to tell you- it happens- even to people who have been practicing and doing things a while- it can still happen- and it's okay- it's normal to be frustrated and over whelmed- sensory over loaded- it's OKAY- not somethign to be angry or berate yourself about.

    Just do the best you can- pro tip about classes- you get better at them- and if it's a dance class- watch the feet first- figure out what the feet are doing then add the crazy stuff on top of it.

    That's some pretty good advice. Thank you for sharing.
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    Honey I breathe the gym and if I tried what you did I'd look like a clumsy person!! More power to you for doing it!! I have no balance or coordination haha.

    Just go in and do your thing're making an effort - that';'s all that matters.
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    Congrats for being brave and getting out there! That's an achievement in itself!

    If it makes you feel better the first 3 spin classes I attended I nearly passed out from my blood sugar dropping.
    I scared the instructor to death and it was VERY embarrassing. I know when I came back to try again my instructor was like "that's what you have to do, try, try again" but she was probably thinking, "great, this woman again..." lol

    Fast forward, I took classes for 2.5 years and then when my instructor retired she asked me to teach. (I didn't because I already work 2 jobs.)

    So keep at it!!! Also make sure you have water and if you think it's low blood sugar and not anxiety--- take a small bottle of juice.
  • conqueringsquidlette
    conqueringsquidlette Posts: 383 Member
    Well, you're impressive as all get out to me. You went back! You're kind of a rock star!