Stalled weight loss



  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    You might want to consider listening to vegans if you are trying to lose weight.

    Because going vegan is the only way to lose weight? How exactly have us who are not vegans managed to lose weight? Oh wait CICO.

    Sure, you can do it that way. Or you can ignore calories, eat as much food as you want, and be healthy and full of energy by eating a whole-foods, plant-based diet.

    And it isn't about simply losing weight. It is about being healthy and maintaining a healthy weight. Since vegans are the only dietary group in the US to maintain a healthy weight, you might want to consider that they know something most other people don't.

    Well here's something you know that I don't. Why did you decide to become a vegan?


    I went vegan for animal, environmental, and health reasons. I was a very unhealthy, overweight, and had extremely low energy.

    I know what you mean about eating *kitten* you don't like. I never liked salad until I reset my pleasure zone. Here is a video that explains what I mean.

    Now i can eat a salad without dressing, or a very simple raw dressing and I absolutely love it!

    And how do you figure the random population would be as motivated as you to be vegan, despite not having the same ethics and convictions regarding animals and the environment?

    Because most people do have a concern for their health and don't want to harm other people. Eating animal products starves millions of people because their food is fed to the animals in which wealthier nations consume.

    Whatever you have to tell yourself I guess :wink:
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I have had several in my journey :( . It sucks but it happens. Its my way of thinking that your bod is just playing catch up!!! Make sure you are eating adequate protein and give it time. Dont drop your cals way down, trust me you will be doing more harm than good!! Time is your friend, enjoy the ride :) and way to go!!! Keep it up!!!!
  • cmurra6745
    cmurra6745 Posts: 25 Member
    thats a start
  • AzaleaNicole38
    AzaleaNicole38 Posts: 102 Member
    I went to a wedding last night and ate lots of chicken and beef and dropped 2 pounds by the morning. There was however a vegan guest at my table that was very much overweight and ate salad all night. All I'm saying is the medium is (or is not?) the message.